Swamp Thing vs Man-Thing (DC vs Marvel)
Swamp Thing VS Man-Thing
"Nature has an order, a power to restore balance. I believe he is that power."
- Dr. Ishiro Serizawa
Swamp Thing, the Avatar of the Green and vegetative simulacrum of Alec Holland.
Man-Thing, the dreadful, fiery husk of Ted Sallis and guardian of the Nexus of All Realities.
In the unexplored depths of America’s murkiest swamps, whispers and murmurs of cryptids and strange gatherings are plentiful. But, no one would suspect that overwhelmingly grandiose powers and guardians of nature would take refuge in the dense environments within. Yet, such gods are suffering in ways privileged citizens could barely imagine. Sunken in their own depths of despair, isolation, existential horror, and silent fear, these monsters strive forward despite their long lost hopes for normal lives. However, even with their humanity barely intact, their vast amounts of power would cause chaos unbound if they ever clashed. Who would come out on top if it comes to that? Let’s find out!
DISCLAIMER: Like most DC vs Marvel fights, continuities and canon have gotten progressively simpler to composite over time. Marvel mainline comics will be examined for both Man-Thing and the specifics of the Nexus of All Realities, and Infinite Frontier effectively soft composited all mainline DC comic continuities into one. The Green is the same across the cosmology, so that will be covered as in-depth as possible, although this concept has been in a ludicrous amount of comics, so this will be covered to the best of my ability.
Another thing to note about both swamp creatures is that they’ve sometimes fluctuated as lineages or different versions of the same character. For Man-Thing, his Rebirth era effectively split the entity into two different characters, but the old version and new version have canonically fused together and fixed this distinction in-universe. There's also the runs where Man-Thing was controlled by a powerful entity known as Adam K’ad-Mon and where Ted grew independently and similarly powerful for an even shorter amount of time. For the sake of simplicity, these eras will all be differentiated by different names, but we’re primarily focusing on Ted Sallis and his capabilities as Man-Thing.
The Swamp Thing we’ll be primarily looking at is Alec Holland, although the New 52 somewhat muddles his origins with a different take on him. Originally, Alec Holland Swamp Thing was meant to be a man transformed into a grotesque plant monster, but Alan Moore retconned his backstory to be that he was always the monster that simply absorbed the man’s memories for himself. The New 52 took the original approach and made it so that Alec Holland was transformed into the entity again, but their abilities are effectively the same and he loses his human body shortly.
The Green Champion operates on lineage rules, meaning that it’s a title passed down from each elemental across time. Currently, Alec Holland has basically retired and Levi Kamei has taken over the role as the current champion. Throughout most comic runs, Alec Holland has been stated to not only be the most proficient at using the Green, but every avatar shares the same power set, memories, and strength relative to the realm anyway. There was also a large amount of time where he became godlike after attaining various links to other elemental kingdoms, a power set that stayed until he was forced to give them up in order to thwart Sargon’s evil plans, so that era will be differentiated for the sake of simplicity as well. Therefore, we’ll be examining what each avatar could do since the champion inherits their memories anyway.
Character Version Keys:
Swamp Thing:
Classic Swamp Thing: Originally Alec Holland turned Swamp Thing before being retconned to having always been the entity with his absorbed, mimicked mind.
Swamp God: After completing all the elemental trials for each realm’s connections, gathering just four out of five of them elevated him to a powerful, godlike form.
New 52 Swamp Thing: After the New 52 reboot, Swamp Thing was now made of the original Alec’s body with the implication that the original Swamp Thing events happened.
Levi Kamei Swamp Thing: After Infinite Frontier, all previous Alec Holland Swamp Things were composited and retired as the avatar, leaving young Levi to take his place.
Classic Man-Thing: A result of Ted Sallis’s injection of his incomplete serum crashing his car into the Everglades Swamp, he became a mindless entity and Nexus Guardian.
Adam Man-Thing: After shattering the Nexus from his rejection of his duty, Man-Thing came into possession of the Staff of the Creator, which allowed Adam K’ad-Mon, the original, first Man of Lineage, to take over his body after a few fragments were gathered.
Lineage Man-Thing: As Adam grew independent of Man-Thing, Ted Sallis, Ellen Sallis, and the Nexus were drawn down into an aware, now powerful Man-Thing for one issue.
Rebirth Man-Thing: After working for the Thunderbolts and imbued with Satana’s magic, Man-Thing absorbed enough entities and fear to incubate as an “egg” before hatching upon transporting to the past as a new Man-Thing capable of universal speech.
Fused Man-Thing: The Classic and Rebirth Man-Thing met and briefly fought before they forcibly, canonically fused together to become a Man-Thing sometimes capable of thinking and sometimes not depending on the author writing him.
Swamp Thing
“If nature were to shrug or raise an eyebrow, then you should all be gone.”
Eons ago, at the dawn of creation, a primordial tree grew at the pinnacle of reality housing a mind of its own. Its roots spread across all of creation, and was the source of all magic throughout the multiverse. From this tree, the metaphysical realm of the Green, which represented all forms of plant life, spread across the cosmos and latched onto countless planets. Billions of years ago, as life evolved on a humble little place called Earth, the idea of a protector began to manifest a long legacy of entities throughout history. The plucked fates of living things once per era were converted into avatars made entirely out of vegetation to serve the natural order. However, unique among them was a man whose run as the Green’s champion was like no other.
Alec Holland lived an ambitious, yet idealistic life as an accomplished biochemist alongside his wife and lab partner, Linda Holland. Their work was so noteworthy amongst the environmentalist scientific community that it garnered the attention of government contractors. Under the watchful eye of their handler, Matthew Cable, the Hollands worked tirelessly in a secret laboratory hidden deep within the bayous of Louisiana. Their secret project involved synthesizing a bio-restorative formula that could potentially accelerate plant growth to the point that it could seamlessly restore deforestation or even create gardens out of deserts. However, such a potent formula naturally drew the unwanted attention of seedier “private contractors”. Shady men stopped by the secret lab of the Hollands and offered a discreet, under-the-table payment for the batch. Ever the boy scout, Alec refused to put his work on the market for them to do who-knows-what with! Unbeknownst to any involved, this firm decision would change the planet forever.
Frustrated at his refusal, the men would arrive later at night with the intention of sabotaging the scientists and recovering whatever they could from the aftermath. Quickly knocked out, Alec Holland would awaken to the sight of a ticking bomb strapped to his workstation where the bio-restorative formula sat before being utterly consumed by the blast. His body entirely enveloped by flames, Alec would run off into the nearby swamp to free himself from this pain. After a strange chemical reaction bubbled beneath the murky waters, what came out instead was a cryptid made entirely of plant matter, yet shambled about like a person. This was the genesis of the Swamp Thing. Holland, even in this horrific state, ran back into the lab and found that his wife had been shot to death during the break-in. He looked back down at his own body, one covered completely in moss and lacking sensations, blood, or skin of any sort, Swamp Thing cursed fate itself for dooming him to live as a monster for normal life would never be attainable again.
The creature found that he had superhuman strength, didn’t feel pain, was covered in constantly growing roots, and, after a brush with the profane mad mage Anton Arcane, learned that his innards were no longer meat. Swamp Thing wasn’t just some random bog creature, but a thing made of foliage entirely. Forever doomed to isolation in the swamp and suffering constant attacks from angry mobs, Alec mustered all that he could to hold onto his humanity and to help people wherever he possibly could with his newfound strength. However, after constant harrowing misadventures, deaths of friends, and government interference, Swamp Thing was captured by the mogul Avery Sutherland and dissected by Jason Woodrue, the Floronic Man. However, Woodrue later deliberately betrayed his boss after growing frustrated with his capitalistic tunnel vision and left his findings in a nearby file. Having been subtly released by his pathologist, Swamp Thing caught an eyeful of everything that was documented about his body and read nothing but absolute existential horror. In truth, the Swamp Thing wasn’t a person turned into a monster at all. Unbeknownst to him, this entity was a mimicry of Alec Holland’s mind and memories, one that was reborn and created through the swamp, formula, and flames as a being made of undergrowth that carried itself as if it were the human that died so long ago.
The shock sent the Swamp Thing into a spiral of depression and severe identity diffusion that he nearly succumbed to if not for the support of his friends, especially from his future partner: Abigail Arcane. Deep within himself, the entity learned to let go of his perceptions and accept himself for what he was, finding true companionship not just with his support group, but through unlocking his connection to all plants on Earth thanks to the warm, metaphysical embrace of the Green, the consciousness of all botanic life. Over time, he learned about the legacy of plant elementals, and how it was his fated duty to protect the flora of the planet, an aspect of his life that gave him a sense of self and an agonizing duality when it came to balancing his empathy against it. Such responsibilities embittered his non-existent heart and led him down a dark path after being constantly forced to choose between his duty to nature, his wife and daughter, and his duty to protect humanity through his jobs with the magician John Constantine. However, as he grew monumentally in power, Swamp Thing remained resolute in his empathetic ways through even the worst the multiverse had to offer, and he even participated in the Justice League Dark to protect far more than just the Earth. The isolated, self-loathing slump of moss was no more, and a protector rose to serve every voiceless life down to the loneliest petal.
"Whatever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing’s touch!"
Long before existence and time itself, there was nothing. The Creator was alone, manifesting reality from their dreams with the use of a powerful staff. First, the Fallen Stars, a small group of immeasurably powerful beings were materialized, leading the charge on the entirety of creation themselves. The staff was then thrown into the boiling heart of the Earth, and one of these divine entities was entrusted to maintain the dream and guard the focal point of all dimensions. Adam K’ad-Mon, thus, began a long lineage of dreamkeepers and descendants who worked tirelessly to oversee these crossroads. All except for one man, the latest in the lineage that not only rejected this duty, but abandoned it completely without even realizing it. See, deep within the swamplands of the Florida Everglades, a sheltered biochemist toiled away, contracted on a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. research program. Theodore Sallis, and his neglected wife Ellen, lived isolated with the singular goal of finally recreating the legendary Super-Soldier serum that enhanced a certain patriotic superhero. Frustrated by his lack of progress, he would seek out darker means of achieving this synthesis by diving into unscientific tactics. Theodore set up an infernal ritual in his lab, summoning forth a demon to strike a Faustian Bargain.
All he needed was a supernatural substitution to complete the formulaic gap in his serum. Around the same time, influenced by her deeply rooted trust issues from her troubled past, a bitter Ellen feared the kind of cold man that Ted would become and fell into the temptations of the opposing A.I.M. organization. Now acting as a spy, Ellen eventually led the A.I.M. agents into their lab to ambush Ted in the night. This betrayal and panic stuck with the fleeing biochemist as he drove away with the only existing, finished batch of the serum. In a last ditch effort to save his research from prying, malicious eyes, he injected the concoction into himself. But, during that momentary distraction, Theodore’s car missed a crucial turn and crashed into a tree, sinking it into the dark depths of the swampwater. Unbeknownst to him, this crash, combined with the interdimensional, demonic magic now running through his veins, created a mythical force strong enough to tear a hole in spacetime itself. The drowning biochemist didn’t know it yet, but he had single-handedly created a new Nexus point in the multiverse.
While his car sank into the murk, Theodore’s skin, muscles, and bones melted away as a biological amalgam overtook his body and banished his mind into darkness. His humanity and his sense of self drifted away as he desperately attempted to keep his grasp on himself. In the end, a tall, mossy behemoth emerged from the waters as the A.I.M. agents and Ellen investigated, becoming the first witnesses to the terrible form of the Man-Thing. This entity sensed only emotions, as it lacked a mind of its own, and found itself pursuing and grabbing the men. As he did, Man-Thing sensed their fear, an emotion deeply traumatic and painful to him, and unleashed a chemical that would burn them to death before Ellen’s eyes. However, as he burned the side of her face, a remnant of Ted, even after all of this, intervened and didn’t let the creature finish the job. Instead, he wandered back into the swamp, his eternal cage. What followed was a life of aimless curiosity and wandering to the nearest sources of empathic fluctuations. Yet, he could not wander too far from the swamp, as his connection to it fueled his mobile state. As passing visitors grew more fantastical and strange, powerful strangers would often come by and interrupt his misadventures, as they had discovered the swamp’s true nature as the Nexus of All Realities.
Throughout the sudden high stakes he was brought into, Ted was stuck in an impossibly deep part of the un-mind of Man-Thing, forever unable to vocalize his torment and isolation. During the aftermath of a multiversal apocalypse, however, Manny was put in charge of Franklin Richards, a powerful, reality-warping child that subconsciously took advantage of his connection to the Nexus as a result of his grief. All this interdimensional travel caused silent Ted to unknowingly reject his preordained mission as a keeper of the Creator’s dream, a thought of defiance that shattered the Nexus itself. This act would end up drawing Ellen back into his life, who was recruited by Doctor Strange as the other half of this mission to help Man-Thing through his duties and seek a path at redemption that she desperately craved. During their journey, they would recover Nexus fragments from different, mystical corners of the world with the aid of a staff given to Ellen to travel the dimensional crossroads of the Nexus itself. However, the more that Man-Thing collected these shards and used the staff, the more abrasive he grew.
In truth, one of the Fallen Stars and his ancestor, Adam K’ad-Mon, had taken him over. And, he was attempting to thwart Termineus, his sibling, from using the Nexus, through Ellen’s secret son with Ted, to consume all of creation. As Adam was tricked and reality collapsed, it would actually end up being Ted himself who maintained the dream of everything, buying enough time for his son to restore it all. In the aftermath, Adam broke off and became independent as Ted & Ellen merged with the Nexus and drew it down into Man-Thing before creating a new avatar for Man-Thing with a residual of Ted’s consciousness and becoming the Nexus itself. This avatar continued on, joining teams, foiling plots, and reincarnating before a new threat, and a pep talk from Spider-Man and Magik, forced the aspect of Theodore Sallis to finally confront his self-pity and deeply rooted fears. Finally accepting that the past happened and moving forward, he willed himself back into control over Man-Thing, saved the day, and got some payback on the demon that broke that bad deal. So, as the rumors of the Man-Thing circulate, interdimensional invaders will be in for a nasty surprise. For a single touch and a hint of cowardice is all he needs to set their ambitions ablaze.
Skill & Experience
Swamp Thing
Considering he still retained some unspecified level of intellect from Alec Holland during his creation, it should be fine to attribute some of that biochemistry expertise to Swamp Thing. This is especially apparent since he could still synthesize the bio-restorative formula with his own body in the New 52 era, plus each Avatar of the Green inherits all of the experiences and memories of the previous ones. Holland was specifically brought onto a secret government project and was apparently well known for understanding biochemical abnormalities. This gives him intellectual feats such as deducing a mutation in an alien virus through his own Earthly knowledge. And because of all those inherited memories from the Green Avatars, Swamp Thing reliably has billions of years of wisdom, knowledge, and experience to draw from as well. On his own, Swamp Thing can artificially enhance his own intellect essentially as an immobile “biocomputer” for a month and a half, which allowed him plan against a “black hole of synchronicity” that kept trying to doom people he knew with increasing familiarity to the fate of becoming the next Avatar. During this intellectual meditation, Swamp Thing was capable of comprehending the history of reality down to the quantum and “probability” level.
When it’s time to throw some hands, Swamp Thing is both tricky and improvises consistently when put on the spot. One example involves him luring a villain, Thrudvang, onto a bridge before cutting it down and sending him hurtling into the waters below as a human. Plus, human Holland can still kick people across rooms while he’s powerless. Back when Swamp Thing didn’t have a connection to the Green, he would stealthily hitch rides on planes, claw his way out of quicksand or a coffin over the course of a full day, and zap creatures with nearby exposed wiring. In fact, when dealing with a 1,000 year-old demon, Swampy tricked it into possessing him right as his body was being hauled into a freezer. After he finally found his green thumb, Classic Swamp Thing battled monsters for years and New 52 Holland not only fought an entire army that served Sethe, Avatar of the Rot, by himself, but he later rallied his own troops in a war against the Grey, Rot, and Metal. Later on, when the Green had rejected him, he could fight yet another army on his own made up of avatars from the Green, Rot, and Red. He’s always ready for whenever those kingdoms might pick a fight, even going as far as precisely slicing and skewering through multiple apples in over 50 orchards worldwide at the same time to train. It’s no wonder that he, reluctantly, earned a spot on the Justice League Dark.
In terms of tactics with using the Green itself to mess with plants, Swamp Thing was once praised by a previous Green avatar for being both flexible and endlessly creative with its powers like previous wielders before him. He’s been able to find a small piece of vegetation left unaffected by a spell meant to mask a cavern from the Green, materialize under and through floorboards after Gotham’s leaders hid all the plants that used to be inside of a building, and reformed out of the processed vegetable matter in a bag of chips. Alec’s mastery over these powers are so great that he’s been able to create perfect, green recreations of other characters, towns, and original, fully furnished housing in seconds. Even finding a miniscule piece of plant matter in a dead rabbit’s teeth amongst a salted landscape or finding his way back onto Earth after being portaled onto the moon are things he’s worked around. Even his daughter, who barely controlled or understood her elemental powers in the first place, could already affect entities within a 22 mile radius of her influence. With mastery and experience, Swampy could grow a vast harvest in a desert on an alien planet with alien plants and materialize in extradimensional locations like the House of Mystery or the Oblivion Bar. His creativity also shines when working with others, such as allowing Aquaman to slice off and harpoon his arm to act as a makeshift grappling hook while immediately beginning to regenerate it.
His eloquence is also not lost on anyone that knows him. The most notable instance involves Swamp Thing brokering a peace between the Great Darkness and the Light of Heaven after having a sincere conversation with the Darkness itself, preventing interplanar armageddon from the entity that corrupted the Anti-Monitor during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. He managed to do this after Etrigan, Dr. Fate, and the Spectre all tried, failed, and were heavily burned by it before his eyes while attempting to do the same. Perhaps this is why he was able to commune with a small alien plant species and help them achieve group sentience. This cleverness allowed him to fully fool Woodrue, someone constantly attempting to usurp the Green championship from him, by imitating the Parliament of Trees in order to lure him to his own immobile location. His existence also was completely ignored by Black Rider because he had already “died” before, in a sense, so he felt no need to go after him with his death touch.
Presenting this section for Man-Thing might come across as odd at first given his reputation for being a mindless, instinct-based cryptid, but he is not without his cleverness. In the older comics, Man-Thing would have occasional flashes of Ted’s old memories that’d help guide his intuition or decision making, such as when he briefly, nearly recognizes devices planted around his swamp. Theodore’s previous experience as both a college professor and accomplished biochemist were also enough to catch the attention of SHIELD, who would later contract him specifically. During this time, he would rub shoulders with other scientific minds like Curtis Connors, who would later become the Lizard, and even seek him out for advice sometimes.
Whenever Ted would emerge and take over Man-Thing, he’d also significantly increase the body’s speed, reaction times, and add his own cunning into the mix. During the time Ted was cognizant after fusing with the old Man-Thing, he improvised during a battle and reflected blinding, emitting light with a nearby mirror back to his attacker. In fact, Man-Thing was still able to take up a biochemistry teaching job while still acting as the creature. When he had fully embraced his Man of Lineage status, Sallis was even deceptive enough to outwit the Scrier in a bet over the ownership of the Staff of the Creator.
However, whenever Man-Thing has no mind to guide him, he still acts in accordance with his own self-preservation. He will instinctively eject the section of cells that contain Ted Sallis if he feels significantly threatened, which is a far cry from the times when he’d simply stand there confused and not fight back in an arena battle. Naturally, the entity is much more swift and graceful when moving underwater, and any kind of traditional shackles are useless for containing him. Whenever he needs to smoke out his targets, he’s even cooked up a strategy to climb a house and block the ventilation of a chimney to lure out the people inside. Additionally, Man-Thing himself is almost nothing but a rumor, consistently living as an obscure cryptid to the masses. These attributes likely played a part in why he was considered good enough to join both the Thunderbolts and the Howling Commandos! In fact, it’s been suggested that pinpointing locations through a Nexus Point is a massive feat of intelligence, something Manny’s both done instinctively and manually.
With Ted as the next Man of Lineage meant to guard the Nexus, it’s no surprise that he’s had experience battling interdimensional intruders on a regular basis. While previously enough fear and emotion could overload Manny, his best showings depict him rampaging without signs of slowing down from sensing over eight million people feeling fear all around him. This has led this cryptid to be selected as a guardian to Franklin Richards, join a battle against a large group of Ghost Rider-ized, brainwashed Avengers serving Mephisto, and allowed him to participate in the Phoenix Force Tournament in the White Hot Room, which is also where he regrew after being defeated. When Adam inhabited Man-Thing, K’ad-Mon was referred to as a “swamp god”, with him claiming that he was not only older than time itself, but predates Galactus before he was even an “unborn thought”.
Swamp Thing
Bio-Restorative Formula
This special chemical batch synthesized by Dr. Alec Holland served as the catalyst for the Swamp Thing’s inevitable creation. Think of this formula as a secret recipe, something that’s only been able to be recreated by Swamp Thing and only partially reproduced by Batman. Someone would have to be a biochemist on par with either of them to figure it out without a sample of it on hand. However, pieces of Swamp Thing’s body have sometimes been stolen in order to try to unravel this formula.
This chemical concoction’s main usage comes from being poured onto dying or young plant life to both revitalize them and accelerate their growth in seconds. This is something that’s been stated to be potentially able to create gardens out of sweltering deserts. This formula was later weaponized by Batman’s massive Bat-Bot, inside of guns, and used in a Venom Delivery System strapped to Swamp Thing’s body so that he retains strength even in a completely barren, Rot-ravaged planet. Using this concoction allowed him to even eliminate Rot-corrupted entities when they came into contact with it.
Swamp Thing’s iconic power is his control over and ability to summon literally any kind of known plant through channeling the Green. This created, manipulated vegetation has had special properties and grisly, yet creative uses. Some examples include:
Sundew Flytrap: A new station reported that Holland had summoned huge, carnivorous sundew flytrap plants around Gotham City.
Cactus: Manifesting even out of alien cacti, Swamp Thing’s body becomes covered in their natural spines, which he can fire out of his body at incoming threats
Roses: Alec can multiply existing or plucked roses to both envelop people and shred them apart with their thorns, making escape difficult and painful.
Peach Blossoms: Swamp Thing can duplicate the peach blossoms in the air at an alarming rate to bury and suffocate people, such as flooding their bedroom while they’re asleep.
Grass: Swamp once grew out grass from a front lawn to form a massive labyrinth of a hedge maze, where the hedge walls are thorn bushes. This trapped a man in there for an entire week. Conversely, he can rapidly grow antifungal grass from within a woman's body and cells.
Cellular Flora: Swamp Thing can materialize and manifest within the flora inside of a human’s digestive tract at a cellular size, which allows him to travel through their body via their bloodstream. This grants him access to their brain or anywhere else inside them really.
Venus Flytrap: Alec can potentially evolve into a large venus flytrap to attempt to imprison characters within the sticky resin on the inside of his jaws.
Poultice: He’s capable of forming poultice which can treat people’s burns.
Trees: Swamp Thing can manifest as a tree, grow it, and use the branches as large arms.
Pollen: Holland materialized as a grain of pollen to stealthily glide along the air.
Straw: He once took control of a scarecrow by manifesting through its stuffed straw.
Salad: Swamp Thing can kill a man by growing out the salad he had for lunch from the inside.
Poppies: He can forcibly grow poppies from the ground to cover a person’s nose and mouth, forcing them to breathe in their sedative perfume to knock them out.
Pitcher Plant: He’s captured robots in giant pitcher plants to digest them with acids.
Garlic: Swamp Thing previously created some garlic spray to attack vampires with.
Weed: Grew out cannabis for Constantine’s 40th birthday like a true pal would.
Produced Equipment
Swamp Thing can make his own personal equipment out of plant matter or his own body. This production usually takes only a few seconds at most. Examples of produced gear includes:
Wingsuit: Created leaf-like gliders from his body to make a biological wingsuit.
Exoskeleton: Swamp Thing can form a plant exoskeleton around people to puppet their body. Additionally, he can grow wood to reinforce his body with natural armor.
Blade & Shield: He once created a wooden shield and a gauntlet-like blade combo from his arms. Later on, Levi Kamei was able to make a freed blade and wooden axe. This was done by Alec too, since he also made a disconnected sword and hilt out of wood.
Threads & Nets: Alec can form threads from his body and create large nets from his limbs.
Eden Armor: Swamp Thing once made armor out of Pre-Lapsarian Wood from Eden, the holy locale itself. Curiously, it was unable to be detected as wood by him since it’s not technically part of “nature”, so he had to manually whip graft and absorb it to use it. Hellish, unholy creatures created by the Voice cannot harm this Eden Armor and burn if they touch it.
Swamp Thing’s body naturally produces special tubers, a kind of fruit that grants anyone that eats it a brief connection to the Green, possibly even a permanent one for other plant beings. They’ve allowed normal people to view the world in Alec’s special “life vision”, which highlights areas full of living things, and eating one himself can restore any lost regenerative capabilities. Anyone daring enough could also attempt to morph substance from Swamp Thing’s body into plants they want after consuming one, but insufficient mastery when trying this can kill them.
However, the most notable side effect that occurs after consumption is the insane acid trip that a person experiences. It’s possible to simply have a bad trip and undergo brief memory loss, but the fruit actually has a set of rules that changes how this trip works for individual people. Simply put, the tuber can detect a person’s personality and morality and fine-tune its hallucinogenic effects accordingly. So, a good person is connected to the overwhelming beauty in the world and their, erm, “primal desires” are exaggerated. On the flipside, a bad person experiences all of Swamp Thing and Alec Holland’s traumas, fear, dread, pain, and self-loathing to the point that it overwhelms their senses and leaves them unaware of nearby dangers.
Empty Vessels
Swamp Thing can produce empty vessels, which are metamorphic plants that can rapidly grow out and merge with entities to create a new avatar and champion of the Green. Even abstract, aetheric entities, despite the vessels being corporeal, can be transformed into elementals.
Psychometric Locket
Alec once owned a locket that granted him the psychometric power to track down the last owner’s location through their aura residue, an energy field generated by all living things. Because Karen, the previous owner, had greater aura due to her special abilities, this residue rubbed off on Swamp Thing through the locket and granted him psychometric powers so long as he owned it. These powers include psionic beams that attack and destroy souls and gravity defiance to grant flight. Plus, it can psychokinetically immobilize characters in stasis and send them back to their home dimension, but enough usage of it wreaked havoc on Swamp Thing’s regenerative cells, so he tossed it away once this story arc was complete.
Mask for the Soul
This temporarily owned eye mask allowed Swamp Thing to view the “true soul” of a person. As in, their body resembles what kind of person they really are regardless of outside alterations. This is done through illusory hypnosis from the mask, and it turns invisible and hides the original form of the wearer to reflect their “true soul”. It can even create illusory, yet tangible opponents for Swamp Thing to fight, though he ditches it after one issue.
Jean LaFitte’s Doubloon
An old doubloon that Swamp Thing could use to summon an undead pirate crew for backup.
Dead Zone Monster
Swamp Thing is able to summon a monster that was created by a natural “dead zone” after allowing it to live peacefully in the Green upon defeating it. It has a large, toothy maw and several kraken-esque tentacles, along with being made up of the “absence of life”. Dead zones are locations that can exist on Earth where nothing thrives, which can damage the Green and be located via this damage. This toxic runoff is what manifested this monster in the first place.
Louisiana Swamp
This particular swamp in a Louisiana bayou was the original bog where Alec Holland died and Swamp Thing was born. While that origin story was partially attributed to radioactive waste dumping early on, the special properties of these waters can do much more than that. The chemical imbalance here tends to mutate and aggravate the animals living there, but Swamp Thing experiences much different effects if he returns and submerges himself inside. His elemental body has been fully purged of defoliant chemicals that were breaking him down, had his damaged regenerative cells healed, was cured of his fatal necrosis, and ended up being fully resurrected by the swamp in earlier runs. This is all likely due to it still being suffused with remnants of his initial bio-restorative formula.
The Parliament of Trees
Deep in the rainforests of Brazil, a natural haven that restricts access from most humans resides in peaceful tranquility. Within this sanctuary are numerous, sentient trees whose language is unknown to all except the current champion of the Green. These trees are all the previous, now retired avatars, coexisting in their little retirement home, known as the Parliament of Trees. While most of them truly exist in the depths of the Green as a groupmind, there are some that don’t wish to join such a hivemind that hang out in the physical forest. There, Swamp Thing can seek their counsel by temporarily joining the groupmind, view their memories, learn about more potential and previous uses of the Green’s powers, and can even be projected into the past to commune with past champions in action.
Though, to be blunt, these retirees can be curt, vague, condescending, and generally unhelpful to the point that they can shut Alec out of their mindscape to prevent him from conversing with them. This has often led to them either simply butting heads or being in a full blown antagonistic dynamic, and they’ve often tried to retire and replace Swamp Thing with a new avatar, like Woodrue. When they tried this, they sentenced Swamp Thing to the depths of the Green and revoked his powers, which they can generally do to other, newer champions too, even banning access to the Green altogether.
However, Swamp Thing does have a form of leverage over them to the point that their antagonism and meddling isn’t an issue anymore. Because of his status as the current champion, Alec can not only force the Parliament members into dormancy within the Green, but also sever their connections to it so there’s no chance for them to bother him. This sealing process even let Swamp Thing take their power for himself. This works in reverse too, meaning he can selectively release certain Parliament members from dormancy. This power imbalance and threat is what gives him sway over their behavior, because this is straight up extortion.
This lets him force or ask them to share their power to heal him from things that could weaken him like poison, cleanse poison from the Green over time, and summon them for support in battle whenever he wants. Though, emerging them to the outside world for help will eventually lead to them withering and dying permanently. In the New 52, this even let Alec summon Classic Swamp Thing from the previous comic runs, when, during this era, Alec had his dead body bonded with to make a new champion instead. In addition, removing a consciousness from the Parliament after they’ve taken root in the Green during retirement is referred to as “true death”.
Notable Members
Yggdrasil: The founder of the Parliament of Trees is the prehistoric Yggdrasil, whose seeds were planted in Eden by Swamp Thing when he was going through a closed time loop. Starting off, members of the Parliament can tap into sources of knowledge with their roots, which gives them a “good handle” on the immediate, upcoming future. When Yggdrasil was planted, Swamp Thing unknowingly bestowed all of his memories up to that point to them, which gave the council paradoxical knowledge, in the past, of Alec’s present life. This allowed them to later deceive him with a lie regarding a “danger” that might exist with two elementals present at once, which is a fancy way of saying this paradox gave the writers a free retcon to a previous plot point. Later on, after Swamp Thing completed all of the elemental trials, the Parliament of Trees combined with the other elemental councils to become the Parliament of Earth.
Jonah: As one of the few Parliament members that Swamp Thing actually trusted, Jonah was kept active in the Green and could be consulted for advice. However, he is only really shown being called out of the Grove, a location where the Green was accessible via a pool of water that can be sealed off through evaporation. As his friend and predecessor, Jonah says that he’d be tending to the Green whenever Alec is unable to.
No, this isn’t a joke entry. There are several instances where it’s been confirmed that Planet Earth is, effectively, Swamp Thing’s body. He manifested over the surface of the planet, controlled the lunar tides, controlled the continental plates, could terraform the Earth if he wanted to, and achieved global, fourth-dimensional consciousness after completing his elemental trials. Swamp Thing’s been stated to not only feel the weight of the planet, but sense its magnetic fields, heaven, hell, and all things down to the subatomic level across natural environments.
In fact, his Astral Form’s electromagnetic spectrum is specifically attuned to the magnetic field of the Earth, sort of like a planetary radio channel that provides connection to its Green. Plants all over allow him to view and feel down to the subatomic level, meaning that anything the planet feels, he’ll also feel no matter how small. This symbiotic relationship leads to situations where the blotting out of the sun and breaching of dimensional barriers to leak in dark energies can lead to Mother Earth being left unstable and in fatal danger. But, to put this all more simply, Woodrue has stated that whoever currently controls the Green also controls the world.
The World Tree
There once was a tree so old that time, as a concept, was new to her. This is the World Tree, which houses raw magic so powerful that all it would take is a thought to conjure things through magic. The reason for this primordial strength is quite simple, because this tree is the source of all magic throughout DC’s entire omniverse, whose roots spread throughout all of creation aside from the Source Wall. Not only this, but it’s also the root of the Green itself, and ended up saving Swamp Thing and his friends from death via non-time entropy at the end of time that would have unmade all of them. According to Alec, at her primordial point in time, the World Tree is a “millionfold” stronger than the present full consciousness of the Green that he knows. This absurd power is then demonstrated by either casually creating or recreating the House of Mystery when it was needed.
This tree has its own mind which houses the “soul of creation”, so it’s actually able to communicate with others. Being near her can allow the tree to grab you with her roots, eat away at a person’s mind and individuality, stretch across all of spacetime, sense disturbances in the flow of time, and send others millions of years into the future to a space that recently had the idea of a unique flow of time introduced to it. Even if all of creation is nearly erased, Swamp Thing, so long as he exists, serves as a direct link to the World Tree herself. Specifically, he carries her essence, so the tree’s potential strength should be housed inside of him. Once Zatanna used this fact to grow Swamp Thing’s body to restore all of creation, the World Tree tucked the Justice League Dark back into the House of Mystery and was subsequently “gone”. It’s not exactly clear what “gone” means in this context, as it could be that she went back to her spot in the cosmology, but so long as she’s the root of the Green and that link exists, Swamp Thing should theoretically have access to her.
White Lantern Ring
They’ll give anyone a Lantern Ring these days, huh? During the events of Brightest Day, Swamp Thing’s body was corrupted by the personality of Nekron, so the Green formed a new Swamp Thing out of Alec Holland’s buried body as an emergency backup plan. Alongside merging with multiple other heroes who wielded the elements of air, fire, water, and earth, this new avatar was imbued with White Lantern energy to fight the Dark Avatar. With each blow, the Dark Avatar was being purified of this corruption, and the fight ended once White Lantern Swamp Thing severed the connection of the Dark Avatar to Nekron’s power and eradicated it, likely acting as an antithesis to the corruption. After purging this darkness, those elemental amplifications weren’t needed anymore, so they left his body.
In a later Swamp Thing run, Alec was able to call on that specific avatar to use a White Lantern Ring he kept, since it’d only work if this power was previously wielded. The way it was used acted in a similar purifying manner to the Dark Avatar fight, since it was able to eradicate Anton Arcane, the Rot avatar, as it acted as the antithesis to those decaying, death powers. A Green champion wielding a Lantern Ring is not unheard of either, since Alan Scott in the Earth 2 runs was able to use his engagement ring as a Green Lantern Ring by using it as a power conduit for the Green. Now, the blue Swamp Thing normally indicated the Classic version from the original runs, which would contradict the fact that Brightest Day required a new avatar to fight back, but the current avatar should theoretically still have access to this user in the Green regardless.
Don’t mess with Alec Holland, he’ll start blasting.
Serum SO-2
After being contracted by S.H.I.E.L.D., Ted was able to put his mind towards synthesizing a recreation of Captain America’s super soldier serum. Earlier versions of Serum SO-2 were able to grant immunity to biochemical poisons, but the obvious downside was that it turned people into monsters. After a sabotage by A.I.M. through his wife, Ellen, he’d end up injecting the concoction into himself before driving into the nearby swamp, crashing and mutating into the Man-Thing we all know and love.
However, the Curse of the Man-Thing run ended up expanding on the details surrounding this origin story. While working towards remaking the serum, Ted was actually unable to crack it, and instead turned to making a Faustian Bargain with Belasco, the summoned, then-ruler of Limbo, which infused his formula with interdimensional magic. Upon injecting it and crashing, the impact managed to cause a reaction between science and magic that tore a portal in spacetime and ended up creating the Nexus Point in that Everglades swamp. Earlier comics also back up the fact that the swamp water could contain dimensional energies, rather than demonic ones. He later attempted to summon Belasco again with a ritual, only to have Magik show up instead since she inherited this deal from him after usurping his domain over Limbo. Because this deal essentially resulted in his transformation through a curse, Magik can remove the Man-Thing state on her own.
Hank Pym Implants
During Man-Thing’s time with the Thunderbolts as their transportation, Hank Pym invented special NAV Units that would be embedded into his body. These helped to channel and manipulate Man-Thing’s spacetime portal creations so he could make shortcuts across the globe for the team. Basically, it lets them “steer” Man-Thing so that they don’t have to take a plane or something. Unfortunately for them, it can simply be removed from the inside of his muck. There’s also an extra implant behind his eye that feeds into a security room to give the Thunderbolts back at home base a first-person point of view of what Manny sees.
Theodore Sallis
Despite the concept of Man-Thing relying on a mindless husk of, what used to be, a man, Ted Sallis has emerged to play parts in his story a bunch of times. Normally, Man-Thing’s brain cells are spread uniformly throughout his mass, so they’d need to be regenerated and put through constant, rigorous mental massaging for days to even begin to resurface Ted. Otherwise, fragments of his original mind can sometimes urge Manny forward, but only to a limited extent. The original consciousness is actually trapped within one of the creature’s cells, which is supported by the ability Sallis has to manually revert back to Man-Thing at the cellular level should he ever find himself in his original human state. That means that having the ability to view microscopic entities should allow a person to find which cell he’s in. This is how Curt Connors found him after the creature ejected a small portion of itself containing him that could stay in control and independent from a plant manipulator to save Ted.
Inside this cellular piece of the monster exists a dark reality, the Dreadscape, that Ted was previously trapped in and has control over, which assaults the consciousnesses of those trapped inside with their greatest fears. For years, he was said to be stuck in or resigned to “oblivion”, and this pocket reality might retroactively be where this was referring to, since Man-Thing's “miasmic soul” reality where Ted was located existed back when Doctor Strange entered it in 1981. Attempting to magically tear his soul from Man-Thing will simply remove Theodore Sallis, which leaves the creature vulnerable to losing control, having its body manipulated, or being entirely hijacked. However, there have been ways where the scientist could have complete autonomy and control again.
Spider-Man, while speaking to Sallis in the Dreadscape, implied that his self-loathing and fear are what kept him stuck as passenger and prisoner for Manny in this realm. Through overcoming this fear with pure willpower, he’s actually able to control the Man-Thing at will. Once our scientist is in charge, he’s even able to reclaim pieces of his manipulated plant matter back into himself to rebuild his body by asserting his will over those portions. However, there’s something cosmically unique about Ted that gave him another way to control the entity’s body.
During the Man of Lineage storyline, his status as the titular, next-in-line man and guardian of the Nexus gave him absurd power and abilities. When all of creation was being consumed, Ted was able to maintain all of it independently in time for his son, who was a child that barely understood his own potential as the next Man of Lineage in the first place, restored it all in its entirety. During the events of the story, Ted and Ellen fulfilled their roles as guardians of the Nexus by merging and drawing down the entire consciousness of the Nexus into Man-Thing, which granted them full autonomy over the body. He could even take Ellen out of the Nexus that she was supervising alone to save her soul from being sent to oblivion. As this run concluded, this merged version of Ted became the Nexus itself, meaning that anytime Manny is amplified by the Nexus of All Realities later on, he should be drawing from that enormous well of power.
Florida Everglades Swamp
The originator of the Man-Thing and a Nexus Point for the Nexus of All Realities can be found in this swamp in the Citrusville, Florida Everglades. A strong link exists between the location and the creature, since Manny’s been stated to be a part of the swamp itself and this location is the “source” of his strength. There have been statements that this location has existed for “eternity”, but this is contradicted by the Curse of the Man-Thing and is more likely to be flowery language. The important thing about this place, however, is that its status as a Nexus Point means that it can act as a gateway to the Nexus of All Realities itself, a realm that spreads throughout the cosmology as a multiversal crossroads. So, not only can this area constantly heal and regenerate him through continuous damage, but it's also magical in nature and leads to infinite alternate dimensions.
Even coming into contact with native plants from the swamp is enough to regenerate off of, and its substance helps to revitalize and remoisturize him if he’s been dried out via draining the life and moisture from its waters. If Man-Thing’s mind has been consigned to oblivion from dehydration, it’ll come back too through this moisturization over the course of a few hours or days, but this is potentially limited to this specific swampwater. Furthermore, this mire is consistently adhesive and slows down people trekking through it, so the same should be true of Manny’s body since it’s made of the same thing.
However, not everything about this place is neat and helpful. Interdimensional monsters exist and lurk in the swamp, and Man-Thing can even weaponize the waters and drop people into the Nexus itself to either the crossroads or different, specific dimensions. It’s also quite dangerous to attempt to destroy this bog, since just draining it threatened to reopen a gate to the Netherworld. In fact, the Nexus itself being destroyed reverberates across realities, destroys universes, and causes the marshland to envelop the planet and choke out all non-swamp life.
Staff of the Creator
At the dawn of creation, when the Creator’s dream was but a whirlwind and torrent of dualities, a hand emerged holding this staff to form the dream of creation. From this act, the Fallen Stars, which included the first Man of Lineage, were created, and the Staff of the Creator was hurled into the boiling heart of the Earth. That is, until Termineus, who was secretly one of the aforementioned Stars, bestowed it upon Ellen Sallis, who swiftly learned that it responds to desires through thoughts with the capability to create feasts, songs, and portals to other locations. In Man-Thing’s hands, the wooden staff allowed him to speak since it housed and channeled Adam K’ad-Mon, the Man of Lineage and a Fallen Star, through taking over him.
One of the main uses for this relic is to open dimensional portals, which even allows Manny to enter newly formed realities, such as ones created out of mindscapes, or travel lightyears across the cosmos. It’s been able to amplify Man-Thing’s burning touch into an omnidirectional explosion of fire that engulfed everyone in an asylum to rescue them, as it closed the crater that was subsuming a Massachusetts town into Devil-Slayer’s mind, though this was teased to potentially be because of Adam’s influence. This fire didn’t kill Devil-Slayer either, instead it absorbed his mental torment and removed the Nexus fragment from within him through “psychic surgery”, which allowed reality to reassert itself in the town.
More abstract abilities include showing a person the beginning through the end of creation from touching it as it activates this power, which overloads their senses from all the information and knocks them out if they keep holding onto it. It’s made of weathered wood, is full of primal energies, and can sing songs that are purportedly beautiful. Plus, it can break ancient seals, though this might be more specific to the one it came across and how Adam, who was possessing Man-Thing, had influencing knowledge of his own. In fact, wielding the Staff means being able to warp the reality of all planes of creation through manipulating the Nexus itself, which explains the dimensional travel. And, since Man-Thing later fuses with the Nexus, this is maybe something he can do innately if he draws it down into him.
Adam K’ad-Mon
Born from the dream of the Creator with the light from their staff before time, Adam K’ad-Mon was among one of a handful of Fallen Stars created at the beginning of everything. Born responsible for the original sin, he was born as the first man and was left responsible for maintaining the dream of creation, a job for the Men of Lineage so everything doesn’t dissolve and dissipate. He’s adopted many different aliases throughout the years, such as Spyros and Oldfather, but they’re all confirmed to be the same Adam. But, it should be clarified that even though Eternity has referred to himself as “Adam Quadmon”, they are not the same character.
As a Fallen Star, he played a part in the creation of all things, could magically enhance others, could restore order to the Nexus, provides tree roots that require speed to break fusions, was able to emerge Ted Sallis to control Manny, would mentally dominate others, and later amplified powers like Penance Stares to erase the minds and free will out of people through eradicating sin. After summoning the Book of Life, which contains the entirety of creation’s history and future end, Adam stopped possessing Man-Thing midway through a bet with the Scrier to merge with the swamp, later emerging as his own independent, antagonistic entity during a Ghost Rider run. He then appears as the Oldfather to meet with Man-Thing again during a more modern run, and Adam can currently be found picking one-off fights with Doctor Strange.
Swamp Thing
Elemental Avatar Physiology
Unsurprisingly for bodies that are all plant and zero percent human, Swamp Thing’s elemental avatars have quite a lot to cover. Before he even connected to the Green, his standard bodies were found to be 89 inches tall, weigh 547 pounds, breathe carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen, have innards that are all plant matter, lack organs that would be fatal if injured, lack blood, are “all muscle”, and contain roots along his body that are alive and move on their own. Likely because rain served as a catalyst for the creation of his body, his mossy “skin” is slippery and hard to grip. Standard physical pain from situations such as getting his arm lopped off, enduring fire, and getting shot cannot be felt at all either, but specifically induced pain can still be sensed by him. Because of his nature as a plant, his passive CO2 conversion allows him to not breathe in the traditional sense as an “earth elemental”. Yet, despite all of this, Swamp Thing’s origins resulted in his mind mimicking all of Alec Holland’s original consciousness and memories, which often lead to existential headaches about what he actually truly “is”.
This means that, early on, moments where he’d bleed sap or grow saturated, damp, and heavy at night would often torment him. So, before the story that would establish that he wasn’t Alec Holland at all, he would often state things that were later retconned to be psychosomatic assumptions, like how he supposedly had a physical brain or a trachea despite the fact that he could survive for a while without his head, which he’d rationalize as his consciousness not being “centered” there. Similarly, he previously attempted to recreate his origin story by remaking the chemical explosion and swamp dip to “return” his body to normal, which left him weakened and partially vulnerable. This process ended up being only temporary, since his plant body was beginning to regenerate and physically take him over again, a state that he assumed he could have made permanent if he re-synthesized the bio-restorative formula. There was even a point where necrosis, which was legitimately degenerating his tissue, stamina, and regenerative cells, was affecting the brain he still thought he had. This was caused by special bacteria, which was affecting the plant body that could withstand powerful water pressure and “apnea”. Though, this necrosis did leave his body especially more vulnerable to being dried out by heat or fire.
However, as time went on after he learned the truth, Swamp Thing came to grow used to how malleable his body was. Punches can potentially go right through him, objects can get locked in place within his body, and he learned to produce hallucinogenic spores that can not only share the feelings of suffering from within the Green to help people understand it, but can even adjust the empathy of those who breathe it in to slightly alter their behavior. Alec’s been able to fight without his head while staying aware, to a degree, of his surroundings without eyes, and while he used to claim the bio-restorative formula was what kept him alive, all he needs is regular plant tissue now.
In fact, his body has been previously detected as being planetary soil before, which allows him to do things like survive underwater without issue or naturally absorb poisons that previously incapacitated him so long as there’s not an overwhelming amount. And, while he’s still able to drink potions that clear up magical diseases and can examine objects and mystical presences on a cellular level by focusing his mind, his body isn’t infallible. For example, he’s not really an expert on magic, so it’s harder to understand. And, he’s been inconsistently unable to interact with intangible presences despite constantly grabbing souls later. Most dangerously, enough heat was capable of sealing his essence within his own bodily resin for 1,000 years.
Alan Moore’s Major Retcon: Prior to Swamp Thing #21 “The Anatomy Lesson” (February 1984), Swamp Thing had previously believed he was Alec Holland who had been transformed into a monster through the chemical explosion and swamp. However, Alan Moore stepped in to provide one of the most widely praised retcons in comic book history to a stagnating character:
After Swamp Thing is shot and cryogenically frozen, Jason Woodrue, the Floronic Man, performs an autopsy on his body and deduces the true nature of what this monster is. It’s revealed that none of Holland’s “organs” are actually working, since they’re plant matter mimics that merely resemble them. Woodrue confirms that the explosion of chemicals and bio-restorative formula had already killed Alec Holland as he fell into the swamp. This led to the microorganisms of the bog consuming his decomposing body, and the mix of chemicals during this process resulted in them “absorbing” and mimicking his consciousness and memories, resulting in a humanoid, plant-based body that was an ecosystem operating off the false assumption that it was the real Holland. This meant that Swamp Thing ended up with no vital organs, an artificial sentience, and a consciousness, so enough heat and moisture would return him to life so he could freely move on his own again. His “death” was a psychosomatic assumption that he would die from gunshots through his familiarity with how human bodies operated, which resulted in a cellular coma from the cold. After finding out he was just plant fiber with Alec’s copied consciousness, Swamp Thing went berserk and fell into a depressive state.
New 52 Reboot Changes: During the reboot for the New 52 era, the second Swamp Thing created was actually a result of the Parliament and the Green failing to transform Alec Holland’s body into a successor to the original. He was alive as a human once more and recalled Swamp Thing’s memories, but he rejected the call to action to become the avatar again until Abigail Arcane was in trouble. Once she was in danger. he assisted the bonding of the Green to his body by using the bio-restorative formula to become Swamp Thing, albeit as a shell around his human body at first. However, after being killed by Anton Arcane, the Parliament and the Green manage to revive Swamp Thing as a proper elemental without a body once again.
Connection to the Green: As a result of his cellular and molecular connection to the Green, Swamp Thing’s body often fluctuates in strength and sensation in tandem with it. If the environment and plant life as a whole is damaged, the Green will grow weaker or feel pain, something that those linked to it will also feel, such as destruction as a result of large forest fires. Conversely, Swamp Thing will be at the peak of his strength while inside of the Green. Later on, it’s suggested that Swamp Thing’s connection is more vibrational and thorough because his wavelength is attuned to Earth’s electromagnetic frequency to achieve his Green connection there. This is backed up by the time a druid had to separate the connection from his soul and seal it away.
Body Control: Swamp Thing has complete control and mastery over the forms, sizes, and looks his body can mold itself into. He’s capable of outstretching his arms or legs out of the ground or straight up extending their range when necessary. His body can squeeze itself through narrow spaces like pipe systems or drains in homes through materializing from miscellaneous flora found in them. On countless occasions, Swamp Thing has stretched out roots from himself as elongated limbs, like how his daughter could manipulate her own limbs as vine tendrils to restrain people. Additionally, he can freely grow extra limbs whenever he wants.
Natural Weaponry: By manipulating the shape of his body and the plant matter growing all over it, Alec can attack by extending branches from his fingertips to stab at multiple targets or morphing his hand into a massive, slashing claw.
Acid Manipulation: His body allows him to spew blinding acid from his mouth, and his powers let him to accelerate the growth of bacteria and fungi to produce an acid that can mineralize and dissolve solid rock.
Accelerated Development: After Abigail’s suggestion to mold himself into a bio-computer, Swamp Thing grew immobile and manually evolved his intellect and spread his awareness to a planetary scale. This enhanced mind let him view things on an atomic, quark, quantum, and pure probability level, and he could understand the entire history of elemental and human evolution, which he referred to as his “super-consciousness”. However, this process took him a month and a half to complete while sitting absolutely still and growing a massive cranium.
Life Vision: According to Swamp Thing, he can choose whether to view the world normally or in an exaggerated, glowing palette that indicates where life such as plants, insects, or babies exist through a form of "life awareness". By consuming the fruit that Swamp Thing produces, a person will absorb a small portion of Swamp Thing's consciousness and perceptions to view the world in the exact same way, which can also be done if a person touches the special plants he creates to view memories of a location. It can be compared to infrared vision, but instead of heat, he detects life based on its matter and energy. Additionally, he’s able to view both the scales of time and space simultaneously.
Astral Form
Despite how Swamp Thing comes across, his elemental bodies are more like shells that build around his consciousness, which is officially dubbed as his “Astral Form”. While it’s sometimes shown off as having an anthropomorphic shape, the reality is that Alec’s consciousness is a bit more complicated than “just” being the form his soul takes. While treated as his soul, such as when he possessed Constantine’s body after he tore the man’s soul out of it or when Technis referred to it as a ghost-form, ethereal, and untouchable, his “true form” serves the purpose of representing his “intelligence”. As in, it’s conflated as both a “frequency” and an intangible entity that serves as his mind. Its “substance” is that of pure, discorporated energy, a knot of light, and photons, which can even transmute itself into pure information by resonating with digital spaces to view data inside of computers. That aspect of him seems to fall in line with the Green itself being memory and information to an extent. However, despite all of the previous descriptors being true, what’s important is that Swamp Thing’s essence is a pure, self-contained field of electromagnetic energy, which can be detected by those that are “one with nature”.
Since he’s confirmed that he knows how to control the frequency of his electromagnetic field, it’s understood that Alec exists as a vibrational entity: a wavelength. With some help from a Mother Box, he was able to oscillate this wavelength at other “frequencies” so that they could both partially vibrate through the Source Wall (though, they failed to reach the Source itself). At that point in time, Swamp Thing says that once he understands this technique more, he might be able to master it in the future. His existence as a frequency is important, since all of existence in DC is purely vibrational at the most basic level.
Later, it’s explained that an electromagnetic spectrum exists in all humans, which rationalizes how acupuncture works since it works through “manipulating” this network and putting it back in harmony with nature, and this specific issue essentially describes Swamp Thing’s vibrational characteristics by using various analogous explanations like these. Basically, Swamp Thing’s electromagnetic field is attuned to the same frequency as Earth’s magnetic field, sort of like a radio, which is what provides his connection to the Green for whatever planet he’s on. This is why, when his bio-electrical pattern was scrambled, the Earth grew “incompatible” with his astral form and severed him from the Green for that planet. After a Green Lantern modified the vibrational rate of his bio-field, this connection was restored and Swamp Thing learned how to adjust his own wavelength further, nullifying that weakness and “mastering” this technique further as promised.
Astral Projection: This is Swamp Thing’s primary method of travel whenever he needs to go materialize another body elsewhere. Alec can exit his avatar body, abandoning it and allowing it to die as a husk, and fly as just his Astral Form as a green, luminous force. Wherever he darts to, nearby vegetation will accelerate their growth, suddenly blooming and leaving a trail of plants behind him. This bodiless form is visible, and it’s even capable of being caught on cameras. Though, while he’s zooming around, his mind can collide with other ones, like Adam Strange’s mind in the Zeta Beam. Swamp Thing’s even taken “leaps of faith” by projecting into deep space to attune to other planets or unknowingly slipping into the Timestream. Now, while the New 52 usually never addresses all this Astral Form lore, Swamp Thing is still capable of sending out his consciousness in this era, such as when he did it to materialize as a vegetation monster in another dimension. Even Earth 2 Alan Scott could astral project himself into the Grey when he was trying to bond with it.
Healing: By immersing her hand in the chaoplasmic form of Sprout’s immature Astral Form, Abby sensed the feelings and images that Sprout empathically shared. Additionally, doing this happened to heal her of the burn she sustained on her hand, so this could theoretically happen with Swamp Thing’s Astral Form too.
Duplication: By striking the right pitch via oscillating his soul, Swamp Thing can split his consciousness into “mindlets” when creating multiple bodies. This can even accidentally happen, such as when Swamp Thing was sent careening backwards through time while his mind was split in half.
Light Manipulation: Due to his Astral Form being made up of photons, Swamp Thing’s been able to use this form to flashbang and stun characters like Superman. Constructs that the Parliament patrolled with were also able to emit light, so Alec should be able to do this too.
Afterlife Travel: By letting himself go into the Green, Swamp Thing is able to let his essence travel into the Realm of the Just-Dead, which means his Astral Form has a backdoor to the afterlife realms at all times. During his journey to save Abigail from Hell, Swamp Thing was guided around and should theoretically know how to reach Heaven or Hell now, which initially required the Spectre’s permission to enter. But, in later issues, Swamp Thing could more simply wander around throughout the afterlife planes and simply return to Earth.
Wavelength Manipulation: Through his existence as a wavelength and his control over his oscillations as an electromagnetic field, Swamp Thing can adjust his frequencies to achieve a variety of different effects. Alec can vibrate his own frequency to disrupt those on the “vegetable wavelength”, which was able to expand as an AOE effect to nullify and burst another plant elemental’s body control while it was being puppeted by Parliament elders. After escaping to the moon and connecting to “The Gray”, the moon’s lunar frequency, Swamp Thing managed to channel, redirect, and oscillate these alien energies down to the roots of the Parliament Elders back on Earth to incinerate and dissolve them. This neutralized their powers and ejected them from the Green, binding all of their astral forms to the body of an elemental they were trying to create. Previously, this process left the Green unstable, which threatened collapse “all of creation”, but this was retconned later on as a lie. Later on in the New 52, this ability was used again after Swamp Thing fixed the vibrational frequencies belonging to Post-Crisis Superman, whose existence wasn’t attuning well to the Post-Flashpoint reality. He did this by ingesting Clark to fuse and connect him to the “world”, meaning that Swamp Thing can attune a character’s vibrations to the current continuity they’re in if they’re from a separate one, like how he connects to the frequencies of other planets.
The Aspect of Alec Holland: Within Swamp Thing’s Astral Form, there exists the mental aspect of Alec Holland’s mimicked human mind. Rather than a portion of his soul, this is the small chunk of Swamp Thing’s overall mind that contains a semblance of Alec’s original, echoed humanity, which can forcefully remerge with Swamp Thing should they be separated if his physical body is destroyed. This idea was reinforced when Swamp Thing heard the Voice explain to him that his “human soul” remained. The Parliament could even tear the aspect of Alec out of Swamp Thing in order to purge this humanity to leave a mindless, violent Swamp Thing that attacked people, a concept that popped up again later in the aftermath of Brightest Day. Sometimes, this process would merely cause him to forget all of Alec’s memories over time. Through sheer force of will, Alec Holland’s aspect even built itself a fake human body out of vegetation and implanted false memories into himself to believe he was human Alec again.
This portion of his mind was once broken off as an even smaller aspect called the Holland Mind after Swamp Thing released all of his elemental powers. When he released them, numerous ideas, feelings, and memories were sent across the universe, and that smaller aspect refused to rejoin the whole in the Green after waiting in thought-space, which was a result of it not wanting to return right away out of fear. This aspect could do things like communicate with people through their internal floral bacteria, and it was non-physical and independent in nature.
Alright, enough of that esoteric wavelength stuff. Let’s talk about the regenerative abilities that Swamp Thing’s elemental bodies have. Even before his connection to the Green, Swamp Thing’s arm being chopped off could simply regrow as a more durable and powerful one. He described it as his body regenerating lost tissue, and later on he no longer needed the bio-restorative formula to achieve this, only plant tissue in general. This regeneration can exhaust itself and be overtaxed, but it’s helped Swamp Thing’s body heal some ridiculous injuries. He’s been able to regrow his hand, reattach lost limbs, pull himself back together after being torn in half, and ignore bullets outright. After his head was blasted off, Swamp Thing just regenerated it, and half of his body could do the same after a few minutes.
In fact, whenever he’s dried out or frozen, enough heat and moisture will rejuvenate his body from cellular comas so it can move freely again, though in later issues he can act out of being frozen. Swamp Thing’s healing may even extend to souls to a degree, since his confrontation with Matango, Avatar of the Grey, had him face a fungal breath attack that would have absorbed and destroyed his Astral Form. Thanks to Ohtehrah’s help, both him and several Parliament members were able to consume their shed plant skins to “regain their souls”. His spirit was even once devoured by the prehistoric, dinosaur-like Astral Form of an old, renegade Parliament member, and he was able to survive by reforming inside of it to wrestle control of its elemental body. Constantine implies that this devouring didn’t destroy Swamp Thing, instead it only left him stuck in the Astral Form’s “belly”. His control over the body was actively resisted too, so Alec had to knock it out through the shock of leaving Earth with it to drop it off at another planet.
While Swamp Thing usually sticks to his more familiar, anthropomorphic avatars, he is fully capable of fully shapeshifting through his body control and manipulated plant matter. He’s morphed his body into a Mobius Chair for Metron, though it could only fly with a Mother Box, and he’s been able to fully take the form of humans. One time, this extended to shifting into the shape of Solomon Grundy entirely. Alec’s become a lake serpent, a Swamp Dog, a winged alien worm creature, and a massive, moss whale fish thing. Incomplete or previous elementals were capable of creating massive jaws to form a dome-like prison to block people in with their body and even just moving around as plant dinosaurs. This shapeshifting is aided by the fact that Swamp Thing’s body contains a substance similar to stem cells, except it instead lets him transform into any kind of known or unknown plant cell to assist him when materializing or shifting his body around.
This is the ability that resulted in several Swamp Things jumping Batman with zero difficulty. It’s implied that, by splitting his consciousness into mindlets after oscillating his wavelength, Alec splits his mind across multiple bodies. Plus, Jason Woodrue was also able to send fragments of himself through the Green to create more imperfect duplicates too. He’s made little Swamp-Gremlins to help out around the Oblivion Bar, which can all merge together back into one body, and once kept one dipping partially into the Green to be able to constantly check on its status. Duplication has even happened unknowingly, such as when Swamp Thing’s arm was chopped off and abandoned for a while, leaving it to regenerate an entire extra, independent Swamp Thing.
Though, oftentimes these more independent, desynced copies end up with more childlike minds that want to rejoin the main body. In fact, leaving a body independent for too long to multitask can sometimes overwhelm and disorient his perceptions or turn against him if their goals clash. And, his duplication allows him to see out the new bodies' eyes simultaneously. However, when used for the short term and focusing on the same thing, Swamp Thing can create multiple copies near-instantly during fights. Copies can be spawned from the tubers left behind on the husks he ditches to materialize elsewhere too, though pollutants pretty handily decay the bodies. With enough reason to, Alec can manifest entire mimicked, tinted human bodies and structures that he knows well with incredible detail, as shown when he recreated an entire town full of people that operated down to their personalities. Considering that inexperienced candidates for Green avatars have made artificial humans out of flowers, though they died soon after they were made, and Holland can shapeshift into a human, it’s not unreasonable to say that any nearby person could potentially be a duplicate of his own making.
The Green grants Swamp Thing the ridiculously useful ability to ditch his dead body or will himself to die, search for any available plant in his Astral Form, and manifest himself either partially or completely from what he found. This used to take weeks, but he whittled it down to a few hours and, later, to a process that happens instantly. Even if a plant has been plucked out of the ground or processed, Alec is still capable of forming out of it, leaving behind an unmoving husk of his previous form. After doing this, Swamp Thing’s new body will physically take on the appearance and characteristics of whatever vegetation he manifests out of, like being covered in thorns if he forms out of a rose.
Bodies have materialized out of tobacco, salads, potato chips, fruit bowls, and even popcorn. And, because the Green exists in all dimensions, potentially including places that are more conceptual or outside spacetime, he should theoretically be able to dimension hop to any place with plants with enough concentration. During his dives into deep space, Swamp Thing was able to reform out of alien cacti on Rann too. He’s even once reformed out of crowds of sentient plant life, which ended up restricting their movement during the process and resulting in a massive amalgamated body of individuals that were still aware of what was going on. This incident happened at the cellular level and even managed to trap some consciousnesses in metaphorical purgatories or havens.
Size Manipulation
Through materialization, accelerated growth, and full control over his own body, Swamp Thing’s been able to change his size to varying degrees. He’s been able to shrink down to or manifest at the cellular and atomic levels, even once becoming so small that he unknowingly entered the Microverse. On the flipside, Alec’s body has grown as big as a kaiju of redwood, formed out of a mountain-sized landscape, grew as a dome over the entirety of Tokyo, manifested as the planet, and, utilizing his special link to the World Tree and Zatanna’s spell, spread his body across all of creation to restore it after it was erased.
For all the people that believe that pleasant noise helps plants grow, this one’s for you. While Swamp Thing’s had temporary amps in the past, such as through absorbing special fountain water that made him more aware of minds around him, they’re wholly unnecessary. By tapping into his own awareness, Alec’s been able to sense raw fear, the intense rage of others through the Parliament, and the presences of specific characters, even if their existence is masked by magic. This ability even extends so far as to be able to detect when other entities are puppeting someone from another realm. He’s sensed the restlessness, anger, and general emotional state of spirits by focusing on a psychic plane, something he can share by burning the scent out of some flowers. Swamp Thing’s been able to fine tune this power to sense life forces, even specific signatures, and the Green allowed him to grow the range of this awareness through the plant matter across the oceans and the skies themselves too. In fact, enough rage and torment can cause disturbances in the Green so great that his awareness can track down the location or character that is its source.
Speaking of the Green, his connection to it has allowed Swamp Thing to detect pollutants within other plants and people, and he’s been able to tell whenever plants are being harmed. This boon has granted him somewhat wackier ways to use this too, such as viewing the memories of plants at a particular location as if they’re security feeds or somehow being able to sense Woodrue in the Green after he was cast out of its connection. Specifically, connecting to nearby vegetation gives Swamp Thing the visual imagery and information for whatever area those plants are located. For example, by communicating with the plant matter inside of books, he was able to gather information such as their stories, names, or anything regarding the location the book resided in. And, this level of understanding gets absurd, such as Woodrue being able to tap into the Green to feel nature on the molecular level and Alec being able to sense when someone’s hold on a reality is fading. He could even specifically track a small amount of lichen leftover on the underside of spacecraft machinery left on the moon.
There’s also instances where Swamp Thing receives brief visions of areas that he’s headed towards when he’s nearby, and connections that he’s made through things like Kryptonian fungi allows him to share visions of their homes with others like Superman. Through a combination of the Green and Swamp Thing’s own awareness, he’s additionally been able to remotely view and listen to activity in another location by sending his mind through a network of roots and vegetation. Effectively, any place that contains an overwhelming amount of plants becomes a surveillance state in Alec’s favor. Even in deserts with not many herbs around, he can probe his roots into the ground to search for any faint traces of vegetative life. Swamp Thing can share this scrying ability with others through a touch, sense other elemental essences and positions through a “radar echo”, and do all of this himself, again, at the sub-molecular level. And, should he need to scry without needing to focus too hard, Alec’s been able to go a more manual route by making binoculars out of his eyes, or forming as many eyeballs as he wants out of nearby plants to discreetly spy on people. When he needs to be more thorough, he can literally have tiny pieces of him present in any iota of plant matter in a character’s own eyes, which lets him view the world through their own, actual point of view.
Supernatural Will
One of the odder aspects of Swamp Thing’s character involves his consistent themes of having a powerful amount of willpower. Through his own sheer determination, Alec could power through and break free from a magnetic compulsion that was overriding his will, mind, and control over his own body. Even when the Parliament tore the Aspect of Alec Holland out of Swamp Thing’s consciousness, this aspect was able to build itself a fake human body out of vegetation and implant false memories through a “sheer force of will”. This unnatural amount of willpower has applied to the following instances:
Mental Fortitude: Through willpower and physical strength, Alec resisted being mentally dominated and physically puppeted by psionic power. He willed himself to break the Psychometric Locket’s telepathic, psionic contact that showed him visions of a demon woman’s current atrocities. Swamp Thing later, through an act that was said to have taken a Herculean will, resisted the temptations of the elder members of the Parliament using the Earth’s oscillations to force him to stay rooted with them so that he could be replaced by Sprout. Even previous elemental souls can use their willpower to resist mind control to an extent, since Matango’s mass collection of them began to weaken his mental dominance over them all. This, of course, would imply that Swamp Thing’s own soul would be capable of resisting mind control to an extent as well.
Exorcism: Swamp Thing has forcefully exorcized himself free from a demonic woman trying to possess his body after initially resisting these attempts.
Plant Manipulation
Thanks to our metaphysical pal, the Green, Swamp Thing’s connection to it gave him the power that he is most famous for: the ability to manipulate plants in any way he pleases. Obviously, one of the more prominent ways he does this is by growing and controlling vines, thorny or otherwise, to attack and restrain characters. He can even outgrow numerous vines via the plant matter found in his severed body parts. Specifically, the way Swamp Thing manipulates plants is by flexing his mind within the Green, and he can connect to the roots of all plant life as if they were his own muscles and limbs. This is what allows him to control entire forests worth of them to do things like empty small lakes. By manipulating any kind of plant life that exists, Swamp Thing can mold his body into a kaiju out of redwoods, which is when he claimed he had no limits to this power and that he could manipulate the flora within human intestinal tracts to bypass organic durability. This was later horrifically demonstrated when he manipulated the plant matter within the body of one of his assailants to grow a tree out of him from inside of his digestive system. Swamp Thing’s power over this element lets him tell when plants aren’t part of the Green too. And, if something isn’t technically “part of nature”, like Prelapsarian Wood from the holy Garden of Eden, he’d need to manually whip graft and absorb the material into himself to use it. Basically, any form of greenery that exists can become an extension of his body.
For example, Swamp Thing has formed messages out of random vegetation that he wasn’t physically around to see, having been stuck in the Rot and away from that dimension. Avatars can create walls out of roots, manifest plant matter constructs to create structures like boats, and manipulate books in people’s hands to suddenly grow piercing spikes. There are so many examples spread throughout his run and this blog, but these should give the general gist of the flexibility of this ability. In fact, Alec can just speak with plants themselves through their own special language, and they can tell him where people that he’s looking for are. Specific aspects of what plants do can be adjusted as well, like how the oxygenation plants provide can be multiplied to break apart and purify toxic waste in the ocean through algae manipulation. Plus, over-oxygenating the air enough could make the sky itself flammable, and, of course, Swamp Thing can simply remove or lessen oxygen production to suffocate people too. Once, Woodrue used this to hyperoxygenate rooms of people to mess with their heart rate, and he caused a building to detonate by doing this before someone activated their lighter. His plan was to increase oxygen production tenfold on a global scale.
Alien Plants: Even on other planets without the Earth’s Green, Swamp Thing can still take over and control alien plants. He’s rematerialized off of a living, techno-organic planet’s plants, which melted down the core information and matter of the celestial body to form his avatar. Alec learned, through touch, how to commune with a Kryptonian plant, which originated from Krypton’s Green. In fact, during the events of the Convergence storyline, he connected to an alien planet’s Green in order to create and use garlic spray on vampires.
Subconscious Manipulation: During a particularly harrowing depressive bout, Swamp Thing’s mind began to manifest plant constructs and duplicates on its own without manual activation. The subconscious depths of his mind effectively make the plant kingdom he constructs become an automated security system that attacks intruders it doesn’t recognize. Several manifested duplicates will fight each other, but the copy that’s the aspect of his god-self persona will blast trespassers with fire. The overall intent from Alec was to merge with the Green in order to cease all thought, sort of like the retirement concept introduced later, until all of this ceased upon receiving a pep talk from Black Orchid.
Other Green Servants
Jason Woodrue: Also known as the Floronic Man or Seeder, Woodrue’s botanokinesis while tapped into the Green has similarly let him utilize massive vines offensively. As mentioned before, he could hyper-accelerate the production of oxygen by plants tenfold to hyperoxygenate people, detonate buildings from the flick of a lighter, and to do this on a global scale. After consuming some of Swamp Thing’s plant fibers and eating his mimicked organs, he found his link and connection to the Green, which boosted his already existing floral powers. Later on, he weakened Animal Man’s connections to the Red by killing every animal within miles of their fight with these granted powers.
Poison Ivy: Pamela’s own agonized screams made from Louisiana could affect plant life in Missouri. Plus, Ivy once used her connection with the Green to control the planet while using her own personal powers to keep nearly everyone in it under her thrall.
Air Manipulation
After passing the more intellectual, elemental trial from the Parliament of Vapors, Swamp Thing earned a connection to the White. In addition to his power over plants via the Green, he could now control anything related to air, such as manifesting or manipulating hurricanes or breathing. This element is described on Earth 2 as the power of the atmosphere, which avatars can thicken to prevent light or ultraviolet radiation from coming through onto the planet.
Water Manipulation
After delving into the depths of the Marianas Trench to find the Parliament of Waves, Swamp Thing completed their elemental trials and connected to the Blue, also known as the Clear. As expected, this granted Alec dominion over water, which made him capable of more niche abilities that include freezing blood, drying out cranial fluid, bursting blood vessels, and swiftly dehydrating people. This makes it so that he can control water in any state and materialize as massive storm clouds that can summon heavy rain to put out fires. The Parliament of Waves claimed that this connection gave powers over flood, drought, and storm creation in general.
Earth Manipulation
Once he defeated the Earth Thing, who could manipulate lava, Swamp Thing passed the elemental trial from the Parliament of Stones and connected to the Melt. Through this new element, Alec could materialize out of a mix of minerals and plant life at the underwater depths of the Marianas Trench. His duplicates could now properly be called true golems, who are able to be manifested out of sand and pebbles, that speak and fight for him on their own whenever Swamp Thing is away. In fact, his golems have their own earth powers, which they demonstrated by fashioning a chess game out of minerals. This control should extend to Swamp Thing himself, since this trial gave him dominion over earth, rock, and lava.
Fire Manipulation
Once he became the Swamp God, a state that persisted when Swamp Thing possessed all the aforementioned elemental connections except for this one, he made true on his god-self’s previous ability to blast things with fire. By finally reaching the sun with his Astral Form, he came across the Parliament of Flames within it, and they finally bestowed the connection to the fiery kingdom to him. A name for this realm is never given, but it exists with flames that are implied to reach the heat of a star based on where the Parliament lived. Like all the previous elements, Alec can manifest as an avatar made out of fire from existing or manmade flames. This persisted after his ascension to his true Swamp God state, as confirmed by Constantine. Uses of his pyrokinesis include placing flaming fruit in his bodies to keep them warm in cold environments and setting severed parts of his body on fire remotely.
Insect Manipulation
Swamp Thing was able to manipulate the scents emitted from vegetation to attract massive swarms of bugs. In fact, Tefé Holland, his daughter that inherited elemental powers, once commanded a swarm of bugs to eat a person alive using her own plant manipulation.
Swamp Breath
Swamp Thing has some special plant scents and spores that can be breathed out of his mouth to achieve a few different effects. He’s been able to use this to pacify Killer Croc after it was breathed in and induced a brief state similar to his tubers. Batman was struck with hallucinogenic spores that allowed Alec to share the feelings of suffering from the Green to help him empathize with his plight. These same spores were able to empathically adjust Killer Croc’s behavior so that he’d only kill for food instead of out of malice, and Swamp Thing somehow lured him to his swamp all the way from Gotham City earlier too. If nearby, he can manipulate valerian roots by producing a sedative scent from them to knock people unconscious.
In the New 52 era, Swamp Thing was able to grow fully functional, bird-like wings out of his back with plant matter to fly. This was made prominent during his Injustice 2 victories too. In fact, Earth 2 runs where the Green empowers Alan Scott as a Green Lantern has the Green be the reason he was granted flight in the first place.
Mind Manipulation
While not necessarily his go-to tactic, Swamp Thing’s powers have the full capability of messing with mentality. If the Green had semi-melded with a person’s mind, it could enforce its own current emotions onto them to overwrite whatever the person is feeling. In this same vein, characters that have been melded or infected with the Green can have mental attacks from it performed on them while still clinging to pieces of their consciousnesses. Swamp Thing should be able to access these effects by dipping people into that realm, or he could mess with them on his own. As his Astral Form, Swamp Thing could even dive into Superman’s eyes and mind to completely blind him.
Whenever Alec floods an area with plant matter to drown someone, it could potentially cause a person’s “individuality” to start to dissolve, sort of like the World Tree, which was something not even Nightmare Nurse’s mystic scalpel could cut free from. This mental erosion is said to be an effect from the Green potentially assimilating them, although the outcome of this attack doesn’t come to pass. He can later perform a ritual that has him press an extended, golden flower against a person’s forehead, which will leave their mind dormant while he takes over their body in a form of consciousness transference. However, his original body will remain dormant, which a cult took advantage of by poisoning the cultist he took over to induce incapacitation, all in order to steal the avatar form for themselves. The biggest downside to this mind swap is that it’ll kill both him and his host after a few days, though this deadline can be tempered and outright nullified through repeated rituals over a couple of centuries.
Soul Manipulation
Perhaps Swamp Thing’s most surprising power is his ease of control over souls. By adjusting the wavelength of a human while near their brain, which he refers to as a “soul” made of chaoplasm, he can eject their astral forms from their bodies to enforce astral projection. This ends up leaving the body vulnerable to Swamp Thing puppeting their brain with his own Astral Form too. Alec could resonate with the energies of a consciousness and spirit to telepathically commune with them, calm them down, and even convince less cognizant spirits to follow his lead or guidance, like how he led plane crash victims to the afterlife.
In a similar vein, Swamp Thing has forcibly torn Constantine’s soul from his body against his will and tossed him into the ethereal realm, another afterlife realm connected to the Green. Later on, Alec’s control is so potent that he was able to save his daughter’s soul from Matango’s corruption by ripping her essence from her body with little difficulty. Considering the electromagnetic essence of elementals are equalized as their spirits, the fact that Swamp Thing was about to chomp down on and consume Sprout’s essence means he can damage them himself. This is backed up in a future issue where he was able to both fight and grab specters that were able to phase through forcefields.
As mentioned in the previous section, when Alec adjusts the wavelength of a person’s brain, he is able to eject their soul and leave their vacant body available for him to possess. He’s able to do this by using his Astral Form to puppet their brain, and his confrontation with Constantine shows that this can be activated through physical contact and restraint too. Though, inhabiting bodies leaves him vulnerable to pain now too. In fact, enough pain can force an elemental spirit out of a possessed body. During his trip backwards through time, Swamp Thing split his consciousness to two different eras, and one of them attempted to manifest into and possess the body of a recently deceased person that suffered through a similar explosive fate. However, even after manually stitching the body together, Alec struggled to control or think in a body that was in such poor shape.
It should be noted that despite being in a non-avatar body, all of his previous abilities are available to him, along with the powers the host body possesses. One example followed the mind swap ritual being performed on the body of a Grey Avatar, which granted Swamp Thing access to the Grey and its control over fungus. In order to return to his own body after the mindswap process, he’d need to hop to a person and then to his avatar. Similarly, Alec’s daughter, Tefé, could inhabit inanimate, wooden objects like puppets, and she controlled them the way their build intended them to move. Swampy could enter soulless beings to attempt to control them, but his influence was only minor and he could not fully overwrite original hosts like Solomon Grundy that could resist his influence. Other elemental spirits that were tied to the Green of one planet were able to be sent into shock by stunning them through taking their spirits into space. But, Swamp Thing’s experience with this trick makes it so that it doesn't affect him.
Naturally, as a being made of plants and soil, Swamp Thing can absorb dying bodies against his own to use their nutrients to replenish his life, a process that specifically speeds up their decay peacefully. He can putrefy plants at an “incredible rate” and quicken the rate of decay of a body in exchange for extra time for a spirit to stick around and commune with him. Alec’s body can innately siphon liquids too, such as collecting all the pollutants and toxins from bodies of water into his avatar to make him toxic to the touch. He’s temporarily absorbed water from a fountain in Eden, which made Swamp Thing even more aware of the minds around him, and he can siphon specific liquids out of people.
The Green itself, through Swamp Thing or infections, can attempt to absorb a character and their consciousness. This vegetative infection that was unable to be staved off by both Superman’s heat vision and Zatanna’s magic since it can reassert itself. If an offshoot of the Green grows independent, Swamp Thing’s been capable of defeating them and reabsorbing it back into the main Green to assert control over it. His domain over the realm he champions is so vast that sealing the Parliament in its depths allowed him to take their power for himself.
Memory Viewing
One of Swamp Thing’s more understated abilities is his power to view memories or dreams. While asleep, Alec could view someone else’s dream instead of his own, and plants in general both dream and can invade other ones freely. With just a touch, avatars can view other character’s memories or share their own in the same way. Alternatively, Swamp Thing can read brains, memories, thoughts, and feelings by slipping into their minds physically with vines or, again, with one touch, which also lets him temporarily share his scrying abilities. He’s not just limited to people either, since he’s been shown probing the minds of elder, sentient plants, tapping into the memories of objects, and reading the history of any location in any dimension through its soil. By using the Green, avatars are able to see the past experiences of previous champions and visualize previous events around locations that contain vegetation, which other people can also do if they touch the plants Swamp Thing creates to do so.
Reality Warping
Yes, the “plant guy” has been able to meddle with the laws of reality. Once, Swamp Thing was facing an eco-sorcerer that was controlling the Dead Zone Monster and bio mech entities within the Green from outside of the realm. In order to combat this, Alec managed to break through the dimensional aperture of one of their remote connections, which allowed him to manifest over to the location he was controlling the creature from. Additionally, the will of the Green itself is so potent that, in the Earth 2 stories, it could serve as a power conduit for a makeshift Green Lantern Ring. The Green itself exists in all dimensions, which is a fact that Giovanni Zatara knew about and conveyed so that Swamp Thing knew to bridge that realm to manifest in other dimensions, such as the Other Place housing the Upside Down Man. In fact, the Green has been stated multiple times to be an idea with the power to alter, manipulate, and define the boundaries of reality itself.
Law Manipulation: Upon arriving at the Other Place, Swamp Thing overrode the will of the Upside-Down Man, who served as the entire domain for this realm’s reality, with the will of the Green for a brief time to imprison the entity under Alec’s landmass and subdue this dimension. With the help of a synthesized catalyst of Alec’s own tissue from Man-Bat, Swamp Thing provided the biomatter upon this vial shattering to completely upend and change the reality of Upside-Down Man’s Other Place. He did this by introducing natural law after that amplification, with the possible aid of other Parliaments boosting the Green earlier too, which enforced the creation of life onto a lifeless realm. This weakened Upside-Down Man’s hold on it enough to allow for Zatanna to land a magical, mental coup de grâce against him. This was acknowledged as a sacrifice by Swamp Thing, but his consciousness survived in the Green in order to become the Other Place itself and stay there in case the dimension tries to reassert itself, effectively incapacitating that reality.
Time Travel
Yes, Swamp Thing can sort of time travel. This first happened when Alec had no way to connect to a wavelength or arrive at the Green thanks to the Dominators’ disruptions. These circumstances forced him into a Hail Mary play where he unintentionally and desperately slipped into the Timestream. This sent him backwards in time to 1945 to revive inside the recently deceased Alexander Holland, implying a connection to previous men with similar names in a string of logic similar to how the Green picks its new champions. During this journey, he slipped back into the Timestream several times, although he’s never shown traveling forwards in time. Between time hops, Swamp Thing somehow managed to split his consciousness in half across time to land at different eras too. Though, this ability isn’t mastered, since Alec found himself lost for a while, which Merlin explained as him hopping across alternate, endless timelines because of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. This process also has an effect on his immediate memory of his time travel escapades, so it’s somewhat unreliable. In fact, the only way he made it back to his time was by just waiting it out after being sealed away in his own amber.
Battlefield Removal
Swamp Thing’s been able to grab and bring people with him into the Green itself either physically or mentally via slipping into the mind of a character. In addition to viewing the memories of the Green, even new avatars have been capable of pulling people out of it. Because of the backdoor to the afterlife planes present in there, Alec could take people through the Green and into the Astral Plane, an infinite, higher plane of existence that could potentially become an unending maze to the uninitiated. In order to actually leave though, Swamp Thing has to be in total peace and harmony with whoever he brings there, since their physical bodies are left behind in comas and their forms there match their personal desires.
Power Source Severance
Swamp Thing’s experience with frequencies gave him the know-how to amplify and negate a fungal seal imprisoning a Parliament member. He severed the fungus from its connection to the Grey, the fungal counterpart to the Green, by amplifying its frequencies and energy fields, which cut them off from their life-source.
Swamp God
After completing the elemental trials of Earth, Water, and Air to add more kingdoms to his arsenal, Swamp Thing only lacked the trial of Fire to achieve “godhood”. However, in this incomplete state, the Swamp God was already pretty much halfway there. His main goal was to start up another ice age, replace the living things on the planet with a new dominant species, and rid the world of the Presence, the Word’s god. His strength in this state was so great that the Phantom Stranger conceded that a physical bout with him would be fruitless, and that taking him down would be a “team effort” and required the Word to act. After killing the Word with a special, antithetical harmony that specifically could one-shot and defeat him, Swamp God flew to the sun, achieved the final element of fire, and was granted access to the Parliament of Worlds upon becoming the Earth in its entirety.
However, amongst the other global consciousnesses of the solar system there, Swamp Thing lost his murderous, evil drives and was separated from the aspect of Alec Holland in this fourth-dimensional space where he’d choose his next incarnation, although he later reunites with this aspect of Alec again. After a star child named Alec was born, Swamp Thing descended back down to Earth from the Parliament of Worlds to rejoin everyone with his new perspective. While he’d eventually give up all of his extra elements after several runs with them, this Swamp God state granted him the following extra powers:
Telepathy: Swamp Thing could speak telepathically after completing four of the five trials.
Passive Clairvoyance: Likely thanks to his control over his entire kingdom and the air, Swamp Thing was able to read notes without directly looking at them.
Creation: Swamp Thing crafted a brand new human body for the reformed Anton Arcane.
Resurrection: Swamp Thing resurrected a bird he previously killed with a simple gesture.
Planetary Omniscience: After completing all the five elemental trials, Swamp Thing became one with the Earth, allowing him to see the world through everything’s perspectives with global consciousness. He could share this perspective too, like when he showed everyone in the world every living and nonliving perspective on Earth, from men to atoms, in a fraction of a second.
Planetary Omnipresence: After becoming one with everything on Earth and the celestial body itself, Swamp Thing also achieved planetary omnipresence through both the global consciousness and by manifesting over the planet to be everywhere at once.
Higher Dimensional Haven: Once he completed every trial, the Parliament of Worlds summoned him to a fourth-dimensional, wholly immaterial location with the other planet elementals. Here, he’d separate from the Aspect of Alec Holland and choose his next incarnation before descending back down to Earth. It’s unclear whether he’d be able to return to that space if he wanted to.
Miscellaneous Powers
Obviously, with a character as unique as Swamp Thing in comics, there are bound to be multitudes of one-off or rarely talked about abilities that he’s shown off over the years.
Biology Manipulation: While he hasn’t really shown off too many uses of it, Swamp Thing absorbed his daughter’s flesh manipulation powers, likely due to the fact that they’re elemental in nature. He’s admitted himself to seemingly having control over the kingdom of flesh too. Likely thanks to assistance from Tefé being connected to the Green, Swamp Thing could manipulate Tefe's flesh powers to change her appearance via transmutation at the cellular level. Later, Swamp Thing said that he could restore Alec’s flesh after they were separated.
Mimicry: After Swamp Thing covertly removed the infamous bombs that kept Suicide Squad members in check from Peacemaker, he had his vines mimic the electrical impulses of a brainstem so that they couldn’t tell that he removed it.
Resurrection: With the flesh domain, Swamp Thing could revive living things so long as a semblance of their body is intact. This is sort of similar to how the Swamp God could revive a bird with a hand gesture. In the Earth 2 stories, the Green could manually revive Alan Scott under the same stipulations.
Fusionism: After Abby burned both of them together with gasoline, both Swamp Thing and plant-body Alec Holland were able to recombine after the Parliament split them apart from their overall consciousness.
Healing: By controlling intestinal bacteria, Swamp Thing broke his and Batman’s consciousness free from a hypnotic, fungal hold on them from beyond the Green and physically purged Batman's body free of those spores single handedly. Swamp Thing was also able to stop bleeding from wounds and add natural painkillers himself.
Purification: By having allowed dark spirits from hell to rush through him and infect him with every poisonous thought in the world to purify a tree, Swamp Thing then alchemically transmuted their sinful toxins, before they could fully corrupt his soul, into perfumes from within his soul. Similarly, after White Lantern-amped Swamp Thing purified and defeated the Dark Avatar, regular Swamp Thing restored the Green on Earth after it was corrupted.
Minor Mystical Analysis: When Swamp Thing shrunk down to the cellular level, he could sense mystical presences, such as a sigil or curse, by focusing on it with his mind. Though, he's not as proficient or knowledgeable about magic, so it's harder for him to truly understand.
Minor Fate Manipulation: By assisting the potentially new Green champion’s spirit into the afterlife, Swamp Thing and Constantine intervened on a fated event that would have turned it into the new elemental for Earth. They continued to do so throughout the run until he had his daughter, Tefé Holland.
Non-Physical Interaction (Maybe): In addition to how Swamp Thing interacts with spirits, he could attack Red Tornado’s air elemental form with a barrage of leaves. However, in the new 52, Swamp Thing was unable to attack Blight’s incorporeal form and mentioned how he couldn’t interact with intangible beings.
Naturally, as a legacy comic book character, Swamp Thing has developed a few resistances to better protect himself from harm in various ways. Examples of this include:
Fire Resistance: Swamp Thing both cannot feel pain against fire and remained unaffected by torchfire due to his avatar body’s mossy, slimy, and wet exterior. Levi could fight while inside of a blazing fire, and Alec could make himself bloom under heat and choke flames with carbon dioxide by materializing a body out of a sequoia tree. Additionally, Swamp Thing bodies have been able to withstand concentrated heat from Superman’s lasers for a short while on various occasions, and those attacks burn with the heat of a star without drying his body out right away.
Radiation Resistance: Swamp Thing was unaffected after being struck with a storm of radiation from a proton/neutron cluster when he was shrinking to subatomic sizes and beyond.
Minor Reality Warping: A German WWII bomb buried in the ground was emanating an “idea”, which was altering reality, changing people’s personalities, and adjusting their “political inclinations”. This process was sapping Levi’s strength, but he was able to persist through it to the point that he survived the idea bomb exploding at point blank range next to him. During the time that he conversed with the Great Darkness to broker peace, Swamp Thing was entirely submerged within it. The Great Darkness is an entity whose reality is constantly in a state of flux, change, shifting states, always conjuring shapes, always conjuring unknown colors, and it has no real geography. Later on, the Great Darkness was capable of altering the omniverse, though when Swamp Thing was inside of it, it wasn’t directly attacking him. Levi was able to shift and act as Superboy’s armor in order for them to partially dip themselves safely into the corrupted, burning Great Darkness in a future run as well.
Extreme Cold: By creating a controlled burn from decaying compost in his abdomen, Swamp Thing’s body could persist in subzero temperatures at the North Pole. Even after being frozen solid, Alec could still act out of it, and he was able to survive for years in the cold snow without the Green. Levi himself powered through and revived out of a double whammy of a bio-agent that impaired his connection to the Green and cryogenic blasts that affected an entire facility with the assistance of previous avatars.
Power Source Severance: Despite having his link to the Green severed by a bio-agent specifically meant to impair this connection, Levi was revived and reconnected by past champions of the Green appearing to him as a single entity.
Poison Resistance: Batman’s own weedkiller spray could cause Swamp Thing agony, but, ultimately, it didn’t stop him from simply reforming. Alec could power through hundreds of miles of the Rot-corrupted, barren air of Anton Arcane’s future. With the Green, he can synthesize plant-based antidotes for lethal poisons like strychnine to neutralize toxins that are plant-based. And, Swamp Thing remained immune and unaffected by nearly all of Scarecrow’s fear toxins until he used one that was based more on carbon dioxide that did cause him to lose control of his body to fear. This means that anything that can be breathed in aside from carbon dioxide-based gasses won’t affect him. Though, it should be noted that pollution is a harmful vulnerability in general to Alec, unlike typical poisons or barren land.
Disease Manipulation: Swamp Thing was able to interact with a deadly Kryptonian fungus harmlessly, which possibly might’ve exclusively harmed Kryptonians, that was driving Superman mad and threatened his life due to the disease. By dipping Superman into the Green, Swamp Thing completely healed him of the deadly illness in his system.
Mind/Will/Possession: In addition to his natural mental fortitude from his aforementioned willpower, Swamp Thing could resist the hypnotic commands of fungal spores that affected Batman and broke their consciousnesses free of their hold on them. While initially driven mad by Kryptonian energy that Superman infected him with, rooting himself to the Green ended up freeing himself from those effects. Within the Green itself, there is a constant, tempting, and lulling urge to allow one’s consciousness to dissipate peacefully, which Alec never succumbs to. Swamp Thing’s thoughts were unable to be read since they were on the Green’s frequency.
Energy Manipulation: While initially driven mad by the Kryptonian energy that Superman accidentally infected him with, rooting himself to the Green was able to free himself from it. Similarly, Swamp Thing’s vibrational powers could oscillate and redirect the alien energies of the moon, known as the Gray, back down to the roots of the Parliament Elders back down on Earth. Alec could completely resist energy being drained from the Green, which threatened him too, restored himself, and traced it to where it was being siphoned from. He found that this was a result of Woodrue tapping into the Green without experience and using its powers for himself.
Time Manipulation: Before passing partially through the Source Wall, Swamp Thing and Metron noted that Promethean Giants were left in a state of pseudo-stasis from their attempts, which left their heartbeats to only ever beat after long periods of time. This condition that left those entities in slowed,localized time for eternity was temporarily resisted by Swamp Thing, more seamlessly than others, in that space while they were subjected to that potential stasis.
Minor Soul Manipulation: While generally vulnerable to spiritual attacks, Swamp Thing had his soul devoured by a former elemental’s astral form, but he only survived by reforming inside of their avatar from their spiritual “belly”. The rot from Matango’s fungus threatened to trap Alec’s soul within the Grey, but he was able to barely scrape enough strength to send it to another avatar after being weakened. Similarly, souls from the Parliament resisted Matango’s influence over them as an overpopulated collective of souls with free wills that opposed him en masse.
Transmutation: Both Swamp Thing and his home swamp were wholly unaffected by a crystal entity that crystallized animals with a touch due to the bio-restorative formula. However, more aggressive exposure could transmute him at the molecular level. Yet, a part of him was still conscious and unaffected enough that the formula worked in tandem with his willpower to restore his body to normal. Later on, a dose of a liquid that began to transmute his plant body into flesh required an extra dose to even begin to take effect against his avatar.
Existence Erasure: During the Anti-Monitor’s multiversal Crisis on Infinite Earths, a universe-spanning antimatter wave struck Swamp Thing’s home. However, his essence managed to survive and merge with the Green to safeguard whatever life he could on the planet after his body was blasted into nothingness. Like that antimatter wave, Swamp Thing was able to survive existence erasure within Pralaya’s body just long enough for Zatanna to activate her omniversal regrowth spell within him.
Minor Acausality: Swamp Thing’s existence and long legacy of predecessors was a result of a closed time loop and grandfather paradox orchestrated by the Parliament. After sending himself back through time, they granted him the seeds to sow the founders of the champions and simultaneously acted as the first avatar for the Green chronologically. They then used his own memories from both Alec and Swamp Thing’s life to paradoxically manipulate his origin story into happening, thus incurring a paradox of duality. However, two versions of the same Swamp Thing were unable to come into contact without one of them being ejected further back in time.
Quag-Beast Physiology
After his initial transformation, the entity formerly known as Ted was no longer human. Now, early on, the origins of Man-Thing sometimes would mention a sort of heartbeat, brain, or ears, but, later on, these statements would no longer fit the idea of what kind of entity he is. For starters, the writers would later establish that his auditory organs are actually on his “forehead”, meaning the top center of that weird trunk thing he has. He would also lack flesh or blood, lack the need to breathe, and, after getting detected by Daredevil’s Radar Sense, be confirmed to be living, wraith-like slime, alongside being composed of vegetable matter, roots, muck, water, earth, and mud. In fact, Daredevil himself proved that there was no heart inside of the Man-Thing, plus he’s described as being solid and made of foliage. Additionally, he lacks bones and vocal chords, so he cannot speak barring some odd exceptions during certain runs. Although there was one instance where he was described as an amalgam of swamp life in general, it’s not consistent with the portrayal of Manny mostly being a walking pile of muddy plant slime. Despite this, his brain cells are spread and located throughout his slippery, hard to grip body mass, and he can manually secrete pain blockers to numb physical pain for others. Because this entity lacks conventional organs, Man-Thing can simply ignore normally threatening weapons against humans like tear gas.
Because of his “quag-beast” body, he should be adhesive and slow things trying to attack or pass through him since both the nexus and the swamp are a part of and bound to him, “indivisible” from his being in that the swamp is his proper body rather than an immunity to being de-fused and made up of the sorcerous energies that dwell there. Speaking of which, the impact event from his origins ended up creating Man-Thing at the molecular level with the assistance of arcane forces, which aligns with the newer Faustian Bargain idea too. As such, his unique physiology makes it so that he can stand motionless for long periods of time without issue thanks to a lack of need for sustenance, which works well for a being that goes immobile without any emotional stimuli or curiosities nearby. Though, without contact with his swamp for a long while will eventually end up naturally and gradually weakening him, but exposure to moisture helps him recover from this. Similarly, if Man-Thing’s mind is consigned to “oblivion” from being fully dried out, he can come to in a few hours or days if he’s re-moisturized with water from his swamp. Additionally, another method that can revitalize him from this dried out state more quickly is by being near or within an area with a sorcerous or magical presence, even if it’s not his own swamp. This is especially helpful when he needs to survive being in states that are a result of a majority of his body being blasted off of him. Nowadays, his body is able to recycle itself to create a self-contained ecosystem so he can last longer outside of his bog. But, this process doesn’t assist him indefinitely, it only slowed down this rate after a chemical decomposition event. Otherwise, Manny’s body is ageless, immune to disease, can sense and attune to the emotions of ghosts, and can live underwater.
But, what about poor Ted? Where is he? Well, the Man-Thing doesn’t really have a mind, which will be touched on later, and attempts to restore Sallis have been a fruitless endeavor. It’d take constant mental massaging over several days to bring back the smallest bit of Ted’s mind to adult maturity and thoughts again, since it’ll naturally regress over time. Because his brain cells are spread uniformly throughout his mass, regenerating them to be active again requires that rigorous attention, since mystical restoration of his mind, even by Doctor Strange, proved to be only temporary due to his creation through both science and magic. Now, despite his mindlessness, Man-Thing still has a soul, with this idea only ever being contradicted once in the past. His soul has been possessed by the demonic Unnthinnkk before, which allowed them to mutate his body and increase its size. Unnthinnk is only defeated after Doctor Strange entered Man-Thing’s “miasmic soul”, met and empowered Ted in there, and assisted him in battling them, which led to Ted being “consigned to the darkness of Man-Thing” after this was resolved.
Other examples include Manny’s soul being referred to as human, the statement that Ted is a portion of his soul, and the claim that Manny is Sallis’s soul merged with the raw Nexus substance of the swamp. When Ellen and Doctor Strange entered Ellen’s mind, she initially mistook it for Manny’s soul, which implies the existence of one. An alternate version of him known as Man-Thing Thang Thoom, protector of the Nexus within the Soulworld of the Soul Gem, was directly said to have a spirit too. In fact, when Man-Thing has his soul torn out of him, this will only remove Ted Sallis and the creature can remain active without him.
Natural Weaponry: Man-Thing’s hands are claws for swiping at prey, and his body is sometimes covered in razor-sharp brambles. His arms can extend and coil around targets during a fight or to save people from falls, and he can extend his fingers like piercing vines to stab multiple targets. Portions of his body mass can reach out towards enemies like tendrils to grasp onto them or envelop them entirely. Manny has used his own body to press characters into it in order to suffocate them against his slime and knock them out. Plus, his swamp muck exterior can be flung at people with a splashing, swinging motion.
Mystical Sight: Due to his origin as an entity made from mad science and mystic forces, Man-Thing is capable of seeing through magical illusions and seeing invisible, magical portals.
Mystical Healing: Due to being partially created via magic, Man-Thing can never truly be destroyed in enchanted, magical locations and passively heals to full power in them. This mystical healing is especially potent, as magical atmospheres could immediately heal him from being entirely, instantly enveloped in white hot flames.
Electron Disruption: Manny’s body allowed him to not only pass through the grasp of an electrical entity that would’ve killed him, but also disrupt their electrons with his swamp matter.
Mindless Instinct: While Ted isn’t in control or emerged through some means, the Man-Thing entity is consistently described as a mindless being that cannot think in the traditional sense acting on animal-like instinct instead. Instead of thinking, the remnants of his mind sometimes piece together feelings to form a kind of “reason”. Manny has no emotions of his own aside from flighty feelings of curiosity and boredom. While he can occasionally be mentally manipulated, recall vague ideas of Ted’s past, or vaguely recognize things from his time as a human, the creature doesn’t have a memory of its own in addition to lacking a mind. Once, the entity was struck through the brow with mystical fire, which began to un-deaden the mind of Hallis and recognize the horrific, mouthless body he was in. However, his mind and intellect quickly receded upon sensing an outpouring of emotions.
Some bad guys said that his brain turned into “vegetable matter”, but it’s more accurate to say that the brain cells dispersed throughout his body were deactivated, his intellect drowned out and scattered to only act on instinct or emotion. This leaves him without a proper brain or intellect, and it falls in line with the idea of Lizard finding Ted under a microscope to view one of his cells. In fact, after entering Man-Thing’s soul to help Ted fight off Unnthinnk, Doctor Strange was unable to guarantee his powers could safely, mystically emerge his mind in the creature at that point. He instead asked Strange to shrink him down to consign him to “oblivion”, which fits in with the Dreadscape concept introduced later. Note that after Classic Man-Thing and Rebirth Man-Thing fused via Classic absorbing the other, Fused Man-Thing was capable of thought, but not speech. As of the Curse of the Man-Thing run, Ted learned how to emerge his mind to control Man-Thing at will.
Nonduality: Man-Thing is neither “alive” nor can he “die” in the traditional sense, allowing him to survive simple attempts to kill him like getting buried alive. He was able to merely be knocked out by Death-Stalker’s death touch as he was immune by virtue of being neither dead nor alive. This fact has been reiterated a few times, meaning he’s not “alive” like how an animal or a plant is a “living” thing. He’s something “more than plant than animal”, which was a trade as a result of the life manipulation from the Nexus when it made him a guardian. After burning out his power to stop Mahapralaya, he “died” despite never really being “alive” in the first place, but the Nexus fragment he owned revived him soon afterwards.
Power Conduit: Man-Thing himself can act as a middleman to allow characters to use their powers either through him or his connection to the Nexus. After allowing Professor X to share headspace with him, Xavier could do things like de-fuse an evil Jean Grey and Iceman from their alternate selves. Franklin Richards was able to mold reality from his subconscious mind and dreams by using Manny’s connection to the Nexus to facilitate this reality warping.
X'Zelzi'Ohr: After his rebirth, Manny not only developed speech for a time, but he spoke in colloquialisms that are most familiar to the person listening to him in their language. This is done because he speaks "X'Zelzi'Ohr", the universal language.
Due to his nature as an entity made of swamp slime and ooze, Man-Thing’s body is extremely malleable and can simply pass through openings of any kind. It’s almost like a more limited, slimier version of phasing, since Manny’s body’s adhesive nature can trap physical bodies partially inside of it, completely get them stuck within him, or simply have charging assailants completely pass through his muck. Weapons and objects such as pickaxes, mystical flaming swords, chains, guns, and large pointed roots often harmlessly embed themselves in Man-Thing’s body and slide out, which sometimes causes clumps of his slime to come off of him. In fact, he sometimes sticks weapons in his body intentionally to keep the stuck items away from people. However, his body is still capable of being physically restrained or grabbed onto, and enough mass, force, or crowds can temporarily halt him or stop him, like being unable to pass through walls or mobs of people.
So, not only can the creature easily pass through cages, but he’s unable to be held back by things like lassos or, similarly, Reed Richards’s arms forming one, since he’ll start to pass through once they grow taut. This allows him to recognize things like nets when they entangle him and simply ooze through them, which can apply to more abstract grappling like the grasp of an electric entity that might’ve seriously harmed him. Manny’s even capable of slipping through Spiderman’s webs, even some that Peter said would halt anyone “short of the Hulk”. Because of this ludicrous level of malleability, Man-Thing is still able to control his body after it’s been hacked down and severely misshapen. While near a missing Nexus shard, he’s disgustingly been able to ooze himself into Howard the Duck’s intestines to retrieve it from inside of him. The creature is able to entirely dematerize himself into the Nexus swamp as well, and coming into contact with plants and air that are native to that swamp will incur his regeneration from just a head and showcase how he can grow out his body with massive vines.
Shapeshifting: With that much body control, Man-Thing is capable of manipulating his body mass into things like waves of swamp muck to crash against people. This involves shapeshifting as well, such as morphing into a swampy manta ray body in order to swim more gracefully underwater. His limbs can become slimy, yet working hammers or handaxes, and Manny could even spread his body across the ground like a mossy carpet to stealthily ensnare foes.
Phasing: After reincarnating from his egg, Man-Thing can now dimensionally phase through walls as well, no small space required.
Burning Touch
Like the old saying goes: Whatever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing’s touch! As in, the act of being afraid is what will cause the Man-Thing’s touch to induce a chemical reaction and burn anyone it touches either with caustic acid or with immolating, conjured flames. Any of his “luckier” victims will serve as living proof of the traumatic experience, since his burns can often leave disfiguring scars, sear flesh so hot that it fuses items to the wielder’s body, literally melts their flesh, and painfully seals mouths or body parts shut. Even disconnected or manipulated pieces of his body are able to react to fear and burn it away with just a touch. These flames can cause massive fires by themselves, entirely immolate a person until there’s nothing left of them, burn at the molecular level, irradiate cells, and purge infections.
However, he still has quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to this power, such as being able to redirect most of his flaming touch onto a bad guy to spare Daredevil when he tackled them into him. “Fear” in general is broad in definition for Man-Thing, since emotions such as anger can activate his ability because anger itself stems from fear. Plus, whenever he’s not agitated, his body will naturally neutralize the acid that causes his burns while he’s entirely unprovoked.
Exorcism: Man-Thing’s burning touch can bypass and burn out a demon that was possessing someone to avoid harming the person acting as the host, which burned the ectoplasm body of the demon into ash.
Non-Physical Interaction (Maybe): Manny’s ability to interact with the intangible is somewhat inconsistent. He has burned the ectoplasmic body of a demon to ash and attacked vapor phantasms manifested by a person’s madness, though the latter may have been briefly made real. However, on another occasion, he was unable to defeat this old woman’s hateful specter or interact with intangible spirits, astral projections, and demons. There’s another instance where Man-Thing could attack ghost pirates, though the story is unclear about them and went back and forth about whether they were undead from a curse or actual intangible ghosts. Much later, however, it was claimed that Man-Thing's burning touch will affect his target even if they were to be made up of gas, stone, or ice. Additionally, souls and astral bodies in Marvel tend to be made of ectoplasm and are informational and metaphysical, which Man-Thing has burned up a total of one time, so his interaction with spirits is overall very inconsistent and debatable.
Bypassing Fire Resistance (Debatable): Man-Thing’s touch ended up burning and melting Thog the Nether-Spawn, who is always on fire. However, Thog was able to re-form later, suggesting that the burning touch’s disintegration didn’t erase his spirit or presence.
Durability Negation: Man-Thing's burning touch can specifically target and burn through vital organs even if he only grasped their hands elsewhere on their body. While wielding a Nexus fragment, Manny burning Mahapralaya boiled his sins to the surface of his consciousness to burn him from the inside out like a pseudo-Penance Stare. This was described by Howard while he psychically experienced his fate due to the Nexus shard transmitting it.
Empathic Sensing
The sensory guide that keeps the mindless Man-Thing going is his psionic, empathic link with the emotions of any living thing around him. By following psychic trails or psychic readings from the minds of others near him, the creature can exercise its will as an empath after sensing them and either mimic or go berserk from the emotions of others. See, the more violent the emotion he senses, the more violent the Man-Thing will react in turn. For example, his infamous burning touch is a result of him sensing fear and abhorring how it feels, which leads him to try to destroy the source. The ever fickle entity not only loathes sensing fear, but greed, anger, evil, discomfort, and even a fear of death set him off to try and destroy the origin point. For the few friends he has, Manny can psionically, not telepathically, share an empathic link with them. And, if his target is a ghost, the creature can still sense and attune to their emotions too.
These emotional links are powerful, only ever shown to be broken by magical energies. Perhaps surprisingly, this ability has a lot of utility as well. Man-Thing can act as a lie detector by detecting a character’s sincerity, and anyone he’s met before can be tracked and re-identified by him recognizing their “emotions”. This power allows him to sort of read minds via sensing their emotions rather than their thoughts, and characters absent of emotions altogether can still be found by him sensing “emotional voids”. And, don’t get it twisted, Manny doesn’t simply attack indiscriminately. He is actually able to understand the minute subtleties of anger at a perceived injustice or a lack of repentance, which lets him make judgment calls on nuanced situations so he doesn’t attack people for almost no reason. So, when he attempts to absorb an aggravated person into his body, he can try to search the person for the source of their anguish. In fact, his empathic detection is so powerful that he can sense the fear of people halfway across the world and grow agitated from global fear. Enough of this fear in accumulation and near him even stirs a dangerous reaction in his body that allows him to tap into the Nexus itself to make use of its powers.
Telepathy: Man-Thing was able to sense when he was being telepathically scried on by Professor X, and Xavier admits that Manny’s consciousness only “let him come along” telepathically across dimensions in his head. While he was still unable to speak since his fusion with both versions of himself, he was able to communicate through “the movements of nature” and attempted to communicate telepathically with Jean Grey after realizing she was a telepath.
Recognition: Manny’s empathic senses are able to recognize familiar presences, which lets him follow paths of “emotional vibes” and identify when Molecule Man had mentally reincarnated into a new body that wasn’t his. He could also detect when the Unseen’s cosmic presence threatened to break free from his chains elsewhere and howled in response.
Frequency Tracking: Manny could locate and recognize subsonic frequencies which were sources of vibrations that caused other beings pain. And, he was able to later detect locations by sensing their “signals”.
Power Boost: Man-Thing grows more powerful the more fear there is around him. In fact, feeling too much fear would eventually cause him to create a massive, citywide fireball. Additionally, enough of that same feeling would cause Manny to channel the Nexus, which allows it to control him. But, this also grants him boons like getting access to its powers, forcing anyone in close proximity attempting to approach him to face nightmare scenarios in pocket realities, bringing people into the Nexus itself, or causing reality to collapse in on itself if he’s fully maxed out on fear.
So long as there’s some mass to regenerate from, Man-Thing can regenerate things like his face and life-giving moisture getting burned away or cause holes left in his body getting filled back up, otherwise he’ll need to rely on his resurrection. Even getting dissolved chemically at the molecular level isn’t enough to take him down since he could regenerate from chemical components that were that small too. Examples include regeneration after getting sliced up by a fan, splattered from a fall multiple stories high, losing his hands or limbs, getting splattered by a car, having his upper body blasted off, and healing gunshots almost immediately. He’s been able to dematerialize into swampland and rematerialize out of mulch, and he can reattach severed body parts. His swamp is also capable of instantly healing Man-Thing back to full health as he’s burning himself, and magic, such as from Khordes, allowed him to regenerate from a small chunk of goo due to it being similar to the mystical forces of the swamp. In fact, his body is constantly regenerating and being sustained by the swamp if it’s nearby.
Even after his body has been hacked down, Manny can control his body in a severely misshapen state, and he can survive as just a portion of his head. He could regenerate off of small portions of himself kept in small plastic bags as well. If there’s native plants and air from his swamp, it’ll boost his healing and revive him, growing his body out with large vines. Additionally, the regeneration will kick in if he’s left in sunlight and receiving nutrients. Related to this, his Rebirth self still regenerates and Fusion Man-Thing is pain-proof, as opposed to his Rebirth body. In the Marvel Zombies continuity, there’s a single stipulation regarding his regeneration, which involves him getting his power from the earth, which replenishes him faster than the zombie virus rain can dissolve him. However, in this canon, it only works so long as his feet are on the ground, which isn’t a rule in other continuities.
Size Manipulation
Man-Thing has showcased moments where he’s been able to grow into a giant swamp kaiju before, and this is usually brought on by a few specific methods. While wielding a Nexus fragment, Man-Thing can simply grow into a giant that can fit entire people in the palm of his hands. When he’s absorbing numerous life forces at a distance around him at once, this accumulation allows him to grow so massive and fiery that he’s able to eclipse an entire city.
Dimensional Travel
Thanks to Man-Thing’s connection to the Nexus, he’s been granted the ability to create portals and warp through spacetime both as his mindless self and sapient self. By manipulating the Nexus, the entity is able to make a portal to any reality he wants, only needing an image of someone or someplace to automatically know which dimension to travel to in order to meet them. While mindless, Man-Thing was capable of using this power instinctually, and cognizant Manny quickly learned how to teleport himself and others to the other side of the planet. After Satana etched an inscription into him, he no longer needed any implants or the Nexus to teleport, even being capable of teleporting to locations he’s just heard about either by reading emotions or thoughts. However, Professor X stated that, because of Man-Thing’s will and link to the Nexus, the cryptid can tell exactly what reality he might need to enter to find someone or return home. This skill likely helps him out when he seeps into the ground and reforms elsewhere or when he uses portals to bypass arcane defenses keeping areas inaccessible.
These interdimensional portals allow Man-Thing to visit non-canon continuities like the Marvel Zombies universe. This applies to parallel worlds in general, like the time he allowed Xavier to telepathically come along in his headspace to other universes to de-fuse Jean Grey and Iceman from their evil, alternate reality selves. This innate mastery of interdimensional portals is so immense that he can reach extradimensional planes of existence or manually block off the Nexus from other people trying to enter it. Man-Thing’s ability to do this is further backed up with how he can close rifts to alternate continuities. Mysterio’s swamp water and illusion mixture concoction could summon real-illusion characters that violate continuity by being from the future. This multiversal expertise was once showcased after Juggernaut had lost his connection and charge from Cyttorak. After Satana bestowed the Mark of Cyttorak onto Man-Thing to help him locate this, the creature manifested a portal to an alternate universe’s Cyttorak where Juggernaut was dead. This allowed his Juggernaut to reconnect and power off of that world’s Lord of Oblivion instead, suggesting that Manny could theoretically replenish any lost resource with a similar version from another universe. In fact, the Nexus itself connects to the greater Marvel multiverse and omniverse.
Additionally, while connected to the Nexus, Man-Thing's body can allow others to walk through his body to travel into it or other dimensions. This is backed up by a later Howard comic, of all things, where his body does the same thing. After he bonded with the Nexus, the innate randomness of the crossroads gets dampened, which can send people to locations and dimensions that they imagine. This has him act as a gateway there and back through a portal on the other side with a simple touch to his body. This can potentially be used to imagine up an entire new universe. Living Nexus Howard, after defeating the Collector, was then separated from the Nexus by Silver Surfer, though he still had a psychic bond with it. Similarly, while at the swamp, Man-Thing can teleport or manually bring people into the Nexus through the ground. Though this was part of a run where Franklin Richards tapped into the Nexus through Manny’s connection, molded reality with it, hijacked control, and dimensionally chauffeured the main group across his mindscape, this teleportation is something he can do outside of this example.
During fights, Man-Thing has been able to use his dimensional portals to teleport around to attack and get the jump on enemies, a travel process described as being instant multiple times. In battle, he’s been able to similarly weaponize portals to avoid or redirect incoming attacks to other locations, though certain force walls and forcefields have been able to block his spacetime navigation. He’s also been able to detect cosmic presence like the Unseen breaking free of chains, something an alternate version of him, Man-Thing Thang Thoom, is also capable of via cosmic awareness for cosmic crises. Speaking of which, this version of Manny was the protector of the Nexus within the Soulworld of the Soul Gem, who could break into the Reality Stone realm, pass through areas of ideas given form, and travel back to the Soul World from it.
Scrying: Man-Thing can simultaneously sense when he was being telepathically scried on by Professor X and create “bridges to everywhere” to help the Guardians of the Galaxy scry on other people looking for the Infinity Stones throughout the multiverse.
Time Travel: The Lineage saga allowed Adam Man-Thing to sing a specific ancient song in an old language with the aid of the Staff of the Creator, which brought his group a millennium into the past at a citywide range at the molecular level. However, this was from a one-time scroll that he possibly wouldn’t remember, and it’s since been implied that only Adam had this capability to lead them through an endless time tunnel. Luckily, there’s been other theoretical methods he’s used to time travel, such as his incubating consciousness bulb causing the Thunderbolts tower to be sent back through the past. Manny’s been able to use spacetime portals to view both the future and the past, implying he could theoretically travel through them since America Chavez could accomplish the same thing with her portals. He could later take Red She-Hulk and himself to an alternate timeline in the past as well, though he couldn’t interfere with events that are “supposed to happen”, only with instances that lack such importance.
Battlefield Removal: The portals and teleportation Man-Thing uses can send incoming structures to other locations, like sending a crashing jet over to Manhattan or shifting groups of people around by teleporting. More simply, Manny can just send things through portals to other dimensions and manually close rifts. While he’s in the swamp, he can drop people into the Nexus himself and could choose specific dimensions as their destinations, like when he dropped the Harrower in the same reality her mentors were banished to. By absorbing characters into his body, Man-Thing can achieve this same effect and bring them into the Nexus, where Ted can separate from the creature to speak and think freely at will. When Hulk was brought into it by Ted, he implied that he was unable to escape the Nexus on his own.
Naturally, Man-Thing has the capability to drain the life force of beings that he touches, even ones made up of mystical force. This extends to emotions as well, such as the time he absorbed Paradox’s emotions, namely his agony and pain, to bring him mental peace. Manny can absorb characters against his body too, which allows him to try to search them for the source of any anguish they might be feeling. In fact, by absorbing people into his body, he can use this as a way to forcibly bring them into the Nexus itself. And, when Satana inscribed a symbol onto his body, the creature gained the capability of absorbing creatures into himself to kill them, alongside absorbing life forces at a distance to grow larger and more fiery.
Fusionism: His absorption powers also allow Man-Thing and Ted Sallis to fuse with other characters under certain conditions. After his Lineage saga, Man-Thing amplified himself by drawing down Ted, Ellen, and the Nexus into his body as a super-fusion to charge off of all their powers without Adam K’ad-Mon involved. When his Rebirth self and Classic self fought, Classic Manny was able to absorb his newer self to become a unified, fused entity that could think, but not speak. While inside of the Nexus itself, Ted learned how to de-fuse himself from Man-Thing proper at will in more modern comics.
The Dreadscape
By enveloping characters in his flesh by touching them with even the tiniest, airborne dandelion seeds from his body, Man-Thing can seal characters within cocoons that bring them into the Dreadscape so long as the portion of his body contains Ted. This realm, which is where the last semblance of Man-Thing’s consciousness resides, forces characters to fight against manifestations of their greatest fears. Sallis states that he’s been trapped inside of it for decades constantly facing this, implying that this is where “oblivion” was referring to when Man-Thing’s mind receded. When characters are brought inside, he can even remove their physical arsenal. Considering characters break out of the Dreadscape by breaking free of their cocoons, it’s possible that what’s brought inside of it is their consciousnesses.
The Dreadscape is capable of knowing and cluing Ted into the fears and memories of its prisoners, which is useful to him considering he controls all of its reality. This allows him to effectively draw out the fear from the vulnerable and not-so-courageous trapped inside. This is a free way to burn up their entire bodies inside of the realm and eject them if he absorbed them into this realm through his body, rather than through a cocoon. Ted calls this place the “deepest darkest part of Man-Thing” he was locked away in, and small chunks of his body can reach out to forcibly bring someone into it. Without Ted’s permission to leave, characters are all stuck there at his mercy, free for him to torment for as long as he likes. This is ironic given that he could torment Belasco, former ruler of the Otherplace known as Limbo before Magik usurped and weakened him, since his Limbo realm was previously part of the Nexus. Should Ted allow his captive audience to leave once the danger is gone, they can easily break their physical bodies out of their Man-Thing cocoons without a scratch on them.
Should Man-Thing’s body be hijacked or manipulated, the miniscule portion that contains Ted can end up instinctively ejected from it and survive independent of the manipulated mass. Considering Ted could be found within this small chunk in one of Manny’s cells, it’s likely that this cell houses the Dreadscape and is the minimum size necessary to touch someone in order to imprison them within its reality. Despite being previously unable to escape the Dreadscape thanks to his own immense amounts of self-loathing and fear, a pep talk from Spider-Man allowed him to overcome his fear and finally learn how to take control of Man-Thing at will.
Plant Manipulation
Typically, the Man-Thing is capable of manipulating the vegetation covering his body or his swamp during confrontations, allowing him to grapple with nearby roots or restraining characters with the vines along his body. These same vines from his body can be used to skewer people, and his body can grow itself out to the point of covering a portion of a city block. If nearby, he can manipulate his native swamp water to grow out and plug up holes in walls too. In fact, if a target is wounded and they’ve had their DNA artificially altered, like Spider-Man, then traces of the Serum SO-2 can potentially infect them and suppress a person’s animal traits with a plant matrix. Effectively, similar to how the Lizard happened, a person under these conditions could turn into a similar plant monster. While it’s not one of Manny’s main powers, plant manipulation abilities have been mentioned under historical recaps of Man-Thing’s history.
He may not look like it, but the swamp entity is a force for purification in various different ways. After burning down Mahapralaya, Man-Thing, empowered by a Nexus fragment, was not only able to resurrect him, but he purged his diseases, pain, and deformities too. With a touch, Adam-possessed Manny tore away Namor’s life-sustaining armor and cured him of the malady that didn’t allow him to breathe underwater. Additionally, due to Spiderman’s DNA interacting oddly with some of the leftover Man-Thing serum, he was infected with a plant matrix that was able to be purged by the creature’s burning touch irradiating his cells at the molecular level.
Man-Thing is a tough cryptid to take down, mostly due to the Nexus itself. When he was affected by Khordes’s magic, which cursed pirates to become a ghostly crew with similar mystic forces to his swamp, Manny was able to revive Khordes himself with a touch to his skeleton. However, in addition to that resurrection power he wields if he draws in the Nexus, the entity is able to recompose and revive at the Florida swamp Nexus Point whenever he falls apart or dies. This is because the Nexus, should it be drawn within him or present, will always revive him there or at the swamp regardless of whether he’s entirely physically destroyed. It’s even stated that he can “never die” and will stand against intruders “forever”. Should he be killed in the Everglades swamp Nexus Point, he will resurrect instantly there, and it can rejuvenate Manny immediately mid-battle there. Thus, the swamp can revitalize him out of the puddles that exist there. In fact, so long as Manny is within proximity of the swamp, it’ll resurrect him without fail even if he’s destroyed in a fiery blaze, rendering him “virtually immortal”.
However, should he die within the Nexus itself, which could include the White Hot Room, both Man-Thing and Ted will be able to regrow and revive inside of it. This even lets them speak after being torn in half in the Nexus before simply being fine mere moments afterwards. Other miscellaneous instances have supported his undying nature, such as the Marvel Zombies canon saying that he can revive since he’s from the “primordial ooze” and is “the essence of life itself”. Releasing the lifeblood out from a Man-Thing that wasn’t Ted was once able to resurrect someone who had died from a stab wound as well.
Reincarnation: Should the creature absorb enough life forces and beings, the Man-Thing will grow larger and more fiery until he “maxes out” and returns to his swamp, which leaves him ready for his new “incarnation”. He will form a consciousness bulb that will incubate in a dormant state for a long time in the location he chooses to hibernate in, which requires constant care through nutrients from, say, dead bodies. Man-Thing, in this instance, reincarnated and emerged after the egg was sent back to the dawn of life in the past alongside the Thunderbolts tower. This iteration could speak a universal language, and he actually had a mind, Ted’s mind, after this Rebirth during this specific run.
Lineage Man-Thing
After collecting the 3rd Nexus Fragment to restore the Nexus itself, Adam K’ad-Mon began taking over Man-Thing through his contact with the Staff of the Creator. Sharing a consciousness with Ted Sallis, Adam K’ad-Mon was capable of bringing Ted to the surface of Man-Thing at will and controlled the body throughout most of the Lineage storyline. In fact, either the Staff or Adam turned Ted back into Man-Thing at the cellular level when their mission for the Nexus Fragments was still incomplete. Throughout Man-Thing Vol. 3 (1997), every power demonstrated by Adam through the creature carries an air of uncertainty as to whether it derives from the Staff or Adam himself. See, Adam is a Fallen Star, the original entities made at the dawn of creation by the Staff that helped to mold all of reality whose level of power is demonstrated via being able to manipulate the Nexus.
Later on, after Adam K’ad-Mon became the swamp and independent, Ted Sallis became Man-Thing with full control of the Staff of the Creator itself during his bet with the True Scrier, taking on the mantle as the current Man of Lineage. Because the Staff created the Fallen Stars in the first place, it’s possible that all of Adam’s powers are available via owning it as Lineage Man-Thing. Though, he’s never demonstrated this theoretical capability. In this state, Ted is able to think normally as Man-Thing and “sing” to communicate with others. Even after Manny was fed the energies of the Fallen Stars, the True Scrier remained confident that he still could destroy him, and he had nullified and taken the powers of the Staff for himself. However, it’s been implied that anyone capable of harming a Fallen Star would potentially be able to harm the Creator, so Scrier’s boasting is somewhat questionable. This is especially true upon Ted, Ellen, and the Nexus drawing themselves down into Man-Thing’s body at the atomic level, potentially leveling the playing field. Although Scrier still says he could destroy him, he also says that this was totally “his plan all along” despite being after the Nexus the whole issue, so he’s somewhat unreliable as an authority in this regard.
Upon successfully duping the Scrier during their bet, the true Man-Thing went on to become the Nexus while a “memory” of Man-Thing remained to basically be his new base form. This implies that drawing down the Nexus would draw on Lineage Man-Thing’s power from this point onwards. Speaking of which, the combination of the Staff of the Creator and becoming the Nexus grants Manny the following abilities:
Flight: Adam Man-Thing could grow out swampy wings and fly through space with ease, although given Manny’s natural shapeshifting, this is theoretically already possible. Similarly, K’ad-Mon could use the winds to whisk him and others away to other locations.
Telepathy: Adam Man-Thing can sense other presences in minds and purge them to restore mind manipulation, return lost memories, and share his consciousness to convey information.
Dimensional Travel: Manny is able to create dimensional portals to any other reality at will.
Empathic Manipulation: Much like Cleito, another Fallen Star, Adam is implied to know every life intimately, and his touch can fill a person with complete and total bliss through understanding and conviction, allowing him to read their memories.
Life Creation: Upon hearing the Song of Creation from the Nexus Fragment, a dying planet’s planets, mountains, lakes, and rivers soon flourished with new life, which could potentially reach across the solar system and galaxy given enough time. After taking the powers of the Staff, the True Scrier could mold reality to create a paradise realm. This tracks given that the Staff itself created the Fallen Stars and the entirety of creation too.
Sealing: By raising the Staff, Adam Man-Thing could seal Ellen in a black diamond.
Sleep Manipulation: This same black diamond began numbing Ellen’s mind to sleep.
Fusionism: During his bet with the Scrier, Ted secretly merged with Ellen and the Nexus.
Reality Warping: Job, the next Man of Lineage and Ted Sallis's secret child, appeared to warp the reality of his adoptive mother for a brief moment, implying that Adam or Man-Thing could maybe do the same given their lineage. Ellen Sallis, while wielding the necklace of Nexus Fragments, threatened to end all of reality with it. The True Scrier could freely mold reality with the Staff’s powers after taking them.
Death Manipulation: Adam Man-Thing’s presence was slowly killing the Light-Beings on a planet and could potentially, eventually kill Silver Surfer too. The True Scrier, with the Staff’s powers, could “slay” Lineage Man-Thing and all the Fallen Stars “with a glance”.
Miscellaneous Powers
Given Man-Thing is such an oddball, enigmatic entity, he’s displayed many one-off powers:
Disruption Whistle: Man-Thing can let out roaring whistles that disrupt sonars used by bats, which are soundwaves produced at specific frequencies that assist with echolocation.
Precognition: During the Lineage saga, Man-Thing was able to sense the future where every level of reality was ending, which came true later due to meddling from Termineus. Conversely, Manny could sense events that happened in the past through a location’s “emotional residue”. Given the minor cosmic awareness both he and Man-Thing Thang Thoom exhibited, these examples provide supporting implications for his precognitive capabilities, although it doesn’t seem battle-applicable in the grand scheme of a fight.
Summoning Ritual: By inscribing a symbol on his chest as either Man-Thing or Ted and dropping a glob of algae matter or blood from this in a magic circle, both entities can complete a demonic ritual by hammering the circle with blunt force. Doing this will summon the current ruler of Limbo, which previously summoned Belasco and more recently summoned Magik. Magik only assisted Manny once since she inherited the context specific deal from Belasco, so it’s unlikely she would help in a fight aside from removing the Man-Thing curse.
Damage Transferal: Man-Thing was once able to transfer the dissolving chemicals that completely covered his body over to a man by touching him. This removed the chemicals from his body and forcibly shared it to the man instead, completely dissolving him into nothing.
Minor Matter Manipulation: With a touch, Adam Man-Thing eradicated all of Namor’s life-sustaining armor and cured him of a malady that didn’t let him breathe underwater.
Given that he’s an amalgamation of science and sorcery, Man-Thing resists a number of things:
Fire Resistance: Man-Thing wasn’t consumed by the hellish flames from Thog, ignored a sword that sliced him with mystic fire, remained unaffected by white phosphorus grenades, came back after burning himself, and withstood hellfire from Johnny Blaze, which can burn characters that normally have outright resistances to fire.
Plant Manipulation: Should Man-Thing’s body be manipulated and hijacked by a plant manipulator, the entity will instinctively eject a small portion of itself to preserve Ted’s essence for it to survive independently. This could be done at the cellular level, as Ted could be found in one of these ejected cells. After overcoming his fears, Ted controlled Man-Thing and was able to absorb and reclaim pieces of his manipulated plant matter back into himself by asserting his will over manipulated portions of his body.
Breathing Hazard Resistance: Man-Thing doesn’t need to breathe, which helps him simply ignore tear gas and an airborne fungus.
Extreme Temperatures: Manny can break out of being entirely frozen solid if he’s overwhelmed by nearby emotions. He also survived treading through the Himalayas and getting buried under an avalanche as the cold began to wear on him.
Telepathy: While Man-Thing’s mind remnants can telepathically receive messages, Xavier was only telepathically “allowed” into his headspace and he found Manny’s “mind” unfathomable.
Disease Manipulation: Not only is Man-Thing immune to disease in general, but, in the Marvel Zombies canon, he’s entirely immune to the zombie virus. In fact, in acidic rain form, his body replenishes him faster than the virus rain can dissolve him as long as he’s on the ground.
Age Manipulation: Man-Thing is an ageless, virtually immortal entity.
Mind Manipulation: On top of constantly being described as “mindless” whenever Ted’s not in control, Man-Thing’s headspace only “allows” Professor X to come along inside of it. On that note, Charles Xavier, who’s one of Marvel’s most powerful telepaths, finds Manny’s mind “unfathomable”. Further support of this theory suggests that the meshing of realities of the swamp could interfere with mental powers. Mystical restoration of his mind is proven temporary before it regresses. Even when powerful magic users like Doctor Strange attempt it, this mind regresses the longer he feels the swamp and fear. Manually attempting to bring out Ted’s mind requires days of rigorous mental massaging, which will only barely restore the smallest bit of his awareness before naturally regressing. This implies that Ted being able to emerge at will is an impressive feat on its own, especially when all of his brain cells are spread uniformly throughout his mass and require them to regenerate in order to restore his mind. Man-Thing’s even experienced extremely brief omnipresence without being totally overwhelmed. However, he’s still vulnerable to general suggestion, mental domination, or eldritch influence, implying that his resilience is tied to anything telepathic, magical, or brain-specific.
Madness Manipulation: Ted withstood decades of being trapped within the Dreadscape constantly facing his greatest fears as a passenger to the mindless Man-Thing. Man-Thing, due to his origin being neither science nor magic, could fight in a universe with no natural law where sorcery was impossible, others could not act, and centillions were left insane.
Soul Manipulation: Johnny Blaze’s hellfire was ineffective against him, which can famously bypass durability and burn souls, though it’s not clear if the soul burning properties were at play there. When Man-Thing was incubating in his consciousness bulb to be reborn, Satana was unable to astral project herself into it. However, typical soul possession, like those used by demons, and astral projection still works on him normally.
Mental Possession: Molecule Man’s wand overwrote the consciousness and mind of whoever grabbed it. Except, when Man-Thing held onto it, there was no mind to take over, so Molecule Man both failed to possess him and was consigned to oblivion while he grabbed it. This left Molecule Man’s essence still in the wand, but he remained incapacitated until Manny dropped it.
Fear Manipulation: Ted Sallis remained trapped in the Dreadscape for decades, constantly being assaulted by his greatest fears. After Spider-Man pointed out that his own self-loathing and fear was keeping him inside, Ted was able to overcome his fear to the point that he could take full control of Man-Thing at will.
Transmutation: When turning to Dr. Strange for help, Strange was unable to magically turn Man-Thing back into Ted Sallis, instead opting to help send Ted’s mind back into the mystic limbo it was stuck in previously. Earlier on, the Fountain of Youth water began reverting him back into a person and restoring his mind until he was covered in his muck, which fully reverted him. Additionally, his muck maybe has some element that can restore humanity to him. The Staff of the Creator, either on its own or through Adam, was capable of turning Ted back into Man-Thing at the cellular level.
Reality Warping: The swamp, and the Nexus by virtue of the swamp’s nature, could revert reality warping effects that tried to change Man-Thing back into Ted over time. Within the Nexus, its random reality warping can be overcome by mental fortitude, although this resistance isn’t perfect. And, he has many showings of being altered by stronger, more potent reality warping.
Death Manipulation: Man-Thing isn't killed, merely knocked out, by Death-Stalker's death touch because he is neither dead nor alive.
Life Absorption: Man-Thing’s constitution as an amalgam of magic and science allows him to resist having his life force drained.
Law Manipulation: Due to his origin being neither science nor magic, Man-Thing could fight in a universe with no natural laws where sorcery was impossible, numerous others were left mad, and most were unable to act after infinity had collapsed in on itself.
Existence Erasure: While the aspect of Ted Sallis could resist being flung back into nonexistence, the later concept of the Dreadscape calls into question the nature of these “oblivions” that Ted’s mind was flung into. However, as Lineage Man-Thing, Ted was able to use his energies to support Spider-Man so that he wouldn’t be erased across the multiverse within Quantum Reality. Similarly, the side effects of Spider-Man and Outrider’s battle during this time threatened to send Ellen’s soul to oblivion while she supervised the Nexus alone, which Ted prevented by taking her out of the Nexus.
Swamp Thing
The Green
The Green is the amalgamated, collective consciousness of all things that could be defined as plants, and its exact nature is neither simple nor overly complex. Effectively, it is a metaphysical, idea realm without a proper form that needs to be tended to like a garden, and it will, in turn, reward its current champion with a wide umbrella of powerful botanical abilities. This even extends to having healing properties on its own when dipped into, such as purging an individual of diseases. In fact, this is true enough that just one plant left in existence would be all that’s needed to upkeep the Green’s entire existence, albeit on a weaker, but still present level. However, other planes and alien planets will have specific connections and frequencies that even the champion would need to first manually connect to in order to tap into their subsection of the Green. The Green is also very fickle and can have mood swings of sorts, such as how it can force minds it’s only partially melded with to mirror the emotions of the entire realm or how its champions know that merging with the Green can allow them to cease all thought entirely, a form of self-banishment oblivion.
After accepting a guide through the House of Secrets from Abel, Abigail learns the original story of Alex Colson, the original Swamp Thing character (fittingly, from the House of Secrets #92), where it's confirmed that the Earth chooses an elemental protector and champion for itself. Abel also confirms that the Earth put Alec's accident into motion in some form to create the Swamp Thing, which falls in line with the fated champion creation accidents later. Such champions of appropriate kingdoms can seal off portals to their elemental realms on the material plane behind them, and they can even open up sealed pathways to the Green too. Now, in terms of the Green’s cosmology placement and effects, the following dives into that:
Cosmological Characteristics: The Green is explicitly connected to the greater DC omniverse:
The Green can suffer "dimensional wounds".
The Green is infinite and can be sensed at the subatomic level.
The Green is alluded to as being timeless, though this example is more definitive.
These elemental kingdom realms exist beyond 3 Dimensionality and have no space or time, transcending realms like hell, the material world, and heaven, which is supported by the New 52’s World Tree and Pralaya arc as well.
NOTE: While the World Tree from the New 52 seems to retcon this, Sila could possibly be perceived as the mind in the World Tree so this doesn’t necessarily overwrite that story outright.
The Green is close to the "subtle realms" and touches all realms and all spaces. The subtle realms are in reference to the spaces between the living and afterlife realms.
Swamp Thing could find and manifest in the House of Mystery through the Green.
When Deadman possessed Swamp Thing, he could feel all the wood in space and time.
The Green still seems to work in a location beyond time. And, there’s confirmation for this as they're in the facility, since the Green reaches there.
There are different localized Green connections for different planets.
When disconnected from the Green, Swamp Thing could take a leap of faith with a new enforced frequency onto a blue, faraway planet to emerge from the greenery there instead, where he maintained abilities like rematerializing out of seeds and duplication.
Swamp Thing could even reform himself out of cacti on another, redder planet, Rann, after going back into space without the Green.
An intruder in the Green could control a robotic vessel from outside of the Green.
Connection to Spiritual Realms: The Green has extremely close ties to spiritual planes, even being outright used as a bridge by its elementals to travel to the afterlife freely:
NOTE: "Merge with the soul of a planet" likely refers to dipping into the Green.
Alec implies he doesn't need guides to reach hell from the afterlife anymore later.
Swamp Thing traveling from the Realm of the Just-Dead back to Earth.
Plants in hell feed off of blood, which is something Nergal made use of. However, Swamp Thing cannot control them since they're in a different realm. Although, this limit is contradicted multiple times later on.
There are infinite afterlives, and different living species share different ones between biospheres.
The Green’s Metaphysicality: It’s been confirmed through multiple comics that the Green itself is metaphysical and conceptual in nature, a plant realm composed of memories and information:
The Green is “beyond the Earthly plane” and exists as both a force and a magical presence. It is repeatedly confirmed to be some kind of magical source or plane made up of magic, which harkens back to the World Tree. Additionally, manipulating Green Champions with powerful magic or “poisoning” magic itself will affect them, as Zatanna implies that Swamp Thing is a magic user.
Levi Kamei was looking for currents of magic and metaphysicality initially in trees.
The Elemental Kingdoms are metaphysical sources of existent matter.
The Green is made up of ideas and concepts, effectively as living information and made of memories of plants and stories. It's capable of resisting contagion if the first avatar is found, who is a walking memory at this point, and Swamp Things were made out of an "idea" within the Green.
Though Ivy was hallucinating, she stated that the Green remembers previous states of primordial plant life and history, backing up its description as memories.
The Green is the consciousness of all plants that ever was and as their memories, as experienced by Harley and shared by Ivy.
When Swamp Thing ejected his elemental powers, its knowledge lived on in the Green.
Self-Aware Botanical Properties: The Green is, above all else, a collective consciousness for all plants, an organism, and needs to be tended to like any other garden:
The Green as a Plant Mind:
The Green can be subsumed by other kingdoms if, say, all plants are turned into flesh.
In the Earth 2 runs with Alan Scott as the Champion, the Green manifested itself from the planet’s energy and spoke to him to indoctrinate him as a Green Lantern with a Lantern Ring manifested by and used as a conduit for the Green.
In Earth 2: World’s End, the Green itself again manifests to Alan Scott as a personified plant woman in order to broker a temporary alliance between the elements on Earth.
Firestorm also could not alter the molecules of the world's oxygen because of how widespread it is, but this seems like a problem on his end regarding range instead of a resistance or property.
The collective plant consciousness of the Green is not sentient, yet it’s self-aware.
While New 52 Swamp Thing was consumed by Pralaya, a spark of his consciousness survived in the Green, and the Green can return even if every iota of it is erased so long as plants can exist. While this Swamp Thing is a bit of a newborn simulacrum like the original classic one, so long as there's a Green, there's a Swamp Thing.
This means that, under a less worthy host, the Green could potentially turn on the mind trying to be their Avatar. This is evident with how they severed their connection to him, meaning it’s more likely they were feeding him some of their desires, but he was distorting them to fit his wants.
Swamp Thing isn't limited to Earth's plants in terms of communications, as he managed to form a brief link to alien Kryptonian fungus.
The Green as Organism & Garden:
NOTE: This era of Swamp Thing comics uses a lot of flowery language. Its “timetables” being measured in millenia and not days refers to plants only caring about long-term eras, and “timeless” could possibly mean “ancient” in this context as he’s appreciating its grandeur.
The Green is an "organism".
Dead zones exist on Earth where nothing thrives that damage the Green or indicate it.
Green Boons: The Green itself and the powers it imbues in others are varied and versatile:
Healing: The Green is referred to as "endless" and it heals Superman of a deadly, Kryptonian fungal disease. The Green is said to control growth and regeneration.
Resurrection: The Green could revive Alan Scott manually since his body was intact.
Sleep Manipulation: That disease-purging process, through usage of the aforementioned healing acids, puts Superman to sleep.
Memory Manipulation: Swamp Thing’s connection with the Green initially made his memories of his past fuzzy. And, elementals can share memories through the Green with a touch.
Extrasensory Perception (Plants): Swamp Thing can sense other plant-based entities through detecting their minds in The Green, which grants him awareness of all things plant and what he describes as seeing a cellular landscape when he does so.
Mind Manipulation: Within the Green, there is a tempting, lulling urge to allow one's consciousness to dissipate peacefully, which Swamp Thing can resist. The Green can assert a mental influence on people. Ivy being pulled into the Green seemingly breaks the boundaries between her sense of self and the ecosystem of the Green. While Woodrue controlled the world's plants on his first go with the Green, the Justice League came to the conclusion that it was more like the world's plants were controlling him. The call of the Green to its champions is a powerful mental suggestion to do its bidding.
Absorption: Ivy attempts to resist the influence and call of the Green to subsume her mind, which is similar to ego death. Explanation of the inevitable permanence of the absorption of Ivy's sense of self into the Green one day. Absorption into the Green means to fuse with life itself. Offshoot consciousness of the Green can subsume the minds of characters into its overall consciousness. Fusing with the Green as a normal person could break down your consciousness, break your body down, and spread apart DNA as trace amounts in random plants.
Enhanced Senses: Swamp Thing merging with the Green allowed him to perceive the danger that the psychic and spiritual dimensions around Earth were in. The smaller Swamp Thing is while in the Green, the more he can touch everything in it. Swamp Thing's presence expands throughout the Green.
Soul Manipulation: Hal Jordan entering the Green unravels him all the way down to the consciousness of himself.
Transmutation: An attempted connection was enough to overwhelm Jason Woodrue, another Floronic Man, into “becoming a plant”, having consumed his humanity entirely. In Earth 2, this happens to Alan Scott at the atomic level.
Reality Warping: The Green has the power to alter reality, which backs up the Other Place overwrite against the Upside Down Man. It can also alter a person's perception of time. The Green has been referred to as an idea that alters reality. The Green is stated to manipulate and define the boundaries of reality.
Power Source Link Restoration: Despite having his link to the Green nearly severed by a bio-agent specifically meant to impair this connection, Levi was revived and reconnected by past champions of the Green appearing to him as a single entity.
Power Amplification (Avatars): Swamp Thing is at his strongest inside the Green.
Power Nullification Vulnerability (Ability Hijacking): Swamp Thing can be ejected from the Green and forced to materialize in the world through "random morpho-genesis". This was caused by spores forcing uncontrolled growth into Swamp Thing’s body so he’d be forced to sprout outside the Green.
Other Kingdoms: Aside from the Green, several elemental, metaphysical realms for concepts such as water, animal life, fungi, industry, and more exist that help contextualize the Green even after Swamp Thing gave up his elemental connections:
General: These are notes on how the kingdoms interface with each other:
Even if he's cut off from the Green, Swamp Thing has access to the Melt, the Blue, etc.
Weakening the Green doesn't weaken the other elemental realms.
In the New 52, the three main kingdoms are the Green, the Red, and the Rot.
In Earth 2, the Green, Blue, Red, White, and Grey form the Parliament of Earth.
The Grey: The kingdom for control over fungi:
By giving Tefé one of the seeds from the tribe assisting him during his time travels, this inadvertently awoke Matango, an avatar of the Grey, which serves fungi and mold, and began to recreate Eden, the garden that the Parliament was planted in.
Mycos, also known as the Grey, still exists in the new continuity for New 52.
The Melt: The kingdom that grants power over all things earth and rock:
The White: The kingdom that controls everything in relation to air and wind:
This realm allows elementals to manipulate everything related to the air, such as hurricanes and breathing.
The Blue: The kingdom that controls water in general:
The Clear: The kingdom that controls sea life that’s used by Aquaman:
The Clear grants Aquaman access to the collective emotional consciousness of all possible sea life with his mind. The Clear and the Blue are sometimes interchangeable.
The Red: Domain over flesh and sentient life:
Tefe can reshape the Red, which is the realm for blood and life in all living things.
The Red is similarly a metaphysical and archetypal idea as a plane of reality.
The Factory: The idea realm the gives domain over industrial revolution and progression:
The Factory is the idea realm of the new, emerging “industry” kingdom.
Reconfirmation that the Factory is the idea realm of the industry kingdom.
The Rot: The domain of the concept of decay itself, usually championed by an Arcane:
The Metal: The new, artificial kingdom made to have domain over technology:
The Story Kingdom: An unknown kingdom vaguely based around stories:
The Nexus of All Realities
As the Nexus Guardian for the Everglades swamp, Man-Thing’s role in many stories is naturally deeply intertwined with one of many powerful convergence points in the Marvel multiverse. Expectedly, one of these “Nexus Points”, a term that’ll be used to differentiate the localized convergence point locations from the multiversal crossroads dimension that they act as a gateway to, is located in Florida. Specifically, the swamp is a “mystical cynosure” that connects all planes, times, dimensions, and universes, along with places “beyond”, which could potentially reach as far as the White Hot Room and the Far Shore. It’s described as potentially being the beginning and ending place for any journey in a cyclical way. Many “Nexus Points” can vary in their overall power and reality-maintaining potency, but they all lead into the same crossroads across reality. However, these Nexus Points can be destroyed or burned out to be rendered inaccessible, implying its power is localized primarily in the water, and tearing it open again requires enough cosmic power expenditure equal to a Watcher sacrificing himself.
Man-Thing, as a result of his composition of the Nexus’s swamp matter, has his lifeblood tied to the Nexus itself and feels whenever there are tears in it. Being at his swamp grants him more potency to his synchronization with the Nexus itself, which allows him to more instinctively know where a person lives and should be in order to create portals there. This proximity to these crossroads and his swamp also allows Manny to reach the peak of his power, and he’s able to control the Nexus himself. Enough fear around him allows the creature to tap into the Nexus for its powers and even channel it entirely to the point that it somewhat controls him. In fact, Ted and Ellen Sallis could previously draw down the entire consciousness of the Nexus into Man-Thing to maintain his powerful Lineage form, who became the Nexus itself later. This would suggest that tapping into or amplifying off of this crossroads in any way would potentially grant that previous level of power again. Adam K’ad-Mon once claimed to have merged with and become the swamp itself, but later stories have him clearly acting independently. Additionally, the crossroads can disallow entry for other people despite previously allowing other people to simply fall right in.
Fused Man-Thing once implied that he’d need an object from his home reality to use as a touchstone in order to find his way back to his home dimension, which is likely due to the inside of the Nexus illogically having other realities accessible by punching through physical barriers, as if almost behaving randomly. This touchstone allowed Adam to narrow down Man-Thing’s return back home to two different realities, meaning it’s still somewhat of a gamble to enter the actual crossroads itself. There are several characteristics and boons relevant to the Nexus of All Realities, which will be broken down below:
Nexus Points: These are multiple locations that act as gateways, or localized convergence points, into the Nexus itself, of which there are many that vary in their power and importance to the omniverse. And, each Nexus Point has a guardian, who can all gather as a congress. Several of these Nexus Points have been namedropped and slightly expanded on:
Man-Thing’s Florida Everglades Swamp:
Man-Thing's coming was both prophesized and his swamp is a crossroads of realities.
It's referred to as a meeting place for mystic forces and a dimensional intersection.
Dakimh had previously guarded this specific Nexus of reality.
The swamp is explicitly magical and random in its destinations.
In the Dreadpool continuity, which was later made canon as part of the greater omniverse, this Man-Thing’s Nexus allowed Dreadpool to confront his own writers and another Nexus let him into the “ideaverse” to confront inspirations for characters. (Dubious Canon)
The M’Kraan Crystal:
One Nexus Point is the M'kraan Crystal, which houses the White Hot Room.
M'Kraan Crystal is again referred to as a Nexus of All Realities.
If this Nexus Point is destroyed, all of time and space will implode, unlike the swamp.
Once again, the Crystal is called a Nexus of Realities and a threat to all of existence.
It’s referred to as “the Crystal Heart of Reality” and damage to it can destroy all of reality.
The Crossroads:
Artificial Nexus Points:
Mysterio’s concoction mixing his illusion mixture and Man-Thing’s Floridian swamp water was creating a new convergence point in the multiverse by exciting the molecules in the swamp water with his fog mixture. Here, his illusions became more real the closer you were to the concoction, to the point that they were tangible and characters from different or future continuities.
Otherworld is a Nexus Point and "Omniversal Hub" across creation and the multiverse primarily for Captain Britain stories.
The Braddock Lighthouse & Merlyn Tower:
The Braddock Lighthouse and Merlyn Tower acted as Nexus Points for every plane of reality. In fact, Kitty Pryde had her phasing resisted upon trying to go through their walls specifically because they’re Nexus Points. And, Necrom desired control over the Merlyn Tower in order to collapse the multiverse into a singularity.
The Cosmic Axis:
The Cosmic Axis is a meridian of power in the entire multiverse found within the crossroads of the Nexus itself, and every guardian also has a kind of "Nexus Energy". Threats to the Cosmic Axis, which can be accessed through the Nexus, invoked the wrath and intervention of the Living Tribunal.
Living Nexus Beings:
Alex "Havok" Summers once became a Nexus Point, which was connected subspatially to every other version of himself across dimensions. And, instability within him caused ripples across every dimensional realm.
Spider-Boy is a living Nexus and Kang wanted to use him to conquer the omniverse.
Living Nexus physiology can theoretically make an entire new universe.
America Chavez, while not a specific Nexus Being, can create dimensional portals across spacetime and reality that can even reach beyond the Superflow and up to the Neutral Zone.
The Cosmology of the Nexus: These subsections will go over the specific notes involving how the Nexus fits in with Marvel’s Cosmology, how it facilitates dimensional travel, and how the Nexus acts as a multiversal stability point:
Cosmological Characteristics:
The Everglades Swamp is a Cosmic Axis that holds the fabric of reality, and it connects to a location outside of reality known as “Between” that exists as nothingness. Several beings appear rolling towards “infinity” at the swamp from different time periods and from times that will never come to pass.
The Nexus touches all realities and lets people inside of it view other realities.
A Nexus Point offworld from Earth was detected by the Silver Surfer’s cosmic senses.
Quasar, who was lost out of his multiverse and into the omniverse, found his way back through the Nexus after using his Quantum Bands. It's a little unclear whether this means the Nexus connects the omniverse or just the multiverse.
NOTE: The Watchers sensed him when he returned to the Nexus but couldn't sense him in the omniverse outside. This potentially says more about the Watchers, since it tends to contradict established omniversal Nexus reach later.
During Magik and Belasco’s battle over it, Limbo is confirmed to transcend all realities, planes of existence, and can access all of time and space and the whole of creation itself, which is consistent with the Nexus's origins in Belasco's dimensional energies and the Staff of the Creator's "all of creation" range. Limbo was also previously stated to be included in the reach of the Nexus itself.
The Nexus, via its guardians originating as Men of Lineage and its connection to the Staff, should include the dream of the creator, which includes “all of creation”.
NOTE: It’s worth noting that equalizing this Divine Creator to The One Above All is difficult, and the Divine Creator is possibly an aspect of TOAA. This is because the writers behind their character concepts Ewing (TOAA) and DeMatteis (Divine Creator), treated the cosmology differently from their perspectives.
Multiversal Stability Point Notes:
Disaster at the Nexus affects all of reality and all planes of existence.
The Nexus is called “the linchpin of creation” and has cracks in “the fabric of existence".
The Nexus & Dimensional Travel:
From the Everglades Nexus, Man-Thing and co. come across a congress of realities, where weaponry from “across the spectrum of space and time” can be found and the balance of existence is protected by guardians like Jennifer Kale. Juncture points and dimensional bridges are created at areas where ascending levels of reality touch.
Man-Thing can simply walk to and from Katharta from the swamp.
The magical swamp leads to an "infinite number" of alternate dimensions.
The Nexus ripples across all of creation, and here Ted and Ellen have merged with it.
The Nexus is a “portal to the Multiverse”, guarded by beings like Man-Thing.
Nexus Boons: Whenever Man-Thing draws the Nexus down into himself, is amplified by all of it, or controls the Nexus itself, he should be capable of making use of various abilities tied to it:
Reality Warping: Amplified by the Nexus of All Realities, Man-Thing can warp reality and change characters into freakish versions of themselves. He accomplishes this by making characters their alternate reality selves instead of pulling them into one. Man-Thing even stepping into the Nexus threatens to alter all of reality, possibly just on a global scale, beyond recognition. Even Manny is susceptible to the reality warping of the inside of the Nexus, and it's implied this is warded off by mental fortitude. In the Nexus, it could randomly turn Manny back into Ted. However, if he concentrates, he can overcome the reality warping to become Manny again since it's loose in the Nexus. He was still tiny, however, and couldn't see past this illusion.
Temporal Acausality: Individual Nexus Shards could exist in different points in time simultaneously. Time has no meaning at the Nexus and time is blurred there. Spacetime waveforms are present, plus time and history are "fluid", at the Nexus.
Scrying Immunity: Doctor Strange implies that he can't be spied on or watched while going through the Nexus itself. The meshing of realities is possibly what interferes with mental powers from characters like Xavier so characters can’t be detected around Nexus Points.
Law Manipulation: The Nexus swamp's mystic forces cause Molecule Man's wand to malfunction and the laws of science often go "awry" there.
Fear Inducement: Being close to a “Maxed Out Fear Man-Thing” will force anyone trying to approach him to face their nightmare scenarios in pocket realities.
Summoning: Man-Thing can summon other Marvel characters from different continuities with control over the Nexus, although here Psycho-Man is manipulating their emotions and fears to do his bidding. Theoretically, Man-Thing’s fear inducement could be capable of the same if used tactically. In this instance, Man-Thing summoned alternate Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Hulk, and Wolverine. This reality warping could also summon an army of alien, interdimensional creatures.
Battlefield Removal: Man-Thing can bring people into the Nexus through global fear, when in close proximity to him. Howard was brought out of his own dimension by the Nexus. Nexus Fragments can teleport people to parallel universes.
Existence Erasure: The remainder of the spilled Mysterio Nexus mixture in the interrupted process of making a multiversal convergence point could cause a rift in the time period that threatens to cut characters from their own reality. This would lock them out of it during this accidental process, and it threatened to retcon Mysterio out of existence as reality “fills in the gaps” in continuity, but Mysterio managed to get away and be unaffected. However, this was a process exclusive to how Mysterio was attempting to manipulate Nexus water with his own mixture, and even then these effects were accidental after his plot was thwarted.
Empathic Manipulation: The reality warping of the Nexus when amplifying Man-Thing could cause characters to “lose their minds” and even attack allies when in close proximity to him. This works after bringing people into the Nexus after being amplified by global fear, where they can even be turned into literal monstrous versions of themselves.
Phasing Resistance: Kitty Pryde had her phasing resisted while trying to pass through a structure that served as a Nexus Point.
Swamp Thing
Earned a spot on the Justice League Dark.
Convinced Batman to surrender after engulfing Gotham City in vegetation.
Considered a threat by Doctor Fate in Injustice.
Reached the Source Wall and briefly passed through it.
Made Post-Crisis Superman admit to feeling pain from his punch.
Caused the House of Wonders pain with Deadman.
Briefly restrained Hecate with his vines.
Survived the Anti-Monitor’s multiversal antimatter waves.
Completed every elemental trial and became the Swamp God.
The Spectre and The Word believed he could eventually threaten Heaven.
Successfully convinced the Great Darkness to broker a truce with the Light of Creation.
Defeated Anton Arcane, Matango, Machine Queen, Captain Atom, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Etrigan, Pralaya, The Upside-Down Man, Himself
Pre-Crisis (1938 - 1986):
Note: Alan Moore’s run ends after September 1987.
Swamp Thing’s duplicates have the same strength as the original.
Defeats the Persuader, who fodderized the Challengers of the Unknown.
Tore himself free from the ground after his body was literally rooted for several days.
Battled demons that the Phantom Stranger said could kill angels.
Manifested as an entire forest to empty out a lake full of vampires.
Buried the cavernous hideout of the Brujeria with the weight and soil of a rainforest.
Materializes as a kaiju-sized body with regular plant matter.
Metron confirms that Swamp Thing’s powers operate on a planetary scale.
Swamp Thing reasserts that he could terraform the planet if he wanted to.
Post-Crisis (1986 - 2011):
Note: Formally starts for Swamp Thing during October 1987.
Constantine implies that Swamp Thing could give Superman a run for his money.
One shot both Captain Atom and Red Tornado before bringing them to the Astral Plane.
The Justice League sought out Swamp Thing to help turn the tide during an invasion.
Uproots and raises the entirety of King Arthur’s castle with massive vines.
Grew large enough to eclipse and form a protective dome over Tokyo.
Manifests as a mountain to crush a cult’s massive temple with his hands.
Fought evenly with his duplicate, which caused plants worldwide to go haywire.
Defeated Tefé’s living flower after he accidentally turned it into a rampaging kaiju.
The Spectre and Word believed elemental matters could threaten Heaven.
Disintegrated the Earth Thing after it was amplified by the Word’s power.
Fights the Beast with his Eden Armor to the point that the Beast had to cheat.
Says that he controls the lunar tides and the continental plates.
Destabilization of the Green could collapse all of creation if Swamp Thing doesn’t ensure only one champion of the Green exists, but this was later retconned as a lie.
Swamp God:
Swamp God reiterates that he could terraform the planet however he likes.
Manifests his consciousness as a kingdom that’s about 20 miles wide.
Phantom Stranger concedes that a physical 1-on-1 battle with Swamp God is an impossible task for him.
Swamp God says The Word stands no chance against him, though this might be because Tefé, who he later kills, knows a noise that can instantly defeat him.
New 52 (2011 - 2016):
Swamp Thing restored deserts that were stripped bare by Sethe.
Blasts Abigail free from the Rot’s carapace with vanilla from tiny orchid seeds.
Sliced Rot-corrupted Starro in half while acid burned through his body.
Easily restrains Doctor Destiny with vines after regaining connection to the Green.
Disrupts an oasis in the desert and uses vines to lift up multiple cars.
Has to hold his power back so he doesn’t accidentally kill Scarecrow.
Grew himself throughout all of Metropolis after Scarecrow sprays him with a formula.
Materializes out of a massive landmass that dwarfs nearby mountains.
Destroys Classic Swamp Thing’s replica of Houma, Louisiana and decks him in the face.
The Wolf confirms that the current avatar has the power of the entire Green.
In the Green, Swamp Thing and Lady Weeds manage to fight and kill the Parliament.
The power of the Green and the planet’s will is stated to belong to Swamp Thing.
The Wolf calls Swamp Thing one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
Initially anchored the Justice League Dark against the pull of a portal to the Between.
Fought Solomon Grundy with the Justice League Dark and the Flash.
Attacks Pralaya’s time-gremlins, which are made of a substance beyond life and death.
Capucine in Swamp Thing’s body beat down and defeated Etrigan in a fight.
Constantine calls Swamp Thing one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
Brightest Day: As White Lantern-powered, elementally-amped Swamp Thing, he defeated the Dark Avatar Swamp Thing.
Injustice: Restrains several Street Tier heroes, Batman, and Doctor Fate with vines.
Injustice: Doctor Fate believed Swamp Thing was a genuine, definitive threat.
Rebirth (2016 - 2020):
Note: Begins July 2016.
Anton Arcane in Swamp Thing’s body claims he can destroy the planet.
Fights Post-Crisis Superman, who admits Swamp Thing made him feel legitimate pain.
Materializes out of a Retconn worker and explodes him apart from inside of him.
Fought evenly with Woodrue while they both lacked the power from the Green.
After being amplified by several elements, Swamp Thing fought off the Barren, who was going to destroy all of creation by firing his dark matter at Heaven.
There, Black Adam fought Superman and Frost King froze Barry Allen mid-run.
Viking Prince Swamp Thing later restrained Black Adam with vines.
Swamp Thing fought evil Swamp Thing from Darkest Knight’s Dark Multiverse army.
Infinite Frontier (2021 - Now):
Levi Kamei:
Fought off Peacemaker, who had weapons coated in a bio-agent that severs connection to the Green.
Battled evenly with Hedra, his brother who was an unofficial conduit to the Green.
Covered the impossible machine of the Factory in vegetation.
Pre-Crisis (1938 - 1986):
After pulling away a gun from a guy’s hand, Swamp Thing hid “instantly”.
Avoids several lasers shot at him from different directions.
Early on, Constantine noted that Swamp Thing took 51 seconds to materialize.
Reforms out of plants in seconds while chasing a serial killer.
His consciousness darted over from Louisiana to Gotham City at blinding speeds.
Grows vines out of the ground to intercept a cop as he raises his gun.
With a “flex” of his mind, he overran Gotham City with vegetation.
Now, Swamp Thing’s materialization is stated to be “instant”.
His consciousness flew from an uncharted planet over to Rann.
Outsped Technis, a computer hivemind that could triangulate vitals in “instants”.
Just barely dodges a fatal blast from a Transmuter living near the Source.
Post-Crisis (1986 - 2011):
Flies as his consciousness from the Earth to the Moon in seconds.
Traveled through a fiber optic network at the speed of light as photons.
Explicitly moves at the speed of light to escape Superman’s x-ray trap.
Spread his electro-magnetic awareness across Earth and the spiritual realms mid-thought at the subatomic level.
Managed to accidentally collide with Rip Hunter’s Time Sphere in the Timestream.
Stated to be able to materialize anywhere on Earth “near-instantaneously”.
Traveling through the Green means maneuvering through a realm with no spacetime.
Swamp God:
New 52 (2011 - 2016):
Rebirth (2016 - 2020):
Pre-Crisis (1938 - 1986):
Anton Arcane calls Swamp Thing’s body “nearly indestructible”.
Superman accidentally rips off Swamp Thing’s arm, which barely bothers him.
Entirely devoured aside from his head yet his mind could still escape into the Green.
Blasted by and regenerated from a maddened Superman’s heat vision.
Superman’s heat vision burned like a “supernova” and still didn’t dry Swamp Thing out.
Regenerates from and takes a physical beating from Superman weakened by disease.
Maintains focus while completely on fire enough to escape into the Green.
Unaffected by multiple strikes from Thanagarians until they begin to devour his mind.
Was blasted by a Green Lantern and entirely physically deconstructed.
Post-Crisis (1986 - 2011):
Completely obliterated by a subtle use of Superman’s Super Breath.
Despite using the full power of the solar rays, Swamp Thing escaped Superman’s x-rays.
Completely immolated by Firestorm yet reforms as if nothing happened.
Tanks a hurricane and protects people from it inside of his plant construct body.
Survives a Parliament member blowing up the plane he’s currently on.
Could still act and control plants after being frozen solid.
Lives after being blasted by Sargon’s flames that were empowered by the Ruby of Life.
New 52 (2011 - 2016):
Keeps going after the Abigail carapace of the Rot stabs him.
Is alive after the self-destruction of the massive Bat-Bot high up in the sky.
Lives through a heat vision concentrated blast from Superman not holding back.
Nightmare Nurse’s magical scalpel didn’t work against his plant matter flood.
Snapped in half by, takes attacks from, and blocks dragonfire from Blight, who could physically harm Phantom Stranger.
Attacked and burned by Zatanna after Nightmare Nurse possessed her.
Rebirth (2016 - 2020):
Hecate’s power threatened to consume the Green, the Rot, and the Red and mortally wounded the Green during the attack.
Hecate briefly took over the will of the Green and severed Swamp Thing’s connection, and these new changes remained even after she died to the Upside-Down Man.
Struck by Constantine’s magical blast that was redirected by Doctor Fate.
While fighting the “God of Carnage”, he let Brimstone burn away his body.
Tanked the Upside-Down Man exploding free from the prison he made with his body.
Infinite Frontier (2020 - Now):
Levi Kamei:
Member of the Howling Commandos and the Thunderbolts.
His globally manipulated flesh alone was an Avengers-Level threat.
Professor X described Man-Thing’s mind as “unfathomable”.
Assigned as a temporary guardian to Franklin Richards.
Mephisto couldn’t get through the interdimensional blockade of the Nexus.
Fought in a universe with no natural law or sorcery during a multiversal collapse.
Descendant of the Man of Lineage, Adam K’ad-Mon.
Unknowingly shattered the Nexus by subconsciously rejecting his lineage.
Found all of the lost Nexus fragments.
Maintained the dream of all of creation after it was completely consumed.
Completely outwitted the True Scrier as Ted Sallis.
Defeated The Glob, Harrower, She-Hulk, Thog the Nether-Spawn, D’Spayre, Molecule Man, Doctor Strange, Psycho-Man, Silver Surfer, Belasco, Himself
Those who knew fear and burned at the Man-Thing’s touch:
Pre-Rebirth Man-Thing:
Smashes a tree in half and uproots trees to smack people with them.
Swats away Molecule Man (Base) at his physical peak with no effort.
Fights a demon made of electricity and disrupts its electrons with swamp moisture.
This demon used to be the Blob, who fought the Hulk (1974) earlier.
While exhausted, Man-Thing defeats the Blob in a one-on-one fight.
Traps Shang-Chi in his body to the point that he needs help to get out.
Breaks free of his swamp containment chamber upon sensing a crowd’s fear.
Stretches Mr. Fantastic’s limb lassos to their limit without noticing.
Wrenches off restraints that Korrek the Barbarian couldn’t free himself from.
Transferred enough chemicals from himself to dissolve a person.
Completely overpowers Dr. Strange and pins him underwater, nearly drowning him.
Oozed through webbing that Spider-Man said would stop anyone “short of the Hulk”.
The Staff of the Creator was responsible for creating the omniverse.
Beat down and burned a revenant made up of Zombie Deadpool and other characters.
Absorbing enough life force makes Man-Thing grow so big that he nearly eclipses a city.
Man-Thing fully maxed out with fear would cause reality to collapse in on itself.
Lineage Man-Thing:
Ted Sallis with Ellen ended up inhabiting and merging with the Nexus.
Ted and Ellen drew the Nexus and themselves down into the Man-Thing as a fusion.
Adam K’ad-Mon:
Once Man-Thing grabbed the Staff of the Creator, Namor dropped to his knees in awe.
Silver Surfer was concerned that Adam-possessed Man-Thing would destroy a planet.
Adam Man-Thing fought with Silver Surfer and had an aura that’d eventually kill him.
Anyone that can harm K’ad-Mon could possibly even be a threat to the Creator.
Shotgun blasted Johnny Blaze and mentally dominated Ghost Rider Alejandra.
Post-Rebirth Man-Thing:
Fused Man-Thing:
Man-Thing stepping into the Nexus threatens the world and reality.
Busts out of a large python’s stomach after asserting and reverting back to Man-Thing.
Called both a “swamp god” and “all but a god” whose powers could “burn the world”.
This Man-Thing flesh needed Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Thor, She-Hulk, Black Panther, Blade, Iron Man, and several Spider-People to fight it off.
Initially burned Captain Marvel before she physically resisted it.
Undid and reclaimed his entire body from Harrower’s planetary vegetation growths.
Tortured Belasco in the Dreadscape after luring him there with help from Magik.
Other Man-Things:
Nexus of All Realities:
A fragment of the Nexus could suck an entire planet into Devil Slayer’s dream.
Screwing up the repair of the Nexus could destroy all of creation.
The Nexus being broken will also collapse creation in on itself.
This includes every single permutation of reality “imaginable”.
Holding all the Nexus fragments let Ellen threaten to “wipe out all of reality”.
One Nexus fragment became the “soul” of a planet and provided life to it.
Manipulating the Nexus is a capability that can put beings on par with the Fallen Stars.
Howard’s power while amped by the Nexus was able to harm the Collector, and the Silver Surfer later separated Howard from the Nexus amp.
Pre-Rebirth Man-Thing:
Moves normally in a location beyond time and measurable space.
Intercepts a sword strike made by hunters that fought on par with Shang-Chi.
While Ted was lucid at the time, Man-Thing surprised and blitzed Doctor Strange.
Man-Thing’s portals and teleportation are stated to be instant twice.
Manages to catch Angel offguard with an attack and intercept his flight.
Adam K’ad-Mon:
Fused Man-Thing:
Other Man-Things:
Nexus of All Realities:
Man-Thing’s body was able to entirely ignore:
Pre-Rebirth Man-Thing:
Survives being inside a facility that he manually self-destructs.
Tanks a fiery hell energy attack from Thog the Nether-Spawn.
Unfazed by several cars getting totaled against his body several times.
Endures several beams of boiling electrons meant to dry him out.
Unaffected by being skewered through the torso by a pointed battering ram.
Tanks electric attacks and the psychic pain of evil from a monster.
Simply stands back up after getting shot out of a three story building by heavy artillery.
Unimpeded by a live grenade embedding in his chest and exploding.
Survives a fall from space beyond our moon all the way back down to Earth.
Thaws out after Iron Man cryogenically froze him and dropped him out of the sky.
Shot with fire magic from Doctor Strange, who was explicitly not holding back.
Lives through a point blank, massive defoliant chemical explosion.
Unaffected by a cannonball point-blank fired right at his gut.
Regenerated after being completely blasted apart by dynamite.
Blown up by Ereshkigal with the Starbrand and lived on as just a head.
Quickly regenerates from being ripped apart by the Hulk (1995).
Revives after he’s shot by herbicide that’d make “Agent Orange look like Miracle Gro”.
Blasted by a powerful energy shot from one of Punisher’s villains.
Bisected by lasers from Hyperion, who claimed they’re as hot as a sun.
Adam K’ad-Mon:
Fused Man-Thing:
Rammed by a sign after fighting on top of a speeding vehicle.
Completely obliterated by Harrower and escapes as just a few cells in a dandelion seed.
Nexus of All Realities:
Swamp Thing
Servants of the Green
As the Avatar of the Green and the most experienced one we follow, his absolute control over the entirety of the Green should scale him above every other user and champion for it that’s been mentioned before. Maya, spirit of the Earth, confirms she made all the elementals earlier on. But, this doesn't seem to ever be brought up again in relation to Swamp Thing himself, especially when he became the Earth and the Green turned out more cosmic. Both Gaea, the spirit of the Earth, and the Parliament of Worlds happen to be mentioned in a Swamp Thing profile from 2004 as well, so these factoids only really serve to highlight how much his planetary domain ends up being. Broichan the Druid in a much earlier run once summoned forth Swamp Thing and implied that Alec was the most powerful creature on the face of the planet. Again, all these statements should serve as supporting evidence to compare his power to other users.
Poison Ivy: As a user of the Green that isn’t even its champion, Ivy’s best feats typically pale in comparison to anything Swamp Thing is capable of.
Alan Scott (Earth 2): Alan Scott from Earth 2 and throughout Convergence was the Champion of the Green. This allowed him to sense planetary emotions and redirect its energies. Naturally, Swamp Thing would scale to him as another Green Champion.
Protects a planet from a worldwide “cleansing” and restore vegetative life to it.
Grey Avatar Solomon Grundy decayed and destroyed Washington DC with ease.
Grundy was speeding up the Earth’s decay and not even the Grey itself could stop him.
Flings both intercontinental missiles into space and Grundy to the moon.
Alan Scott's Green-powered ring helps the planet resist the pull of a Boomtube.
Apokolips is transported to Earth and Darkseid personally joins in the invasion
Alan Scott combined with the full power of every elemental force and avatar in order to temporarily hold back Apokolips with a forcefield from consuming Earth.
Physically blasts a hole entirely through Apokolips itself with every full elemental force.
Jason Woodrue: Also called the Floronic Man or Seeder, Woodrue's Plant Manipulation should be comparable to what Swamp Thing is capable of since he draws from the Green as well.
While Woodrue could control the world's plants on his first go with the Green, the Justice League concluded that it was more like the world's plants were controlling him.
Woodrue, as the Avatar of the Green, destroys a deforestation plant in Peru.
Seeder and the Avatar of the Grey fought and killed each other.
Previous Champions: All other Champions of the Green should scale to Swamp Thing because they all share the same power source and use it to varying degrees.
The essences of the Parliament survived in the Green after they were burned down.
Another Green Elemental previously caused the Great Potato Famine to prove a point.
Other Elementals: Generally speaking, every elemental avatar no matter what elemental force they champion should be on par with one another, and they even go to war every so often.
Firestorm was felled by Red Tornado and Naiad, the Air and Water Elementals.
Animal Man catches and kills the Rot-corrupted Flash (Barry Allen).
The Rot's ruler, Sethe, can create tornadoes of dead matter and insects.
Machine Queen's attacks can slice through Classic Swamp Thing.
The Factory, if left unchecked, would eventually perpetuate itself and envelop the planet.
Tefé Holland: Swamp Thing's daughter's energy damaged Matango, Avatar of the Grey.
The World Tree: The World Tree, being the root of all magic and the Green, predates the Sphere of the Gods and the DC multiverse itself.
Afterlife Dwellers
With as much experience as Swamp Thing has had traversing the afterlife planes, he’s been able to meet up with and confront numerous powerful entities that operate in dimensions beyond the material plane to varying degrees.
Etrigan: Swamp Thing has physically fought off Etrigan in the past, and Capucine in Swamp Thing’s body could do this again, cementing the scaling.
Phantom Stranger:
The Word: The Word was sung into existence at and along with the beginning of the universe.
The World is implied to be on par with or stronger than the Spectre.
The Word annihilates the Parliament of Trees, Stones, Waves, and Vapors without issue.
Tefé caught him by surprise and defeated the Word in one shot... but, this was because she spoke a sound that was the opposite noise of the song of creation. This might be why Swamp God was confident he could beat the Word.
Justice League Dark
Being a proper member of the Justice League Dark, Swamp Thing has fought many cosmic threats, being the group’s powerhouse alongside Zatanna. Various missions and accomplishments prove that he should scale to all of them, the House of Mystery, and possibly their many overwhelmingly powerful adversaries.
House of Mystery:
The House of Mystery and Secrets both float in "the crossroads of time and space".
Mystery and Secrets merge into the House of Wonder and take over Earth.
However, Felix Faust says time already collapsed in the future some were flung to.
The House of Mystery survived Pralaya devouring all of creation.
John Constantine:
Zatanna could block and blast the Upside Down Man. However, her magic is stronger there in his realm.
Zatanna could enforce a fusion between her body and mind and that of the weakened Upside Down Man.
Pralaya can move even when the entire omniverse is in stopped time.
She's made of a substance beyond life and death, and her mind is “infinite”.
More statements in reference to Pralaya wielding explicitly multiversal power.
She is the Sea of Brahma, which is beyond the Presence’s reach.
Upside-Down Man: The UDM lives within the Great Darkness, which Swamp Thing pacified during the original run with his conversation with it after it burned heavy hitters like the Spectre.
Hecate and the Upside Down Man are equals and ancient enemies.
The UDM threatened magic itself, which, if destroyed, would destroy all of reality.
NOTE: Considering the World Tree is the source of all magic in another Justice League Dark run, they could be roughly around the same level with that avenue.
The Justice League
Having fought Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Superman, on top of the fact that one alternate continuity has Green Lantern Alan Scott powered off of the Green, Swamp Thing is more than a match for DC’s most iconic powerhouses.
Green Lanters:
Guy Gardner blasts a leaving, innocent alien spaceship mid-flight.
Hal Jordan’s constructs fly at speeds that could maybe reach a Speed Force singularity.
Wonder Woman:
The Flash:
Doctor Destiny's nightmare monsters could freeze the Flash (Barry Allen).
Barry Allen fought a Swamp Thing from the Dark Multiverse army.
Defiers of Nature
Very few characters would dare directly challenge or even confidently contend with Swamp Thing, but various characters at different levels of power have managed to actually make Alec work for a victory. Of course, the higher echelons of power in DC begin to question exactly how powerful the Green allows him to be, but this section will serve to further lay all cards on the table so to speak.
Doctor Fate:
Anton Arcane: As Swamp Thing’s main nemesis since the beginning and the source for Abigail’s generational trauma, they’ve clashed and matched each other a number of times.
In a vision of a potential future, he’s shown to have killed the Flash (New 52 Barry Allen).
Anton Arcane struggled his spirit free from the grasp of souls in the afterlife and possessed Matt Cable through a deal. Afterwards, his supernaturally evil influence caused the Joker to stop laughing.
Anton tore out Abigail's soul into hell and summoned the damned as abominations.
Anton Arcane's evil influence spreads throughout Louisiana and across the continent.
His influence puppeted people within 200 miles to start heading towards Louisiana.
His hellish miasma and holy sorcery bled to the Green and the heavens beyond time.
Arcane turned the entire world into Rot aside from one specific sanctuary for the Green.
Poison Ivy confirms that the Rot killed the Justice League in this timeline.
Anton Arcane could tank attacks from and harm Zatanna near the heart of the Rot.
Sargon: Using the Ruby of Life, he animates a mountain range and ignores an attack from Alec.
Felix Faust: Felix Faust physically tore off Zauriel's wings.
Black Adam:
Miscellaneous: The warlocks from Myrra, that the Traveler was training Swamp Thing through the trials to defeat, can destroy "whole worlds".
Cosmic Guardians
By virtue of his control and amplifications through the Nexus, various cosmic guardians and entities could theoretically match Man-Thing juiced up on it. Or, maybe they surpass him. This section will primarily serve to archive scaling for characters that might be relevant to Manny.
Dakimh the Enchanter: Dakimh deflects a bolt of lightning aimed at him.
Jennifer Kale: Jennifer rockets the bodies of two villains into space in seconds.
Howard the Duck:
Franklin Richards:
Silver Surfer:
Blasted by Thanos’s fully Infinity Stone-equipped Infinity Gauntlet.
Flies so fast that he time travels into the future and ditches his opponent there.
Has surfed the cosmos at “incalculable” speeds on two separate, potential occasions.
Daimon Hellstrom:
Fallen Stars: As Ted is part of the "Lineage" continuing from Adam of the Fallen Stars, his Nexus manipulation and maintenance of creation should scale him to other Elder Gods, such as Cleito, Adam, and the rest of the Fallen Stars.
Manipulating the Nexus is a capability that can put beings on par with the Fallen Stars.
Cleito is the sister to Adam K'ad-Mon is both omniscient and omnipotent across creation.
Cleito scales to Adam K'ad-Mon, since he is the first man as she is the first woman.
Adam K’ad-Mon: The first Man of Lineage and one of the Fallen Stars that helped mold reality.
Adam struck Kometes down onto Earth by accident during his fight with Daimon.
Adam K'ad-Mon beat down Alejandra Ghost Rider and mentally dominated her.
Through Alejandra, he can burn the sin and sense of self out of people.
Oldfather Adam K'ad-Mon apparently once had a battle with Doctor Strange.
Marvel Heroes
In general, most of the big name Marvel Heroes are susceptible to having their attacks ignored by Man-Thing or falling victim to his burns. Either way, as one of the more understated powerhouses in Marvel, Man-Thing should comfortably be able to scale to a majority of characters he’s confronted aside from maybe the more blatantly cosmic ones normally.
Spider-Man: Peter contends with and dodges attacks from Ian Fate, a Doctor Strange villain.
Angel: While under the influence of Archangel, he fought with Wolverine.
Doctor Strange:
The Thing:
Fought off Miracle Man, who created a star in the same issue.
Fought and traded blows with Hyperion, who compared his punches to Thor’s.
The Hulk:
Ghost Rider:
Alejandra battled Mephisto in his own realm and tore his heart out.
Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider contended with Doctor Strange in a 1-on-1 fight.
Those Who Knew Fear
Numerous characters have fallen victim to fear when facing off against the Man-Thing, leading to him either beating them down or effortlessly burning them to cinders. This burning power, at the very least, tends to burn even the scarier tanks in Marvel.
Thog the Nether-Spawn:
Molecule Man (Base): Molecule Man's wand molecularly controlled the roads and streets of a town in Florida during his confrontation with Man-Thing.
D’Spayre: Fought and defeated by the Thing after charging off of his fears for weeks.
Alternate Doctor Doom: Alternate universe Doctor Dooms were confirmed not to be Doombots after “Doom-Thing” was able to burn them upon detecting “insolence”, which was part of a multiversal self-isolationist campaign by the main Doom.
Held back a rogue planet that was rapidly barreling through the cosmos.
Survived being in the incursion point between two colliding universes.
Beyond Cosmic Powerhouses
Only while the Nexus is fully drawn down into him or amplifying his body could someone possibly make the argument that Man-Thing reaches the mind-blowing power that these entities all possess. Of course, this is a more debatable section reliant on how far the Nexus reaches and how strong the Fallen Stars compare to more notable, modern powerscaling carriers for Marvel. But, this will list out enough relevant feats to get a conversation going at least.
The Scrier:
Ereshkigal: Sends a pulse of energy into every portal within the Nexus at once, which she previously described in her inner monologue as “infinite”. However, this story arc has her amplified off of a power she found outside of the main multiverse. (Debatable)
The Living Tribunal:
Swamp Thing
Despite the notorious, overwhelming power that Alec is known for, there are various inconveniences and vulnerabilities he has to contend with so that comic writers aren’t dealing with making up absurd stakes for an invincible plant god all the time. For example, Swamp Thing being stuck staying in the same place and position for too long will end up causing his body to root to the ground. In fact, anything that Alec is wearing will eventually have his roots grow over it to trap and subsume it somewhere in his body against his wishes, like lockets. In terms of his mental connection to Alec’s old intellect, he still has the capability of using his old scientific knowledge, but Classic Swamp Thing’s speech and mind don’t have full access to his scientific mind. Similarly, it’s theorized by some of his opponents that New 52 Swamp Thing’s mind can still be overwhelmed and exhausted by constant assault from numerous enemies, although this doesn’t apply if those enemies are too weak to stop him. His regeneration can also end up exhausting itself after some time, although this hasn’t happened too often and he can always move on to another body. There’s also the possibility to destroy one body outright faster than it can regenerate, such as when Anton Arcane had a Swamp Thing avatar completely devoured by a swarm of insects at once. Although, if he makes duplicates, he needs to be careful to not leave them alone for too long or else there’s a chance that they’d end up working against him if their goals don’t align.
If the world is left entirely barren, moving too far from a vegetative oasis like the Parliament’s home ends up disallowing Swamp Thing from maintaining giant forms. And, decay from the Rot’s barren future can prevent him from using wings for too long. Pieces of Swamp Thing’s bodies can also be independently, magically, and genetically modified to grow duplicate servants, although this immediately gets Alec’s attention. If the Green is left unstable and mismanaged, offshoot consciousnesses can break off from it and won’t respond to Swamp Thing’s control because of their independence and hostile nature. These offshoots can endanger his Astral Form by attempting to subsume him into their consciousness, although he ends up absorbing this offshoot later and restoring control over it. If there is barely a smidgen of the Green left thanks to it being consumed or nearly gone, Swamp Thing will end up weakening and nearly dying if that’s the only kingdom he’s tied to. Plus, he cannot detect plants that are being obscured by “hundreds of complex spells”. There’s also the possibility that Alec can be distracted from the Green to split his focus or induce tunnel vision into his tactics. Additionally, if someone else is in charge of the Green instead of him, Swamp Thing has a faint connection, but the new champion can force his body to lose its form and die or become especially vulnerable to decay manipulation.
Memory Manipulation: After he’s induced into a hypnotic sleep, Swamp Thing’s memories get fuzzed. Solus was able to forcibly show Swamp Thing visions of lost memories by using a handheld device that lets him control matter and life on his platform. One Mother Box was able to remove Alec’s memories of his experience within an Aleph, otherwise he would have been permanently incapacitated from experiencing a near-infinite stream of information of every point in space and time at once. When Swamp Thing time travels, the immediate side effects after being shunted to a point in time muddles his immediate memory.
Frequency Scrambling: Due to his Astral Form’s physiology, Lex Luthor’s plan to a group trying to defeat Swamp Thing succeeded after they shot a bullet infused with frequency scrambling properties to mess with his nerves and jam his connection to the Green. This allowed them to burn him with napalm strikes, which was partially assisted by Swamp Thing’s original leftover fire trauma from his Alec Holland memories. They could also track his presence and location via his bio-electrical pattern. Abby later confirms that the saboteur’s plan was meant to shut him out of the Earth’s Green, however, Swamp Thing was still able to escape to a distant planet. This was achieved after his “electroskeleton” was dislocated and the scrambler “bent the clear note of his being out of pitch and out of harmony with the Earth”, forcing him to take that leap of faith into deep space to another planet’s Green. This scrambler was still able to keep Alec from returning to Earth since he’d be “useless” and unable to live there, so he learned how to adjust his bio-electrical pattern and “vibrational rate of his biofield”. This restores his connection and nullifies this particular vulnerability after he learns how to adjust his own wavelength. Later, the Dominators built a device that could track Swamp Thing’s life force, and, after he was overstimulated by feeling and connecting to everything on Earth, they used a disruptor to decouple him from any fathomable, nearby wavelength he tried to attune to by using a special matrix and fractal disruptor signal. Once they hit him with this, his manipulated structures and body began to rot and fall apart.
Electromagnetic Manipulation: Due to being vulnerable to fluctuations within Earth’s magnetic field, Gorilla Grodd’s mind manipulation on the electromagnetic spectrum was able to take over Swamp Thing’s mind. Lex Luthor’s security system was capable of overcoming Swamp Thing’s Astral Form after detecting his electromagnetic bio-force, slicing him to ribbons with a laser beam net, and capturing him in a static electric field. Similarly, Superman temporarily trapped his Astral Form in an x-ray field with his x-ray vision to mess with his magnetic field, although he was able to escape with light speed. Superman could also expel this Astral Form from his eyes by generating an electrical field with his super speed.
Mind Swapping: Swamp Thing's "life essence" was transferred to another host through the use of Anton Arcane’s Soul Jar's magical enchantment, effectively depowering him through a “rending of the soul” as long as the enchantment wasn't disturbed. Similarly, Arcane claimed that Swamp Thing’s body has weak points and that he could transplant his brain into it. Were it not for Helmut Kripptman's intervention, Swamp Thing's mind would have been swapped with Anton Arcane. In the New 52, Matt Cable, who is Anton Arcane in disguise, gets Zatanna to magically grant him Swamp Thing's body so that Swamp Thing becomes human again.
Mental Attacks: Swamp Thing’s concentration while trying to hook himself to another planet’s Green can be broken by repeated strikes to his avatar, and weapons that “devour his mind” are capable of definitively killing him outright. One example of this is when the mental anguish and voices from within the Human Psyche threatened to subsume the personality and mind of Swamp Thing, Constantine, and Nightmare Nurse. One random Green Lantern was able to stun and distract Swamp Thing’s Astral Form with hypnotic lights to the point that he could completely deconstruct his body and seal his consciousness in a jar. His memories aren’t safe either, such as when a Mother Box completely removed Alec’s experience of overwhelming omnipresence to free him from the paralyzing information dump. Earlier on, he was similarly overwhelmed by feeling everything the Earth felt for the first time to the point that he had to leave the planet, though he’s gotten used to this sensation over time. Additionally, Swamp Thing has a tendency to lose control of his physical integrity if his mind and identity are overwhelmed to the point that he can’t think or lose control of his powers such as when he was affected by Scarecrow’s carbon dioxide-based fear gas or from too many narcotics. Similarly, he was once captured in a chemical device that matched his regeneration’s pace with its degeneration as it fragmented his mind in order to prevent his Astral Form from escaping. After Nick Necro possessed and puppeted Swamp Thing, gaining full access to his powers, Swamp Thing’s mind starting to “crack” and “flail” under this spell threatened to destroy an entire facility. Plus, if the Aspect of Alec Holland is removed from Swamp Thing’s psyche, then the avatar will grow far more mindless and violent without some humanity to reel in his empathy.
Corruption: On several occasions, Swamp Thing succumbed to various types of corruption, such as magical alien liquid from a space kraken, Nekron’s personality completely corrupting him into a Dark Avatar, and Darkseid, having fused with Spectre, corrupting him and forcing him and various others to fire Omega Beams.
Telepathy: There’s been instances where Swamp Thing’s been communicated with via telepathy by alien worms, and he’s been granted a telepathic field by Solus’s ship in the past. However, stronger examples of his vulnerability to telepathy includes when Multi-Man telepathically mind controlled Swampy to the point that Deadman couldn’t overwrite this with his possession. Instead, he severed the link between Multi-Man and the bog creature to free him. Additionally, there’s an entire arc where a small girl is a telepath capable of reading his mind and communicating with him as well. Plus, naturally, the Voice can read Swamp Thing’s memories, mind, and feelings.
Sleep Manipulation: Given he’s a plant being, Swamp Thing has shockingly been hypnotically and supernaturally put to sleep in the past. He’s been knocked out by a sleep ray from alien worms, had his senses dulled and mind knocked out by magical incantations, been implied to be vulnerable to tranquilizers, and has been electrocuted into unconsciousness. Though, it’s somewhat unclear whether some of these examples are due to his psychosomatic assumptions about his physiology before the Alan Moore retcon. Once, he was knocked out by anesthetic, but this also restored his regenerative abilities that were slowed by necrosis. Plus, he’s been knocked out briefly by an alien phasing gun and magically put to sleep by Constantine.
Fear Inducement: Typically, being set on fire brings Swamp Thing back to the traumatic death that Alec Holland suffered from his origin story, which is enough to stagger and distract him. In his early days, he suffered major depressive agony and had little hope in continuing on, and has been shown to indeed feel fear on several occasions. Swamp Thing even admits that the fires from how he died as Alec still frighten him despite knowing that wasn’t technically him. When Scarecrow used a carbon dioxide-based fear toxin, it affected him and made him lose control of his body. And, he’s been trapped in a deep nightmare by Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Decay Manipulation: Experiencing necrosis made Holland believe that he was dying as it managed to slow his regeneration. Irradiated decay similarly appears to overwhelm his regenerative abilities, which he refers to as poison. Defoliant goes even further, breaking his body down and making it hard for him to see. When Swamp Thing was captured by a chemical device, it specifically matched pace with his regeneration with degeneration, which he only managed to overpower with nearby plant matter. During the Rot’s barren future, which decayed all plant life on Earth aside from a small oasis by the Parliament of Trees, moving too far away from vegetation managed to prevent him from flying too long or taking a giant form. While embracing Abby Arcane, who had since become the Avatar of the Rot, his body began to fall apart, similar to how decay on its own manages to weaken and break down his avatars. At the end of time, areas barren of any vegetation for the Green would eventually wither him away too.
Poison Manipulation: Before Alan Moore’s retcon, Swamp Thing was paralyzed by a wasp’s venomous sting. But, more consistent with his character nowadays, Swamp Thing has been burned thoroughly and painfully by pollution and uranium deposits. Being near toxic waste itself causes him burning pain that he refers to as a “contagion”, and extreme pollution tends to weaken him heavily. If the vegetation that Swamp Thing uses are diseased, it can poison his mind and leave him delirious, even staggering when exposed to toxins. Potent enough poison was enough to break down Swamp Thing’s duplicates or even poison the Green with decay or contagion. Constantine even mentions that tainted ground makes it difficult for Swamp Thing to materialize there without assistance.
Extreme Temperatures: Normally, freezing cold waters and extreme cold numbs Swamp Thing’s reflexes and slows him down. Before the Moore retcon, he would even suffer psychosomatic third degree burns and experience frostbite. Enough heat beyond what he can handle can actually end up crystallizing the sap in Swamp Thing’s body so that he ends up sealing his own Astral Body. In fact, enemies hiding inside of flames can become undetectable by Swamp Thing’s usual senses when he’s only connected to the Green. Speaking of which, snowstorms and global winters end up weakening Alec’s connection to the Green, his strength, and can potentially even gravely weaken the Green itself.
Soul Manipulation: Swamp Thing’s life essence was transferred to another host body through the use of the Soul Jar’s magical enchantment, which depowered him by rending his soul out of him. Another similar occurrence happened when Anton Arcane managed to undock Swamp Thing’s soul and seal it inside of another entity. During their conflict with the Grey, Green avatar astral forms could be corrupted and imprisoned, which works by subsuming souls into the Grey itself to keep them trapped at a deposit in the Pacific Ocean where its influence was more powerful there. Similarly, the Grey enforces the wills and spirits of the Green’s avatars to surrender to it. If the Green is weakened enough and attacks can outpace Swamp Thing’s regeneration before he can reach a new source to materialize a body, his soul will be left vulnerable without a plant body shell. Matango, the Champion of the Grey, had a fungal breath that would have absorbed and destroyed Swamp Thing’s soul, which damaged him to the point that he needed to heal his soul with shed plant skins. One time, the Parliament of Trees tore the Aspect of Alec Holland out of Swamp Thing’s consciousness to purge him of his “human flaws”, leaving a mindless, amoral Swamp Thing to attack people while the aspect willed itself to make a fake human body out of vegetation. The Beast was able to forcibly remove Alec Holland’s aspect from him as well. Broichan the Druid was able to separate Swamp Thing’s spirit from its connection to the Green and sealed the soil in his left cerebral cortex.
Strength Sapping: In early comics, Alec was weakened significantly by formic acid from a mutated ant. Defoliant has consistently been an issue for Swamp Thing too, such as when substantial amounts managed to break down his body to the point that he had to return to his swamp for a full heal. Contagion and pollution to an extreme extent weakens him heavily too. In the New 52 era, Swamp Thing weakened fatally without the Green or, alternatively, if all of nature and all planets got wiped out.
Sealing: This method is probably the strongest way to incapacitate Swamp Thing outright, since his soul is specifically vulnerable to getting sealed away, which leaves his body vulnerable to possession. Technis was able to use her “shieldfields” to lock Alec’s consciousness in place, and a Green Lantern once could seal it away in a jar after stunning it. In fact, if his Astral Form is magically and electromagnetically sealed in a crystal, he can even be used as an amplifying power source. With enough heat, such as when he was enveloped in lava, his own body can crystallize his sap around his soul and seal him away, requiring outside help to be shattered. Another member of the Parliament was sealed in a similar way, trapped around heating sap and having the Grey’s fungus act as a true seal by coating it. This is likely a property of the Grey, which could corrupt and imprison numerous avatars of the Green at once. Broichan the Druid could seal Swamp Thing’s spirit in his left cerebral cortex after severing his soul from its connection to the Green, and Anton Arcane could magically undock his soul to seal it in another entity himself.
Matter Manipulation: One Green Lantern was capable of stunning and distracting Swamp Thing’s Astral Form with hypnotic lights long enough to deconstruct and remove the amalgamated plant beings from his mass one by one at the atomic level until only his soul remained to be sealed in a jar.
Existence Erasure: Constantine has implied that being pulled between two specific dimensions was capable of not only tearing Swamp Thing apart, but causing him to cease to exist. Getting dissolved into the heart of the Between, a conscious, living dimension, would have erased him from existence in a similar manner. At the end of time, “non-time” entropy began to erase the existence of Swamp Thing as well.
Time Manipulation: Swamp Thing was vulnerable to the time reversal from Technis and was incapable of freeing himself from the pull of tachyon wind in time to avoid this, resulting in his consciousness getting locked in place by “shieldfields”. Similarly, the time dilation within the Rot managed to affect Swamp Thing.
Time Paradoxes: Anton Arcane's Claw of Aelkhünd induced burning pain into Swamp Thing, plus he also realized he can't coexist with this artifact at this point in time as it recognizes Swamp Thing as a previous iteration of an Earth elemental. This was because he was the entity sealed within the amber, meaning two versions of him cannot meet at the same point in time without one getting shunted away.
Reality Warping: During the Injustice comic run, Mr. Mxyzptlk and Trigon’s fight grew so intense that it began to distort reality and cause temporal displacements around them. This resulted in Swamp Thing’s connection to the Green getting severed and this sent him to hell. During the Swamp God arc, Constantine used a magic wishing match, which was imbued with elemental consciousness meant to be a reward for defeating the trial from the Parliament of Flames, to turn him into a human Alec Holland with no connection to the Green for one arrow. The Barren was a villain that planned to merge all the gateways to every elemental kingdom together so that he could destroy them all at once as the Dark Matter Avatar, which he planned to do at the source of all things: Heaven.
Information Analysis: Swamp Thing's intelligence, emotions, and cells can be analyzed and copied. Lexcorp once did this by attempting to create their own elemental by synthesizing the bio-restorative formula, making an organic elemental robot out of it, and attempting to map Holland's consciousness to implant into it to complete its control of the Green.
Magical Masking: Alec was unable to see through the illusory, tangible clone created by the Mask for the Soul. Typically, magical spells that mask the presence of plants in specific locations make it extremely difficult for Swamp Thing to detect anything or manifest in that area. This happened when he was incapable of regrowing himself inside of the Brujeria’s chambers, which was hidden by a black barrier within the Green due to the cavern’s plants having been magically masked until he found a singular plant that they missed. Similarly, he’s unable to detect plants that are being obscured by “hundreds of complex spells”.
Magic: Swamp Thing has been shown to be unable to get past barriers like Constantine’s magic protection circle. Binding magic can restrain his Astral Form to certain locations. And, manipulating him with powerful magic or “poisoning” magic itself will affect him, as Zatanna implies that Swamp Thing is a magic user. He’s also once been magically transmuted into a boar by Circe. Redirected enchantments can also strike him, which managed to trap him within a “mystic coma” that induced a dream-like “death loop” that Nightmare Nurse had to dispel. Agony spells were able to induce severe pain in Swamp Thing as well. Magical, psionic restraints were once able to dull his elemental powers to keep him prisoner. Plus, magical power nullification and absorption has been shown to work on elementals, such as when Zatanna used her spells to negate Swamp Thing’s abilities when Anton Arcane took over his body. Doctor Fate once performed a magical ritual that was able to siphon away all the powers of the champions of each elemental kingdom, although this specific ritual required their consent to have them give the abilities up.
Power Absorption: Sargon was once able to leech off of Swamp Thing’s powers and abilities entirely through the use of the Ruby of Life. This was so effective that the only way to defeat him was for Swamp Thing to give up the majority of his elemental powers entirely just to stop Sargon, even to the point that he tossed away the aspect of his humanity and the Green. Thanks to Constantine’s interference, however, Swamp Thing managed to survive in the Green and re-emerge in the Louisiana swamp despite this sacrificial play.
Damage Transference: Swamp Thing once had his injuries unknowingly psionically transferred to someone else, so the reverse should theoretically be possible too.
Possession: Poor Alec is a magnet for possession, having had his body possessed when his soul was sealed away or just demonically overtaken without the need to eject his soul outright. Solus managed to puppet Swamp Thing’s body with his control unit and he’s been puppeted against his will briefly by psionics in his early days. Deadman himself is no stranger to possessing Swamp Thing either, and the same goes for when Anton Arcane puppeted him with “hellish miasma”. Nick Necro was capable of possessing and manipulating Alec’s avatar too while gaining access to all of his powers, although Swamp Thing’s mind began to “crack” under this spell the longer this went on.
Battlefield Removal: Swamp Thing’s been teleported away to nearby swamps by aliens and teleported onto Solus’s spaceship by his machines. This gemstone was able to forcibly send Alec both backwards and forwards in time. After getting overwhelmed by being transported through a realm “beyond mathematics”, Swamp Thing was taken to the Monitor Sphere. Mr. Mxyzptlk and Trigon fought, which distorted reality and enforced temporal displacements that were able to sever Swamp Thing’s connection to the Green while simultaneously sending him to hell. Swamp Thing’s been summoned away from wherever he was by rituals, through the Green by the Traveler, by Constantine’s ritual through the Green against his own will, and by Zatanna against his will. Similarly, he was once captured by Doctor Destiny and mystically restrained. Swamp Thing can even be cut off from the Green by being sent into a realm that “doesn’t exist yet” within the cosmology and is actively trying to exist.
Fate Manipulation: The Parliament of Trees mentioned that Alec Holland’s origin story where he “became” Swamp Thing was a part of a fated pattern that affected previously created elementals in a long cycle of Green Champions. Because Sprout, the disembodied elemental spirit that the Parliament created to replace Alec, remained untethered to a person that died as a result of a similar accident to Holland’s origins, fate began to bend in ways that Swamp Thing barely managed to avoid. This was called a “synchronicity maelstrom”, which was fate weaving its way from trying to make elementals out of strangers with similar names to trying to make elementals out of people closer to Swamp Thing’s social circle. While the danger regarding two earth elementals existing at once was retconned, the maelstrom’s canonicity wasn’t a part of this rewrite.
Power Source Severance: Cutting Swamp Thing off from his elemental kingdoms is one of the best ways to back him into a corner. After Solomon Grundy squeezed and smushed Swamp Thing of all his juices, Alec couldn’t regenerate or revive without a Tuber from Constantine. This was a state that he believes was due to the Parliament cutting him off from his powers after his defiance in killing the second elemental, which isolated him to one body. After the disruptor from the Dominators decoupled Swamp Thing from any nearby wavelengths he tried to attune to, his plant structures began to rot and fall apart. Matango, avatar of the Grey, had special toxins that could sever Alec’s link to the Green, which numbed his body and nullified his powers. Speaking of which, the Grey actually subsumed Matango’s consciousness when he was the 13th Earth Elemental via an alien meteorite that altered his frequency and cut him off from the Green. If the rules of nature are different in a parallel world, Swamp Thing has trouble materializing. Broichan the Druid was capable of separating Swamp Thing’s spirit from his Green connection. And, Deadman had to restore Alec’s connection to the Green after Doctor Destiny had severed it. Constantine once severed this connection by spilling a magical blood vial out onto grass, which left Swamp Thing with very little power and body control, though he managed to make do with what little control he had. Should locations he’s currently in be sealed off from the Green entirely, this will sever his connection and disallow him from astral projecting away.
Alec’s durability, body control, and regeneration severely deplete if he has no access to any elemental kingdom. Blight, within the Human Psyche, nullified Swamp Thing’s powers and reverted him back into a human Alec Holland. Enough poison from the Rot could disconnect him from the Green, but this didn’t stop him from being able to enter it. Getting sent away into a realm that “doesn’t exist yet” within the cosmology was able to cut Swamp Thing off from the Green. On that note, if he’s even partially subsumed into locations like that while he’s cut off from his realm, he won’t have a way free without outside help. Poison Ivy could still detect his presence as “faint and weak”, meaning this is mostly a form of incapacitation. Bio-agents were once deployed which were special in that they could impair a forest’s connection to the neural network of the Green. Magical spells by Zatanna could nullify the Green abilities Anton Arcane had while in Swamp Thing’s body, and the will of and connection to the Green can be magically overridden by powerful, godly beings like Hecate. If Swamp Thing’s body is fully transmuted into flesh, the elemental green that sustains him will “die”, effectively cutting him off from the Green in death. Though not applicable too much to Swamp Thing, Trevor Cahill’s mind manipulation could sever Poison Ivy’s link to the Green through a mental suggestion that her human side couldn’t coexist with it.
Despite his apparent unkillable nature and vast amount of power, Man-Thing is not an unstoppable entity. His own fear of isolation or just being forced to feel fear in general has the tendency to make his powers backfire and burn his own body instead. Early on, Manny was unable to harm a being made of fire and stone and he had to rely on the humid air from his swamp to revitalize him enough to allow him to continue fighting. Additionally, he’s vulnerable to the pain of specific piercing frequencies of sound, getting continuously melted by hot electrons, and being boiled alive by water. Being reverted back to his human form will, obviously, leave him vulnerable and his body potentially can be weakened by sapping his strength through the aforementioned boiling. Though, admittedly, this might be a property of the Rainbow Fountain water. Also, his body will leave a trail of slime wherever he walks.
Man-Thing, unfortunately, has an overly cumbersome body. Because of how his legs are shaped, the creature is incapable of even running, and its reflexes are normally slower without Ted in charge. With enough mass or bodies, Man-Thing’s malleability encounters too much resistance and he grows incapable of oozing through a large enough obstacle without many gaps. On that note, it seems that a force from a big enough mass or surface area can knock Man-Thing down without going through him, like an impact from a large enough shell. Also, obviously, his burning touch will not harm characters unafraid of him, and sufficient enough heat resistance, like from Captain Marvel, can power through his usual burns. The transportation destination of Man-Thing’s portals, and theoretically his teleportation, can be thrown off by connections to items like Thor’s hammer and lightning, meaning enough outside interference can possibly be used to change his destinations.
Mind Manipulation: When Dr. Strange was unable to magically turn Man-Thing back into Ted Sallis, he instead sent Ted's mind back into mystic limbo within Man-Thing so he’d return to being mindless. In fact, despite being mindless, Manny was susceptible to being mentally commanded by the Lizard until the Lizard’s emotions got too intense. Similarly, he’s been mentally dominated by the Collector, Nightmare, the Eye, mentally infected by the Phoenix Force, and Cthon’s elder god influence due to Ted’s blood and transformation being the result of a demonic deal.
Empathic Manipulation: Historically, Man-Thing has felt pain and been overwhelmed to inaction by intense or conflicting emotions, and evil can even stun him and cause psychic pain. Emotional consumption or emotional siphoning won’t kill him outright, but it’ll knock him out or incapacitate him, which is something that’s been consistent for him. In fact, emotional oversaturation both paralyzes and blinds Manny, something that happens after going through crowded areas as varied panicked emotions build up over time. This even includes agony from animals, which can be used to lure Man-Thing to go destroy the sources of their anguish. Getting injected with pure emotions, somehow, ends up destabilizing him as well, which is likely due to the fact that intense emotions act like a physical force against the creature. The entity can even be forced to feel fear within himself, which will burn its own body even if it’s Ted’s human mind that feels afraid. Characters that can track emotions are able to home in on Man-Thing too, and suppressed emotions help against activating his burning touch. People that don’t feel even a modicum of fear will also not be harassed by Manny. However, he will still act on self-preservation and fight back if he’s attacked.
Extreme Cold: Being in the vacuum of space once froze his body after he left a sorcerous sanctuary, and he can be frozen solid normally, such as when Iron Man cryogenically froze him with a grenade.
Sleep Manipulation: Man-Thing was once mystically knocked out.
Soul Possession: Demons like Unnthinnk could inhabit his soul and body, which allowed Unthinnkk to mutate Man-Thing to make his size grow bigger. It’s also worth noting that Ted is a portion of Manny's soul.
Magic: Man-Thing was once incapable of escaping mystical chains despite his ability to grow malleable and slip out of them. He can be staggered and feel pain from mystical attacks too, and getting magically BFR’d to another location is very much possible. Very early on, the Man-Thing “state” was once taken away from Ted and transferred to someone else with a spell. Although, considering Doctor Strange’s later struggles, this would take some strong magic. Magical forcefields were able to protect against Man-Thing touching someone altogether.
Plant Manipulation: After Man-Thing instinctively ejected a miniscule portion of itself containing Ted, its swampy flesh was manipulated across the globe by Harrower to be caustic and harm things worldwide as burning vegetation. Some of Man-Thing’s dying cells sought out Captain America to bring him into the Dreadscape later for assistance, and his survival via dandelion seeds helped to save Ted for long enough until he learned how to reclaim himself.
Matter Manipulation: Molecule Man once manipulated Man-Thing’s matter back into Ted Sallis at the molecular level.
Absorption: Thanos once absorbed nearly every being in the omniverse into his being, which included Man-Thing on the page where he did so.
Power Source Severance: Howard’s fusion with the Nexus and his Living Nexus physiology, a connection which amplified his power, was able to be separated out of him by the Silver Surfer.
Death Manipulation: While he’s usually immune to instant death powers, abilities that seem to “wither” life, like making Man-Thing’s moss decompose or harming him with an icy death touch.
Reality Warping: Reality warping from Thog actually changed Man-Thing back to Ted Sallis, which worked by being an illusion that makes itself real so long as Man-Thing believes it's real. Another reality warper could temporarily change Man-Thing back to Ted Sallis again later too. Man-Thing and Ted were once even separated by reality warping, freeing Ted Sallis from his swampy cage of a body, as explained by Evenor. Within the Nexus, its random reality warping could be warded off by mental fortitude, but even then Man-Thing was susceptible to it in there. In fact, it could randomly turn Manny back into Ted unless he concentrates and overcomes this to become the beast again due to the nature of the Nexus. Although, even this didn’t perfectly restore him since he was shrunken down and couldn’t see past an illusion.
Existence Erasure: The No-Thing, an analogue to the Ultimate Nullifier, was implied to be able to work on Man-Thing. This was a gift to Howard the Duck from Manny and it only works in the face of bravery, although Howard refused to use it on him. When Thanos controlled omni-reality and wiped out the omniverse, only the Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, and Adam Warlock remained for a little while despite Man-Thing appearing earlier. Thanos described this as having “absorbed” everything into his being and erasing spacetime.
Sealing: Even as Adam Man-Thing, Silver Surfer was able to seal him away into a diamond with the Power Cosmic.
Curse Removal: After making a deal with Belasco, Ted’s serum was full of interdimensional magic, and, upon injecting it into his blood and crashing his car, it tore a small portal in spacetime and created the Florida Nexus Point. Because this situation is revealed later to technically be a curse, Magik can end this specific one on her own since she inherited the deal.
Battlefield Removal: Man-Thing has been BFR'd to a place beyond space and time a million universes away, and he can be subatomically teleported away.
Dehydration: Typically, completely drying out Man-Thing will incapacitate him and render him “unconscious”, as his moisture is his lifeblood and draining it will sap his strength. This correlation is demonstrated when he grew weaker without moisture from his swamp and could die without it, requiring him to sit back in his swamp water for hours, days, or weeks to “come back”, although his self-sustaining body later allows this natural dehydration away from his swamp to happen at a slower rate. When he’s in this state away from his swamp’s water, his body will even stiffen and restrain his movement options.
DC & Marvel
Anyone familiar with comic fights is familiar with this song and dance. When someone says a character has “multiversal” power, DC and Marvel fans go “you’re going to have to be more specific”. Nowadays, there’s lots of contesting and discourse surrounding the claim that Marvel and DC comics have a cosmology beyond spatial dimensions to an infinitely layered degree, but this isn’t going to be a blog that really dives into that like others eventually will. We’ll be sticking to the idea that both cosmologies are roughly comparable and have similar dimensionality, and the primary goal is to find where Swamp Thing and Man-Thing would necessarily land on this complex web of nerdcore spacetime. Other blogs and online posts have gone extraordinarily in-depth on the hierarchy of both franchise’s planes of existence and whether you can equalize certain contentious characters and feats. Below, you’ll find a gathering of relevant sources so as to avoid retreading old ground:
Cosmology Analysis Sources:
G1 Death Battle Fan Blogs - Phoenix vs Raven’s Cosmology Section
G1 Death Battle Fan Blogs - Ultron vs Brainiac’s Cosmology Analysis
G1 Death Battle Fan Blogs - Scarlet Witch vs Zatanna’s Cosmology Section
VS Battles Wiki - DC Cosmology - From a Holistic Stance on the Overall Canon
Detailed account of numerous scans and an in-depth argument for Marvel having infinite spatial dimensions, along with other related cosmology details by “The Hanged Man Reversed of the Archetypal Tarot” on Quora
Detailed argument with supporting scans and in-depth discussion of theories and writer’s intent for DC having infinite spatial dimensions by “Sininen” on Quora
DC Comics: Typically speaking, Swamp Thing’s power scales to wherever the Green itself lands on the cosmological map, and extra notes regarding the Swamp God, Pralaya, and Upside Down Man arcs give extra evidence in pinpointing this. Due to the World Tree being the root of the Green, magic, and helping to blast apart Pralaya, who preceded creation, from the inside with a Swamp Thing, this helps to make the argument that Swamp Thing’s overall power is typically landing just below the Sphere of the Gods normally with the Green. But, with the Upside Down Man rivaling Hecate thrown into the mix, the argument could be made that, including both the highs of the Sphere of the Gods and Alan Scott’s fight with Darkseid after the Apokolips elemental blast, the level of power matched by Swamp Thing with the assistance of the other elemental realms, if this was what allowed him to outdo Upside Down Man, make a case for this amount of scaling.
Considering that the Swamp Thing that Zatanna magically overgrew the omniverse with out of Pralaya was practically a newborn, his durability might match up with the World Tree if she wasn’t necessarily required to reach those heights. Either way, even his most generous upscaling wouldn’t go beyond the Source Wall, especially since his claim to want to replace the Presence and the anti-creation noise being needed to put the Word down are rather shaky since the Parliament of Worlds is nowhere near that layer of the cosmology. So, the previously mentioned spots on the Cosmology are good windows into where Swamp Thing’s heights are capable of reaching normally or with potential amplifiers like other elements and the World Tree.
Cosmological Notes (DC Comics):
Swamp Thing is brought to the Monitor Sphere and is overwhelmed by the process, transporting through a location that is "beyond mathematics".
The chaotic, liminal location between Hell and the Afterlife is infinite in size (1984).
Pre-Crisis description of the circular loop of the Timestream.
Infinite universes statement (2014).
The Beyond Beyond is the place in the past where all matter ceases to exist, observed from a location outside of time. The laws of magic don't apply in this location where Arif resides. Each instant here stretches beyond infinity (Possible Flowery Language).
Mentions of 11 dimensionality, infinite planes, and infinite possibilities.
Superboy Prime describes an infinite multiverse, where Earth is its center.
The explosion of the Source Wall caused all of nature to “scream”.
Marvel Comics: Typically speaking, the Nexus of All Realities, as in the crossroads dimension instead of any individual Nexus Point, has a range far enough to generously reach the White Hot Room at most or below the Neutral Zone. And, Limbo is above both the Superflow and the Microverse if we’re being conservative about differentiating Nexus Points, given that the Nexus of Reality’s dimensional energies for Man-Thing were granted by Belasco, then-ruler of Limbo. Considering the omniversal Nexus of Otherworld is found at around the same spot as the Overspace below the Neutral Zone on the cosmology, our conservative highball estimate, if we don’t want to compare Nexus amplifiers directly to the White Hot Room, can be the Neutral Zone since even America Chavez’s portals can reach there.
Of course, this is all typically assuming that Man-Thing has drawn down the entire Nexus into himself or is amplified by enough fear to be able to control it. The case could be made that Ted on his own reaches these heights since his Lineage status allowed him to maintain creation. Plus, Man-Thing’s output with his burn could harm heavy hitters like Hyperion and the Hulk anyway. Although, the powers of the higher tiers that he harms tend to vary quite a bit and aren’t at their gazillion-versal levels of strength normally to be able to definitively scale Man-Thing to those heights on his own without any amplifiers.
Cosmological Notes (Marvel Comics):
Limbo is found at around the same layer as the Dark Dimension.
Thog the Nether-Spawn was held captive in a location at the "end of infinity".
The multiverse has “seemingly endless” dimensions and is multi-layered.
Mentions of 11 spatial dimensions, M-theory, and quantum physics.
"All existence is a dream", which is a reference to the Divine Creator’s dream of creation.
The Cosmic Dreamer’s dream of reality exploding refers to the Nexus shattering.
Termineus again refers to reality as a dream and experiencing the outside of it.
Pre-Fight Q&A
What Happened to the World Tree?
During the events surrounding Pralaya’s defeat through the efforts of Zatanna, Swamp Thing, and the World Tree, the regrowth of all of creation turned out successful, resulting in a brief conversation between the Tree’s consciousness and Zatanna. Zatanna gives her gratitude towards her, and then the World Tree sends her blessings, tucks the Justice League Dark into the House of Mystery again, and is subsequently “gone”. It isn’t exactly clear what “gone” means in this instance, but the World Tree never shows any signs of weakness or that it’ll die soon. It’s more likely that she returned to her place in cosmology, especially being the root of the Green itself, housing the “soul of creation”, and being the source of all magic as that all continues afterwards. Additionally, Poison Ivy and Earth 2 Alan Scott both end up interfacing with a sentience of the Green, possibly suggesting she continues to be conscious, or at least that her narrative stand-in is still in the minds of comic writers.
However, with Swamp Thing acting as a link to the World Tree so long as he exists, does this mean that she’s standard and can help amplify him or pluck him out from a dire scenario like the end of time? Considering how independent she is and how Swamp Thing mentions that she is a “millionfold” stronger than the Green from his time, it feels somewhat shaky to grant her as a full extra support character since she doesn’t end up intervening in other emergencies like the Upside Down Man later. For the record, Zatanna wasn’t amplified by the World Tree when defending against Pralaya, since this was only used for one burst of magic and the amplifier weakens the farther away someone is from the World Tree. Additionally, her spell on her own managed to burst her out of Pralaya through the newborn Swamp Thing, whose link and body was absolutely necessary to carry this out.
Considering his elemental amplification and assistance as Swamp God and against the Upside Down Man, even if this power was only because of the World Tree, he has other ways of reaching these heights. You could even argue that his time travel to his distant past or a point in time where she existed in time would suffice, although, to be fair, Swamp Thing isn’t as experienced with that power. Though, at most, her addition would only give extra abilities if we give the leeway to add her to his arsenal, which is similarly applicable to the next discussion…
Would Adam K’ad-Mon be Outside Help?
Mr. Adam K’ad-Mon had a large involvement in the events of Man-Thing Volume 3 (1997-1998). As a Fallen Star, he is one of the primordial entities created by the Staff of the Creator by, obviously, the Divine Creator that helped to mold and maintain the dream of creation as the first Man of Lineage. Termineus bestowed upon Ellen, who then gave it to Man-Thing, the aforementioned Staff which was housing the sentience of Mr. Adam. While initially more dormant, upon collecting a few shattered fragments of the Nexus, he began to take over Man-Thing from the Staff and established full control at around the time of the Silver Surfer confrontation. After collecting all the shards and preventing Termineus from eliminating all of creation, the heroes effectively divorced themselves from Adam as he grew into his own independent entity as of Peter Parker: Spider-Man 1999 #1 midway through the comic.
Later on, Adam primarily shows up to challenge the likes of Ghost Rider Alejandra and to team up with Man-Thing as Oldfather Adam later. Considering Ted could potentially match the Scrier with the Nexus drawn down into him, with the Staff itself, or by virtue of controlling the Nexus putting him on par with a Fallen Star, it’s not necessarily an issue of power without K’ad-Mon, moreso a lack of experience with it and those extra abilities he shows off in the Ghost Rider run. In fact, the Scrier coveted the Staff of the Creator, suggesting its usefulness or potency may be something he isn’t normally capable of. So, in short, yes. He’d likely be too independent to be reliably part of what Man-Thing’s standard support usually is. Much like the World Tree, his moments of assistance are too few and far between anyway as well, and he’d mostly just have more capabilities in regards to knowing how to reality warp more effectively. But, he does serve as a good way of scaling Nexus feats at least.
Wouldn’t Man-Thing mind his own business?
Here’s a bit of weirdness when it comes to debating this fight: If both characters are starting off neutrally against each other, wouldn’t Man-Thing not bother Swamp Thing since he doesn’t start off automatically afraid or distressed? How would we even quantify whether or not the Burning Touch would work if we don’t know whether Alec would be spooked by Man-Thing? Would this mean Man-Thing would simply be stationary while Swamp Thing gets a bunch of free hits in? Not exactly. These questions often fail to take into account various factors about Man-Thing’s empathic abilities and behavior. For one, Man-Thing will fight back with a baseline level of self-preservation, as he understands whenever he’s being threatened or attacked. Now, Man-Thing himself is normally a mindless being acting on instincts and the emotional “vibes” of others. But, recently Ted Sallis could finally emerge and assert his control over the beast himself, meaning that the mindless cryptid isn’t the only one capable of being aware anymore.
As for whether Swamp Thing would cause Man-Thing to already act at the start of the fight, it’s worth noting that the Green itself has consistently been portrayed to be in some form of constant pain. Obviously, this was meant to be a commentary on environmentalist values and how manmade industry has been polluting the planet for decades now. Nothing, depressingly, has changed about this both in-universe and in real life, meaning that it’s more than possible for Swamp Thing to be feeling distressed or frustrated more often than not at any given point. He wouldn’t necessarily be afraid of Man-Thing in the same way most human characters are, given that he’s seen elementals like him before.
However, more often than not, Alec’s long term interactions with other elementals have turned out to be adversarial, especially when it comes to the Parliament, meaning that, at minimum, a little bit of stress at seeing an unfamiliar plant monster isn’t a stretch to assume. Also, in order to give Man-Thing access to the full potential of his power, assuming that he’s maxed out on global fear is a scenario that’s already something to consider as a part of this fight, which should be more than possible if he wanders off into a populated, surveilled location anyway. In fact, Man-Thing’s ability to induce fear through the Dreadscape or his proximity-based Nexus nightmares should be able to help him land fiery grasps every so often, which will only self-perpetuate as Swamp Thing’s fire-related trauma and the environmental toll snowballs out from their fight. Basically, his “dormant” state is a non-factor.
Swamp Thing
= Immortality through the Green, Avatar Bodies, and Astral Form
= Swamp God & Element-Amplified Strength
= Can track Man-Thing across the multiverse
= Incalculably equal with leeway to Man-Thing
= Can escape most battlefield removal methods
+ Stronger Base Form
+ Quantifiably Faster
+ Can absorb or destroy the Everglades Swamp
+ Greater Size Manipulation
+ Could easily tear out Man-Thing’s soul
+ Potentially able to wrestle away the Dreadscape & the Nexus
+ Vibrations could sever Man-Thing’s connection to the Nexus
+ Willpower could likely resist Nexus-based Reality Warping & Fear Inducement
+ More coordinated army
+ Could army wipe on his own
+ Could ignore malleability with enough mass
+ Far more versatile powers
+ Far more experienced
+ Incapacitation via Dehydration
+ Incapacitation via Man-Thing entering the Green
+ Incapacitation via Plant Manipulation…
+ Incapacitation via Materializing out of Man-Thing…
+ DCU Swamp Thing (2019)
+ Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #21
+ Endorsed by Commissioner Gordon for governor
= Unlikely for physical strength to be relevant
- Other elements are debatably standard or nonstandard
- Burning touch debatably could affect his Astral Form
- Unable to possess Man-Thing
- Vines & sedatives countered by malleability
- Inferior bodily regeneration
- Empathic detection can see through disguises
- Quantifiably less members of his army
- Reality warping might sever his connection to the Green
- Being turned into alternate selves could leave him vulnerable as Alec Holland
- Potential difficulty getting past proximity-based Reality Warping by the Nexus
- Typically doesn’t start off with plant manipulation against other elementals
- …but Man-Thing could eject Ted and reclaim his body
- …but that leaves him vulnerable to reality warping or the Nexus
- DCU Swamp Thing (2019)’s cancellation
- Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #78
- Would not be able to deal with Unlimited Void
"Maybe the world fears us more than ever. But, we’ll change that."
= Immortality through the Nexus
= Lineage Man-Thing & Nexus-Amplified Strength
= Can track Swamp Thing across the multiverse
= Incalculably equal with leeway to Man-Thing
= Can escape most battlefield removal methods
+ Ted emerging increases reaction speeds
+ Disruption Whistle could stun Swamp Thing’s Astral Form
+ Can enforce the Burning Touch with one slip-up in the Dreadscape
+ Even without the swamp, the Nexus can revive him
+ Proximity-based reality warping while amplified is a powerful shield
+ The Nexus’s Reality Warping might sever the link to the Green
+ Greater range with the Staff of the Creator
+ Greater experience with dimensional travel
+ Dimension hopping might free him from an army battle
+ No limit to army numbers
+ Summoning a Ghost Rider is a potential option against the Astral Form
+ Burning Touch might burn Swamp Thing’s soul if Astral Forms are equalized…
+ Sealing could win the fight…
+ Could hide from scrying in the Nexus crossroads…
+ Werewolf by Night
+ Enjoys gift exchanges
+ Would be able to no-sell Unlimited Void
= Unlikely for physical strength to be relevant
- Abysmal travel speed without wings
- Quantifiably Slower
- Weaker Base Form
- Gradually loses stamina over time with dehydration
- Less overall options to end the fight
- Mindlessness doesn’t protect from suggestion-based mind hax
- Severing his link to the Nexus & destroying the swamp removes his revives
- The Green’s emotions, suggestions, and lulling are dangerous counters
- His body leaves him vulnerable to quick enough plant manipulation
- The Staff of the Creator is also vulnerable to plant manipulation
- Far more awkward & messy army coordination
- Would not nuke reality to win the fight
- Far less versatile powers
- Far less experienced and intelligent
- …but there are way more showings of non-spiritual interaction
- …but the only time he’s done this was as Adam
- …but the Nexus crossroads are incredibly random & labyrinthian
- That time he started talking
- Helped Dreadpool
- Man-Thing (2005)
Finally, we’re at the actual debate and battle between these two enigmatic, absurdly powerful swamp creatures. Because of both their lengthy lists of abilities, I’ve decided to break up the deciding factors into the following categories to organize the discussion:
Strength & Durability
Alright, it’s time to get the more complicated stats out of the way first. First, let’s take a look at the “normal” strength these two can normally be found operating at without any notable amplifications or special circumstances. Starting with Swamp Thing, he’s been noted, particularly even early on, to be a powerhouse even without the Green on par with Solomon Grundy and Superman. After finally connecting to the Green, Batman and Gotham City itself was nothing but fodder to him as he grew to master his new job as the kingdom’s champion. He’s regularly fought on the level of Etrigan and Superman in multiple eras, and he has no issue dealing with the likes of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and can terraform the planet should he see fit. And, he’s been stated to control all plant life in the known universe in an encyclopedia. With his ability to reshape the Green and fight other Avatars of different kingdoms even in their own realms, Swamp Thing comfortably sits as a noteworthy high tier in DC, although it’s questionable if he reaches the heights close to Doctor Fate and Phantom Stranger all on his own. Constantine himself was even directly skeptical of that. But, when it gets this high in DC, numbers and planets are hardly the quantifiers to use anymore.
His best showings without other elements backing him up are a bit shaky, but they include fighting the Sons of Trigon, threatening sorcerers like Zatanna and Felix Faust during a rampage, contending with Anton Arcane when his supernatural presence was mistaken for Trigon or the Spectre, and fighting with the Blight, who gave Constantine, Nightmare Nurse, and Phantom Stranger trouble. There’s also the time in the Injustice comic where Doctor Fate considered him a threat and was restrained by him. But, in the Justice League Dark runs, it’s implied that the Ruby of Life amplification was needed to contend with Doctor Fate and his Lords of Order.
Although, during his confrontation against the Upside Down Man before the Man-Bat amplifier, he was able to actually suppress and bury the aforementioned eldritch entity all on his own for a not-insignificant brief period of time. But, it’s possible that the other kingdoms were somewhat helping him out since, at the time, samples of his body contained traces of animal and fungal material relevant to other kingdoms. However, Zatanna’s papa’s words before that confrontation seemed to imply he always found Swamp Thing capable of dimension hopping and, potentially, reaching new heights of power. During the final battle against Pralaya in the House of Mystery, which survived Pralaya’s omniversal erasure and was previously harmed by Swamp Thing when fused as the House of Wonders, the newborn avatar allowed Zatanna to weave the World Tree’s body out of him to recreate and burst all of creation from within Pralaya. Tapping into the “full” power of the Green could mean tapping into that tree, but Swamp Thing has noted that the Green was a “milliongold” stronger back during the time where she was most present. You could argue, however, that her performing such a feat at all in the present and being the root of the Green means using the full strength of the kingdom might still get to those heights.
It’s all very murky when it comes to how high the Green gets normally because of this. But, once Swamp Thing has help from at least 4 elemental kingdoms or more, the Phantom Stranger admits that he can’t beat him in a fight. Previous mentions of how elemental matters could even threaten Heaven alongside similar amplifiers being able to contend comfortably with Doctor Fate and the Upside Down Man, who matches the creator of all magic in DC known as Hecate, means that these higher ends that affect the Sphere of the Gods and all of creation are far more solid at Swamp God levels of power. As Swamp God, he did claim he was going to rid the world of the Presence and wasn’t afraid of a confrontation with the Word. But, Tefé swooped in with a special anti-Word noise to defeat him, so this is likely why. Plus, Swamp God never ended up actually killing the Presence in the end, obviously. Additionally, other Green Avatars like Alan Scott in the Earth 2 series could physically contend with Darkseid and punch holes through Apokolips with a full, multi-elemental amp, further supporting such heights. And while you could certainly argue against Swamp Thing reaching beyond the Sphere of the Gods in levels of power without boosts, there are still high end arguments you can somewhat comfortably make.
TL;DR - DC cosmology layers courtesy of the Ultron vs Brainiac G1 Blog:
6th Dimension
5th Dimension (Beyond the Source Wall)
World Tree (Highest Amps: Pralaya, Phantom Stranger, Swamp God)
Monitor Sphere (Highest Amps: Pralaya, Phantom Stranger, Swamp God)
Sphere of the Gods (Potential Downscaling off Doctor Fate and the Upside Down Man)
Elemental Kingdoms (Base Swamp Thing at least)
Speed Force Wall
The Bleed
Infinite higher dimensions (for now)
As for Man-Thing, his showings are far more esoteric considering a lot of his “durability” feats are more about his slimy body ignoring whenever anyone tries to pummel him. Physically, he’s beaten down multiple eras of the Hulk, various Hulk opponents, and offshoot characters like She-Hulk and Weapon H. Needless to say, he’s meant to be portrayed as an absolute powerhouse. He pinned down Doctor Strange underwater with his own weight, burned Hyperion and Captain Marvel, and tore off Psycho-Man’s arm. It should be brought up, however, that Hyperion’s lasers could easily obliterate Manny’s body, Carol’s fire resistance came in clutch shortly after being burned, and later versions of the Hulk have easily torn Man-Thing apart. That same Hulk was actually reached out to by Fused Man-Thing to deal with a threat he considered above his paygrade, so he needed Hulk to take care of it. In fact, Ereshkigal’s Living Tribunal-level amplifier from outside the multiverse allowed her to easily annihilate most of him in one shot as well. And, Franklin Richards could easily obliterate Man-Thing without much effort. This all calls into question whether or not the creature can fully outright scale to some of the more insanely impressive peaks from Psycho-Man, where She-Hulk was beating him down as well, and stronger Hulks like Immortal Hulk, who the Thing had to use ALL of his effort to knock out before collapsing himself.
This certainly wouldn’t call into question the applicability of his malleable body though, since he could straight up ignore basic punches from any of those characters unless they blasted him with extraordinarily overpowered beams or something. In fact, both Psycho-Man himself and Doctor Strange, now no longer holding back, actually knocked Man-Thing over with their initial shots before he got up later. We should be looking at instances like when Victorious, a villain who fought on par with Thing earlier, failed to wrestle away the Cosmic Cube from Manny. These low showings and direct strength feats show that Man-Thing isn’t necessarily full-blown highest Immortal Hulk tier strong, but more so Thing-level strong. Him tanking certain strikes can, a lot of the time, be chalked up to how his slimy body interacts with certain types of attacks like punches or claw swipes.
However, the Nexus being drawn down into him in any sort of way to amplify him overloads the Man-Thing with absolutely absurd cosmic strength. As stated previously, anyone that can manipulate or control the Nexus should be on par with the Fallen Stars like Adam who shaped creation after being made by the Divine Creator. Not only that, but Nexus Man-Thing has consistently threatened reality and potentially even matches the True Scrier, given he coveted the Staff of the Creator. The Scrier himself could threaten all of Marvel’s creation with his fight against Galactus and the Other, but he also claimed that he could kill the Fallen Stars himself, which would be helpful given that Man-Thing was fed the energies of all of them. We don’t really know if Scrier was bluffing or gassing himself up here, since he could depower the Staff but also ran off after losing his bet, claiming to spare him and “actually” using this to test his disciple, but there’s other avenues to get to this power level. Adam had previously been able to threaten Mephisto with his war on sin, and the Ghost Rider whose power he helped draw out could defeat the devilish threat in his own realm. Given Adam could mentally dominate her and survived a brutal Penance Stare tied to his Original Sin, this should track as being near his level of power. On top of that, Mephisto himself could not break through the Nexus’s dimensional barriers on his own. It’s also been claimed that anyone capable of harming the Fallen Stars could harm the Creator, but this is, so far, unsubstantiated. But, characters like Silver Surfer have even conceded that it was “impossible” to win a fight against Adam Man-Thing, who could damage Mephisto and Galactus in the past. I should also note that Galactus has also previously coveted the Nexus, providing further backup for scaling at around the Scrier’s level due to their fight, although this is a Howard the Duck comic, so take it with a grain of salt.
However, the real question here is how far the Nexus crossroads actually stretch, since that could give us a more definitive placement for this amplification. We know Belasco’s deal with Ted was what imbued his serum with the dimensional energies to create the Nexus point, which should safely tie it to Limbo, which transcends all planes of existence, spacetime, and creation, at the very least given he was in charge of it at that point. In Marvel’s cosmology, this places the Nexus, at bare minimum, beyond the Superflow and Microverse, but below the Neutral Zone. But, considering America Chavez can create portals that even reach the Neutral Zone, an argument can be made that the Nexus should extend its reach there too. The Living Tribunal once lived in the Superflow as well, specifically in the Overspace, which exists below the Neutral Zone. It’s around here where scaling the Nexus starts to get wonky, since characters like Mephisto could, at his peak, threaten the omniverse and potentially Yggdrasil. Though, the ever-honest Mephisto could be exaggerating here. Even though the M’Kraan Crystal, which houses the White Hot Room, has been deemed a Nexus Point, it’s super unclear and somewhat of a stretch to say that Nexus-amped Manny can reach White Hot Room and Far Shore levels of power. Considering the “No More Mutants” spell likely affected the whole of Marvel’s omniverse but failed to reach those in the White Hot Room, it can be argued that “all of creation” feats, in its numerous applications to the Nexus, could make it have that amount of reach if we’re generous. However, at this point it’s worth noting that the swamp, as a Nexus Point, is apparently not as cosmically important as the M’kraan, but we don’t know if this applies to the crossroads inside since the Crystal instead houses the White Hot Room.
TL;DR - Marvel cosmology layers courtesy of the Ultron vs Brainiac G1 Blog:
Far Shore (Generous Highball: M’Kraan Crystal)
Neutral Zone (Multiversal Portals Still Reach)
Overspace / Otherworld (Other Omniversal Nexus Points)
Limbo & Death Dimensions (Minimum Nexus Reach via Belasco and Crossroads)
Infinite higher dimensions (for now)
As you can see, Man-Thing is more complicated to talk about because his Nexus amp keeps climbing higher and higher depending on where you stop. But, both characters do tend to have “all of creation” statements for their highest feats at their most amplified. In general, Nexus-amped or Lineage Man-Thing should be omniversally on par with Swamp God, since realistically the Nexus should get up to the Neutral Zone. But, even if it gets beyond that to even the White Hot Room, this would match the similar levels of omniversal reach that the World Tree and Monitor Sphere entities contend with like the Phantom Stranger, at least from my understanding. The same can’t be said, however, at their base forms. There, Swamp Thing comfortably sits amongst DC high tiers like Superman regularly but not Doctor Fate, whereas Man-Thing rounds out at the Thing, who has to push himself to match Immortal Hulk at all, and older Hulks. Later, he’s even getting absolutely torn to shreds by modern Hulks and Hyperion.
But, you know, it’s fine if you disagree since I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure these cosmological placements out. Just don’t be weird or condescending about it and we’ll be cool. This is simply the conclusion I came down to after finally settling on these spots.
When it comes to speed, however, Swamp Thing’s feats and scaling are generally far more solid and tend to blow Man-Thing’s speed feats (or lack thereof) out of the water. Having been able to fight on par with most of the Justice League, Dark or Vanilla, (examples being: Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Zatanna) and fly interstellar distances as his Astral Self with unbelievable swiftness, the Floridian entity certainly has a lot of catching up to do. Especially since a lot of the characters Holland simply scales to without any amplifications or other kingdoms are already within Immeasurable ranges. Because Swamp Thing’s travel speed overall far exceeds Man-Thing’s pathetic shambling, which is to the point that he can’t even sprint, his reactions scaling to his opponents would need to help him out here. Luckily, he’s fought with the Hulk and various other “Hulk characters” across numerous eras. The Hulk, of course, has arguments for being able to fight with infinite speed, but this being one of the cryptid’s only avenues for that makes it harder to justify. On his own, Manny’s best arguments for catching up rely on “beyond measurable spacetime” movement, which is shaky to quantify as speed at all.
While Ted was in charge, he could surprise, overpower, and even outspeed Doctor Strange, although this could just as easily be chalked up to him being notably caught off guard since he didn’t know Sallis was conscious. What’s important to note, though, is that Ted is stated to grant the Man-Thing much faster reactions, which are already enough to fight off the Hulk and numerous other Street Tiers. The real question is, however, about if he could grow out those wings that Adam used to catch up to Silver Surfer, a character with unquestionably incalculable feats and scaling. Additionally, it is somewhat unknown as to whether Ted would even be able to scale, reaction-wise, to Fallen Stars like Adam too. Maybe on his own this is too much, but with Nexus amplifications this level of flight speed it could be argued that his body is capable of these levels and that the issue lies with how his legs slow him down significantly on the ground. If being able to manipulate the Nexus truly puts someone on par with the Fallen Stars, something that can be argued to translate to speed due to all the realities with potential infinite sizes, then perhaps Man-Thing can reach these speeds in a technical sense. However, in general, both Ted and Man-Thing have much weaker arguments for having the same levels of speed that Swamp Thing can easily reach, especially without the feats to back them up.
Without Nexus amplifications, Swamp Thing should, in my opinion, take the speed advantage quite handily because he has stronger arguments for it. However, I acknowledge that the Hulk scaling and Nexus technicalities can be argued to make up the difference. And, even if Ted is argued to be unable to grow out his wings since that was only ever something Adam did, his dimensional travel via portals and teleportation could help make up for the abysmal travel speed. Quantifiably, Swamp Thing should take the speed category. But, with the incalculable arguments from both taken as they are alongside the dimensional travel and reaction boosts from Ted, we can, for the sake of the ability arguments not being entirely shut down, treat them as equal with enough leeway given to Man-Thing. Although, Swamp Thing likely has more experience with higher reaction speeds overall and likely gets higher than Ted’s reactions.
Arsenal & Abilities
Getting into their primary, basic kits, Swamp Thing usually attacks people with vines by stabbing or restraining them, alongside throwing hands with his superhuman strength. But, against Man-Thing's unique body of what's essentially swamp slime, conventional attacks will have no effect on him or can be easily slipped out of. Even completely destroying Man-Thing’s body will mean nothing should his Everglades Swamp remain or even if the Nexus is around. However, the same could be said for Man-Thing if he attempts to use his hulking strength on Alec’s many bodies. The avatars all essentially act as shells for his Astral Form, so destroying them physically basically means nothing so long as there’s even a tiny bit of plant life still existing. Plainly speaking, even if we equalize their physical toughness and power, none of that really matters because they have methods of coming back to life without a piece of their physical body, which I’ll expand upon later. What this ends up doing is making this a hax fight where their tangible toughness is effectively tossed out the window. With the arguments for quantifiable speed generally being better for Swamp Thing, but the arguments for Man-Thing being able to technically match him at full amplifications or through scaling to certain opponents, this is where the debate actually starts.
Now, there’s an absurd amount of little one-off abilities or weapons that only give slight, but mostly irrelevant advantages for the fight. I’ll only be covering what I believe are the most relevant powers, counters, and factors here. But, for people that want a more in-depth look into a far more detailed analysis, feel free to look over this hax comparison chart that I made after reading all the below arguments. But, first, let’s address a misconception about this fight:
Isn’t this just the Green versus the Nexus?
While looking into discussions surrounding this fight, it’s oftentimes been simplified down to a battle between the Green’s capabilities and the Nexus of All Realities rather than one between the swamp creatures. Most of the time, this is due to the impression that it’d result in a stalemate as a result of their resurrection abilities forcing each character to interface with the realms themselves. So, is this true? In some ways, yes, the characters would potentially interact with the Green or the Nexus in certain scenarios should they decide they need to, and both have ways of entering each plane of existence. However, there are more than enough ways to not only put the other down for good without that, but also to permanently incapacitate them.
Permanently destroying Swamp Thing’s Astral Self will most assuredly get rid of him, and managing to forcibly retire him, seal him, or annihilate all plant life or the Green in such a way that Swamp Thing nearly dies like he did at the end of time are all viable methods to defeat him. On the flipside, there have been multiple occasions where Man-Thing would have been permanently incapacitated, such as if Ted was deleted so Manny’s body would be left helpless to the whims of Harrower’s plant manipulation. Leaving the entity fully dehydrated, isolated and frozen solid, or severing its link to the Nexus to definitively take care of that pesky resurrection issue are all ways to end the fight. Though, of course, these are all just examples I’m spitballing. The point is that this fight is between the entities themselves, meaning this is not solely reliant on the complete annihilation of the Green or the Nexus. With that in mind, let’s actually start discussing the most relevant tools and categories in this fight.
In a fight where such an innumerable amount of abilities are in play, being able to open a window of opportunity, even for a few seconds, could definitely sway the fight.
Regeneration & Resurrections: First and foremost is their survivability. Both characters have regenerative capabilities and ways to resurrect themselves if even that ends up failing. In this regard, Man-Thing’s regeneration is typically stronger. He’s able to reform and come back from being completely splattered, having his upper body blasted to bits, or being entirely chemically dissolved, suggesting molecular level potency. While the Marvel Zombies rule about staying on the ground isn’t exactly consistent with his canon showings, Man-Thing getting blasted apart while nowhere near his swamp, magic, sunlight, or nutrients can sometimes mean that he can’t reform on his own. This would leave him stuck unless he’s outright blasted apart completely, ironically enough.
Meanwhile, Swamp Thing’s regeneration for his bodies, at most, could reform his head right away or his upper body after a few minutes. At that point, it’s better to just ditch the body and instantly reform a new one around his Astral Form out of available plant matter. This technically requires less stipulations than Man-Thing’s regeneration rules, which Alec could logic together given his own understanding of plant bodies. Although, only partially obliterating Man-Thing’s body and taking it someplace barren and sheltered is a bit too specific of a tactic to be too reliable in the middle of a fight. However, this would be bolstered by the more obvious tactic, which he’s employed against a vampire-filled lake, to manifest as the environment around the swamp and destroy the Everglades swamp outright, absorb its mystical water into himself, or, with a connection to the Blue, more easily dry it all out.
Of course, none of this matters unless Swamp Thing has a way to stop Manny from reviving if the Nexus is drawn into him, since it could revive him outright with a fragment way outside of his own swamp. Considering reviving at the swamp is quick enough to bring him back mid-combat, the Nexus should be as quick if it’s drawn into him. Dying within the Nexus itself, such as during the Phoenix Force tournament or when Hulk tore both Man-Thing and Ted apart, would also just result in them coming back. However, Swamp Thing has answers through tactically leaving Manny near-obliterated and away from sunlight or nutrients. And, he can simply will his Astral Form to fly out and make another body, while Man-Thing actually has the capacity to end up stuck as a portion of his head under the right conditions. Of course, there’s other factors that can influence these abilities that we’ll cover in a later section. But, for now, Holland has a slight edge in creating an opportunity here that can buy him time, but both can revive mid-combat.
Armies & Support: With their revivals and regenerations being as crazy as they are and difficult to circumvent except under situational means, there are definitely other ways to keep them busy. This can be easily accessed via both of them having the means to summon forth their own massive armies in an effort to overwhelm their opponent with outrageous numbers and variety.
On Swamp Thing’s side, he has the pirates via the doubloon which were not only a one time use, but also complete and utter fodder in this fight. No, the important support comes in the form of the entire Parliament of previous champions completely at Holland’s beck and call, although they don’t have the luxury of being able to resurrect in new bodies. Considering the kingdoms have often gone to war against other elements and the fact that Swamp Thing has led such battles from the front lines, the army of the Green is not to be underestimated. Not only are there warrior champions with readied blades and large sizes, but there are also dinosaur-like elementals that charge into battle. In addition to them, there’s also the Dead Zone Monster that kept itself in the Green and ready to assist Alec in a jam with massive tentacles and potential toxic runoff. It’s also worth noting that Swamp Thing himself has managed to fight off entire armies on his own anyway should they ever be depleted, which is immensely helpful given that he can freely duplicate himself to make up for lost numbers over the course of the fight.
Meanwhile, in Man-Thing’s corner is the unfortunate fact that he cannot duplicate himself. However, that won’t slow him down one bit, since he can literally pull an Avengers: Endgame when amplified by fear and the Nexus in order to bring in his own army of interdimensional monsters that can be both large and small in stature. Not only that, but, with enough careful empathic manipulation, Man-Thing can summon other famous Marvel characters from their own continuities. And, considering he has access to any alternate universe that he wants, it’s not too disingenuous to suggest that their strengths and abilities could match those of their canonical selves in the best case scenario. Manny’s been able to bring in characters like Wolverine, Spider-Man, Hulk, and Ghost Rider before, but his options are theoretically much broader. Now, the aforementioned big names are nice and all, but the real catch of that small group has got to be Ghost Rider in this scenario given his hellfire has the ability to burn up souls. Obviously, this is extremely helpful against an entity like Swamp Thing who’s effectively only able to keep fighting so long as his soul is intact.
Although, it should be worth mentioning that Man-Thing hasn’t exactly led armies before, and the extra moment taken to try and induce fear, nightmare scenarios, or empathically manipulate those heavy hitters to his side does cost him some precious moments in the heat of battle. Now, Man-Thing does have an area of effect attack in the form of his burning powers that can affect at least a whole city, especially if he grows that large to help out against the Parliament armies or transfers potential toxic runoff to the avatars. He could potentially even grow big enough to start absorbing nearby army members. However, Swamp Thing here has a massive advantage not only with his own kaiju size growth (which can probably exceed Manny’s highest growth showings) or range of omnidirectional vines for areas of effect, but also through his trump card against organic characters. No matter how hard a humanoid or monster tries, they’ll always come into contact with some form of plant matter somewhere in a vulnerable part of their body. This could allow Swamp Thing to swiftly negate their durabilities by growing massive plant structures out from inside of them to take care of Wolverine or Spidey. Hulk is a bit tougher to deal with, but even he’s vulnerable to other methods of incapacitating large groups of people, like forcing flowers with a sedative scent onto their noses to knock them out.
Unfortunately for Swamp Thing, none of those options really bother Ghost Riders, who are probably the greatest ace up Man-Thing’s nonexistent sleeve. On the flipside, Swamp Thing’s army is full of larger, more experienced threats. They could take out large numbers of fodder monsters or Street Tiers that could be summoned at once, especially if some of them include duplicates with various and more plentiful AOE attacks. Meanwhile, Man-Thing would need to be doing heavy lifting by constantly burning out massive fear-fueled explosions, summoning and converting more army members with portals, or even just trying to teleport bigger threats away. However you slice it, Swamp Thing’s army has more overall consistent power levels and can close in more easily on Man-Thing to keep him overwhelmed and on the backfoot. Not only that, but that precious time could be spent on thinking up, preparing, and executing specific plans.
Escaping for Setup: Speaking of preparation, there’s always a simple, reliable technique whenever a character is faced with a strange foe: Running away to think of something! Now, Man-Thing’s method is rather obvious. He could simply portal away to another dimension mid-battle while Ted tries to cook up a strategy. Swamp Thing can just as easily slip over across the planet or cosmos to manifest over at a plant somewhere else or just slip into the ground to enter the Green to similarly buy some time to think up a strategy. Now, the answers they both have to this are their abilities to simply cross dimensions themselves through dimensional portals or the Green to meet up with their opponent. Swamp Thing would be able to track Manny’s body being made up of vegetable matter or simply track the void of life shifting across the multiverse, alongside reading the memories of or scrying through nearby plants to find hiding spots. Man-Thing’s ability to detect and recognize emotional signatures should cut through any disguises, and he’s been able to find people with just their image or search the multiverse through the Nexus, so there’s nowhere to hide either.
As for halting any escapes altogether, there’s a few issues that Man-Thing has to deal with. Firstly, dimension hopping into the Green itself, which he wouldn’t understand, would lead to several problems regarding the effects the realm itself has on non-avatars. I’ll get into that in the Domains section, but the overwhelming will and emotional state of every plant in existence within the plant mind could end up paralyzing his empathic senses, for example. Plus, Swamp Thing is at his strongest within the Green, so any of his abilities will be greatly enhanced and Man-Thing would be stripped down to his soul, exposing it. Not only that, but Swamp Thing can absorb or siphon out the moisture in Manny’s body on the surface, which could incapacitate him either permanently or for a long time. This grows even easier if you give Swamp Thing access to the Blue, where he could simply dehydrate the body with way more ease without having to get close to him.
Plus, as we’ll get into more later, assuming Swamp Thing doesn’t fully manipulate the swampy body outright at the subatomic level, the cells containing Ted would have to act quick to reclaim his body while retreating and hoping Alec doesn’t detect them. Although, to be fair, Swamp Thing hasn’t really opened up with manipulating other elemental bodies outright in the past too often. Theoretically, using the Floridian entity’s disruption roar might be able to stun Alec’s Astral Form for a little bit, it was only ever used once and probably can’t stop him outright. Enforcing some reality warping or nightmare scenarios for Swamp Thing to work through could help stall for time as well, but Alec’s overwhelming willpower can power through it, especially with the Nexus sometimes having its warping held back by concentration. Also, both their time travel methods are either not reliable via being unable to change too much in the past, not having good control over it, or simply having it be primarily theoretical or matched. The point is that while Man-Thing could always find a way to pop in if Alec runs away or use certain powers to try to slow him down, Alec has more numerous reliable methods aside from escaping to buy himself time or even leave Manny open or incapacitated.
While both characters certainly have ways to provide ample opportunities to land decisive hits or think up a strategy, the little and big advantages add up. Their resurrections and regenerative abilities are absurdly helpful even with some stipulations, but Swamp Thing’s support and incapacitating methods are generally more reliable and they can give Alec more windows of opportunity more often than not.
But, obviously, we can’t really discuss this fight without taking the massive realms they protect into account. While we already went over how much strength they offer, it’s important to go into how useful the boons they offer and the characteristics they each have compared to each other. Starting with the Nexus, its vast quantities of dimensional energies are somewhat shared by the waters at the actual Everglades Swamp, but drawing down the energy and effects of the crossroads themselves shines a light on just how useful of an amplification it is when controlled. For starters, it should be capable of allowing Man-Thing to have the capability of interfacing with the Green, since similar beings like Man-Thing Thang Thoom could reach ideaspaces. And, the Limbo that the connection from Belasco originates from could reach a location that transcends space and time and all planes of existence. Considering the Green doesn’t reach beyond the Source Wall, it’s not entirely necessary to even get into whether the Nexus for Man-Thing reaches the White Hot Room, but that could theoretically offer a greater range as well. Being within the crossroads itself is actually something of a risky maneuver for Man-Thing too if he wants to use it to avoid being scried on, since he could easily get lost without a trinket from his dimension or fall victim to the randomized reality warping found within.
Speaking of which, the greatest boon offered by the Nexus is, without a doubt, its reality warping. Being able to manifest nightmare pocket dimensions, forcibly turn characters into their alternate continuity selves, or mess with their empathy enough to make them attack their allies makes approaching Man-Thing incredibly difficult. Not only that, but having access to summoning on top of the possibility of Swamp Thing turning into a version of himself that’s human, which is possible given the New 52 reboot started him off that way, is dangerous and leaves him more vulnerable. Additionally, in the Injustice comics it was shown that the connection to the Green could possibly be severed by reality warping, such as when Trigon and Mr. Mxyzptlk’s fight caused this as a side effect of their fight. In fact, this potency could even potentially be bolstered as Lineage Man-Thing through the Staff of the Creator, and the dimensional travel would absolutely be able to reach the Parliament of Worlds if Swamp God used it as a haven of sorts or escape the planetary omniscience he has.
However, Swamp Thing’s own willpower could suffice as a way to resist fear inducement and reality warping, as shown with how Man-Thing could concentrate to remove certain aspects of the Nexus’s reality warping. Similarly, Alec’s iconic suppression and hijacking of the Upside Down Man’s warping for a time showcase potential answers to this. Although the Nexus’s law of science manipulation that made Molecule Man’s wand not work was helpful, the Green itself is more metaphysical and focuses on the law of nature. Plus, an entire realm should be more formidable than one gadget. And, while being able to shunt characters into another dimension or the crossroads is usually a good strategy, Swamp Thing can usually escape into the Green so long as the plane he’s inside of exists. Similarly, Man-Thing being able to portal away could help out against being dragged into the Green, but the immediate effects of being there provide more of an issue. The point stands, however, that the broad application of reality warping is a dangerous ability for Swamp Thing to deal with, especially with his vulnerability to it before.
Luckily, simply being inside of the Green is dangerous for Man-Thing too, since it has numerous ways of taking advantage of his specific vulnerability to mental suggestions, rather than his resistances to mind or brain-based hijacking. For one, he’s been mystically knocked out before, which the Green managed to induce in Superman after a healing dip in one issue. And while the danger to a person’s individuality being assimilated could potentially be resisted by the entity’s mindlessness (though, poor Ted would certainly be in trouble), the constant mental suggestions and powerful temptations to lull a character into bodily assimilation or soul-based hibernation are definite fight enders. The call of the Green and its plant mind could even boost this further by overwhelming Manny’s empathic sensing with the entire collective consciousness of vegetation as well. Although, it’s theoretically possible that Man-Thing being neither dead nor alive could make it difficult for bodily assimilation to occur, the Dead Zone Monster shows that even bodies made of the “absence of life” can coexist within the Green. Plus, going inside of the Green has unraveled characters down to their souls before, which would strip away the dangerous, flammable skin and leave Manny wide open for Swamp Thing to attack his soul more directly.
Of course, the restoration of Alec’s link to the Green sounds like a good answer to it getting severed, but this only worked within the context of that run because Levi’s connection was only “impaired”, not wholly taken away. But, thanks to his control over vibrations and frequencies, Alec has been able to sever links to power sources and realms alien to him, such as a fungal connection to the Grey with a touch. He’s been able to stabilize connections to alternate continuities like with Post-Crisis Superman before, so it’s consistent that he should be able to do the opposite, which helps against the Nexus since the Silver Surfer could separate it from Howard the Duck in the past too. Of course, most of this can be avoided should Man-Thing simply avoid going to the Green or being within range of Swamp Thing grabbing him, which is helped out by his proximity-based reality warping. Although, the plant manipulation’s metaphysical potency could make it as simple as manipulating all of Manny’s body like Harrower did but with more success, although Alec never usually opens up with this against other elementals and their theoretical similar speeds could allow the body to eject Ted’s cells so he could reclaim some of his body back. Though, this ranged body puppetry by Alec could still match the ranged usage of the Staff’s own warping as well, so it’s a tough call.
We should also discuss whether the connection to other kingdoms, such as to water, fire, earth, flesh, and air, are standard or fair to grant to Swamp Thing here. They primarily served as ways to ramp up to the Swamp God arc, but Constantine confirmed later that he never actually lost his connections after Alec returned to Earth. Even after keeping them for a while and releasing them during a fight against Sargon’s power absorption, that knowledge still remained in the Green’s information and memory-based depths. Plus, he regained control over a few of the main kingdoms again in a later run regardless, albeit only for a while. Personally, I would think it’s okay, but I can see the issue people would have with it. Especially since it’d offer other connections in case Swamp Thing’s Green link is removed, alongside their massive versatility and power boost. While we’ll keep them in mind when considering how the swamp god forms interact, this fight won’t heavily rely on arguments and win conditions the other elemental kingdoms offer when making Swamp Thing arguments.
With all of those abilities and advantages in mind, it’s honestly kind of difficult to say whether one realm offers an enormous advantage over the other. Neither character can really ignore the dangers they come attached to and the possibility of getting severed from them altogether. Rather than getting overly speculative about which advantages are slightly bigger, it’s safer to make the call that both domains offer huge, game-changing moves.
So, we’ve touched on how both characters had certain counters for each other in previous sections, but it’s important to actually dive deeper into this topic and how each relevant power interacts with the other powersets:
Swamp Thing’s Possessions: For example, Swamp Thing’s methods of possession have revolved primarily around hijacking a character’s brain after ejecting their soul from it. However, Man-Thing lacking a brain and having his brain cells distributed across his body make this far more alien for Alec to attempt. And, even if he could try to take over his mind, Molecule Man was basically sent to “oblivion”, remaining a passenger in Man-Thing’s head for even trying to take over something that isn’t there. It’s not exactly clear how that’d work with Ted in charge, but it’s unlikely you could hijack his mind if he has none physiologically speaking. Of course, this wouldn’t preclude Manny from the vulnerability to mental suggestion-based mind hax or from getting his soul torn out, but this specific method Swamp Thing uses probably wouldn’t work.
Swamp Thing can potentially specifically target Ted’s aspect like the Parliament did to his, especially with how he released a portion of Alec’s aspect before and forcefully fused his aspect and his body back together. The Dreadscape would potentially make this even easier, since he could maybe drag Ted down to the Green and leave him there so his mindless body has less of a speed boost and answer to being manipulated in other ways. Though, that’s still a bit of a roundabout set of circumstances to reach that specific method of incapacitation. Plus, Man-Thing’s mind absolutely baffling Xavier and Dr. Strange trying to permanently emerge Ted with his magic makes that idea of enforced Ted separation even more difficult. Simply put, manually mentally hijacking Man-Thing likely won’t work, so he’d have to rely on another way to mess with him.
Swamp Thing’s Plant Manipulation: Okay, this is a big one. Lots of people can simply look at this match and think that Alec just waves his hand and turns Man-Thing into a plant-based piece of modern art. In some ways, this isn’t too far off if he actually attempts this since the Harrower could do the same to Manny’s body. However, throughout that run Ted eventually finally emerges and wills pieces of his body back to reclaim them. Theoretically, if Man-Thing is fast enough with his instinctive ejection of Ted’s cells, he could quickly reclaim some of his body. Though, of course, that runs into the issue that Swamp Thing can certainly manipulate beyond the cellular level, so it’d come down to his reactions and how fast you think they could get. Additionally, Man-Thing being neither dead nor alive might obfuscate the plant manipulation, although the Harrower example kind of flies in the face of that.
But, immediately trying to control an elemental’s body is a technique Alec typically hasn’t gone for even in life-or-death fights unless he was against human beings. So, it’s unclear if he would try this right off the bat while using in-character tactics. Swamp Thing could also horrifically attempt to materialize a body out of Man-Thing’s body, which has worked against even sentient beings to lock their consciousnesses in a pseudo-haven. Though, his Astral Self would still have to theoretically interface with the proximity-based reality warping of a Nexus amplification, and this method did leave him open to being deconstructed by a Green Lantern from the one time he did this. Luckily for Swamp Thing though, his sheer control over massive plant constructs and his own size likely outgrowing Man-Thing’s best showings prove that the amount of mass he creates could still push the Floridian monster around so as to not deal with the annoyance of his malleable body. Plus, his lack of a need to breathe and slimy body negates sedatives and vines, which are common approaches for Alec. Similarly, Manny’s resisted his life force being absorbed and reality warping against him gradually reverts over time. Overall, this debate point is a bit inconclusive, since Swamp Thing trying this body puppetry could probably work, but there’s a lot of narratively contextual points, resistances, and logistical obstacles to consider.
Army Wipes: In addition to being able to manifest around the Everglades swamp to absorb, destroy, or dry it out, this highlights how Swamp Thing’s plant manipulation and larger bodies could easily wipe Man-Thing’s set of Street Tiers and dimensional monsters. On his own, he could likely do this as a regular body with his vines as well. However, Man-Thing has a basically unending supply of characters and monsters to summon as opposed to Swamp Thing’s limited army numbers. Plus, it’s harder to kill characters like Hulk or Ghost Rider who provide bigger threats if they’re anywhere near the heights that their canon versions can reach. Plus, Man-Thing’s absorption and proximity-based warping through the Nexus effectively puts up a fly zapper of sorts around him that can buy him a way out of being overwhelmed. Plus, the more characters there are, the more opportunities there are for his fiery powers to activate from some one-off source of fear for big AOE chances. Plus, he could always portal out of there to avoid an army confrontation altogether. With the tools Swamp Thing has by himself to deal with armies while trying to attune to a new location, there’s a chance that Manny can circumvent this category altogether since he can more easily shift his own army around.
Power Severance: This section is fairly simple. Swamp Thing’s touch and potentially even a ranged way to activate this can sever characters from their links to extradimensional power sources, like how he did this to a fungal seal or how he restored Post-Crisis Superman’s continuity frequency. When Alec redirected the vibrational energies from the moon to eject the Parliament from the Green altogether, which bonded them to another elemental body, this shows that this range can probably extend beyond needing to physically touch Man-Thing. Plus, the Silver Surfer has separated Nexus links from characters like Howard before, so there’s a precedent. But, obviously Alec would have to work around the close range and potentially longer range reality warping threats.
On the flipside, warping Alec into a version of himself that’s human or without the link to the Green not only is a possibility, but reality warping in general has been able to sever his connection on multiple occasions. Constantine’s matches, Trigon and Mxy’s fight, and Hecate’s magic or only a few examples of this, and the Nexus should certainly be capable of this if Ted figures out what’s going on with the Green. Though, resisting the reality warping of the Nexus through concentration has happened before, so a being of great willpower like Swamp Thing could power through that if that applies to all aspects of its warping. They both have answers and vulnerabilities here, so looking at other powers to see if someone can get a leg up on potential obstacles is worth looking at instead of nitpicking further.
Man-Thing’s Dimensional Travel: Does Alec have any answers to Man-Thing dimension hopping around and leading him on a wild goose chase? While it’d certainly be annoying, he can travel through dimensions via the Green and attune to alien celestial bodies, although this would take a second. While Manny could lead him into a dimension with no plants to weaken him somewhat, so long as any plant exists elsewhere throughout the multiverse, Swamp Thing should theoretically be okay. Although, this ability certainly gives him more battlefield control and helps to make up for his lack of travel speed normally. The Dreadscape could also be accessed by Swamp Thing being able to travel across dimensional apertures, shrinking to the cellular level and beyond, and simply being able to work with plant cells.
While Ted normally has complete control over the realm and could spook Swamp Thing to activate a full body burn, Alec’s greater willpower and his ability to wrestle away control over personal realms from characters like the Upside Down man put Ted in far greater danger. Plus, Mxy’s nightmare scenarios were circumvented by Detective Chimp of all people, and Man-Thing’s scenarios were powered through by Howard’s team altogether through their own strength of character and bravery. There are ways around the pocket scenarios, and we’ll get into Swamp Thing’s potential bravery later, but overall the actual dimensional travel helps Man-Thing sway things in his favor if he’s ever in a spot of danger. Although, to be entirely fair, Manny usually teleports or portals across the globe, and he’s not really a regular dimension hopper since he normally sticks around his swamp to protect his Nexus Point. But, you could also argue that Ted being in charge would lead to smarter choices on that front.
Staff of the Creator: It should be worth noting that Man-Thing doesn’t have much experience with the Staff beyond his one issue as Ted, since Adam was in control most of the time while holding it previously. The bigger threat with the Staff is the potential range it offers, since Nexus fragments could envigorate whole planets and the actual use of the artifact is what shaped all of creation. This suggests that its reality warping could theoretically extend that far, although Ted’s never used it that way in a combat scenario. Plus, due to it being made of weathered wood, Swamp Thing could easily mold the artifact into any size or shape he wants to knock it out of Manny’s hands. It’s possible for him to materialize as it too, although its ability to info dump poses a brief threat if he stays in it for too long. But, he could always ditch it before that happens like Ellen did. While similar holy “wood” like the Pre-Lapsarian Wood from Eden weren’t technically a part of nature and required manual grafting, there aren’t any such specific details like that regarding what the Staff is made out of. Unfortunately, the Divine Creator’s aesthetic tastes provided Swamp Thing with an easy solution to this weapon.
Man-Thing’s Burning Touch: Finally, we can talk about the most iconic power in Man-Thing’s entire kit. So, would Swamp Thing know fear and burn at his touch? The answer actually has several layers to it. For one, in terms of heat, Captain Marvel’s heat resistance has been able to shrug off burns from Man-Thing’s body without needing to resort to being brave. Swamp Thing himself has been able to be continually burned by Superman’s concentrated, star-like heat vision on several occasions, which is analogous to how Man-Thing could burn Hyperion despite having laser vision that gets that hot as well. Although, Superman arguably has more potency packed into a usual use of that power. Swamp Thing’s been able to make plant bodies out of vegetation that chokes flames with carbon dioxide and has resisted typical fire through his moist body too. However, this isn’t the main argument to consider. What we should be asking is if Alec Holland would activate this power through his own fear and whether Man-Thing would be able to burn his Astral Form to ashes?
Regarding the latter, it kind of comes down to an argument in favor of or against equalization. Sure, Man-Thing has numerous showings of being unable to grasp intangible entities, but the claims that his flames can burn even gas-based bodies and his showing of burning a demon whose body was made of ectoplasm could lead to some extrapolation. Astral forms in Marvel are made up of ectoplasm, and they’ve been shown to have just as informational and metaphysical anatomy as the vibration and light-based astral body that Swamp Thing has. However, the point still stands that his body is fundamentally different and that burning one ectoplasm-based demon once isn’t as strong an argument as it could be. But, if we do equalize this, then would Alec be in any danger?
Certainly, we could point to Swamp Thing’s ridiculous showings of herculean willpower to help bolster the idea that he can power through getting shown his fire-based trauma again or being induced through nightmare scenarios. While anger can still trigger the flames and fear of things in general could set this off, Swamp Thing has had so much experience fighting other elementals that any amount of stress upon initially seeing someone that looks like one would be replaced by natural confidence. But, let’s also not downplay the kind of cosmic danger Swamp Thing has faced, like having his newborn self dive straight into Pralaya’s void body at great risk to himself and overpowering the eldritch Upside Down Man in his own realm. But, perhaps his greatest showing of bravery was seeing the Great Darkness painfully burn Dr. Fate, Etrigan, and the Spectre and simply walking in without resignation or wrath. There, he simply and calmly had an existential conversation with the entity, and since then he’s had a greater understanding of nuance regarding “monsters” and “evil”. This could be bolstered by Swamp Thing getting an opportunity to read memories off of Manny or Ted, if the mindlessness gets in the way.
The greater threat would be his worry over Man-Thing potentially greatly harming the Green. This would only really be a threat if the fires go off in the first place or if the Staff is used destructively against the Green, and it has no offensive showings. No, destabilizing or threatening reality via the Nexus would be a primary concern. So, there is one decent avenue to activate the burning touch, although inducing those nightmare scenarios for even the briefest of moments would also be enough if Man-Thing is quick enough to act on it. So, it’s not like there’s no possible way for this to go off, especially with how moody and cranky Swamp Thing is. It’s simply a matter of the danger this burning touch could pose if you buy that he can harm the Astral Form of Swamp Thing. But, if we grant Swamp Thing his elemental powers, which he’d have as Swamp God, then he could easily manifest as the very flames being used against him. Though, that then gets into weird territory about whether that’s inherently dangerous to his soul.
So, while these counters are certainly hard to quantify, Manny’s unfathomable nature and various abilities tend to give him a lot of answers and provide obstacles for Swamp Thing. Constantly portaling around, looking for the smallest bit of fear, tons of reality warping avenues, his normally mindless body, that same malleable, lifeless body avoiding sedatives and usual vine attacks, and several threats to Swamp Thing’s connection to the Green make this quite the obstacle course for Alec to traverse. This is especially true with how Swamp Thing would need to grow in size, manually target threats like the Staff, or maybe even go against his usual approach and target Man-Thing’s body directly. Basically, Man-Thing has a lot more battlefield control and passive defenses against quite a few techniques, meaning Swamp Thing is forced to play this fight tactically and carefully.
Win Conditions
Now that we’ve analyzed how most of their powers and domains interact, with offense favoring Swamp Thing and defense favoring Man-Thing, all roads lead to one ultimate question surrounding this matchup. Who could actually permanently defeat their opponent more often, if at all? It can almost seem like the previous sections start to get circular up to a certain point, since Swamp Thing can create opportunities and Man-Thing can defend against those windows to a degree. Therefore, something definitive is needed to conclude this discussion. Let’s divide this up into different types of win conditions to answer that:
Man-Thing’s Win Conditions:
Burning Touch: Should Man-Thing be able to get his hands on Swamp Thing if his speed allows it, he’d be able to potentially land a burning touch. Swamp Thing has some decent arguments for not being spooked by him. But, if he’s at his maximum potential, he’ll already be amplified by global fear at most. He could also potentially grow in size or head into a populated area if he wants to scare some random people, although this is stretching the viability of this tactic a bit. In DC, Swamp Thing’s Astral Form is not just his soul, but a knot of light, pure energy, and vibrations, the latter of which is the basic foundation to DC’s existence. In Marvel, Astral Forms are made up of ectoplasm and are metaphysical and informational, something arguably as fundamental. While Manny has burned beings of pure ectoplasm, he’s struggled on numerous occasions to actually interact with spirits a majority of the time. Although, his burning is claimed to be able to burn intangible forces like gases. It kind of comes down to whether you think Man-Thing could burn away Swamp Thing’s Astral Body.
Personally, I don’t really think so. Alec’s essence has survived greater destructive forces like the Anti-Monitor Crisis Wave, being inside of Pralaya’s body, and getting blasted by Matango’s soul-damaging breath. Plus, if Man-Thing’s burning was really capable of such a thing, the times where he’s burned himself should have destroyed his own soul, although you could maybe argue the Nexus’s revivals are that thorough. But, that ends up feeling like a stretch in my opinion. This one comes down to personal interpretation, and the argument for it is weak to me.
Sealing: There are two arguments for a sealing win condition. You could argue that Man-Thing’s burn is so intense that it’d end up crystallizing the sap around Swamp Thing’s soul to seal him away like it did in his time travel escapades. However, Swamp Thing’s body has endured the heat of a star, and possibly beyond, under Superman’s concentrated heat vision for a long while without succumbing to such a thing. Additionally, Swamp Thing has since been able to make bodies out of plants that choke flames with carbon dioxide, and his potential connection to the element of fire could negate the burning touch altogether. The other way to seal Alec away would be to replicate the black diamond seal that knocked Ellen out during the Shattered Nexus saga. But, Adam was the one that used this move, and it’s unclear if Lineage Manny would know how to do this or if he even could replicate it. It wouldn’t be a go-to move really, and it was only ever used once by someone that wasn’t even him, making this win condition crumble away.
Ghost Rider: Yes, I’m being serious. As hilarious as the idea is, Man-Thing’s Nexus connection has allowed him to summon an alternate Ghost Rider in the past. While alternate continuities could vary in what their characters are capable of compared to the canonical 616 one, there’s a possibility that one of them would be able to use their hellfire to burn Swamp Thing’s soul more definitively. However, it’s not really the strongest win condition to rely on an entirely different character to win for you, especially one whose capabilities and stats could vary so wildly. So, is there another viable victory move so this isn’t his most reliable one?
Reality Warping: Simply put, this is Man-Thing’s best and most straightforward way to win. By either potentially using the Staff of the Creator or by making use of the reality warping near his Nexus-amped body, Manny could turn Swamp Thing into a more vulnerable version of himself. This could possibly sever the link to the Green or make it so that he’s human Alec Holland again, which leaves him wide open to killing him with brute force or by burning him down. Doing things this way would help to do away with any pesky astral projection ability too, and Swamp Thing is no stranger to getting reality warped himself. Although, there is that run within the Nexus that suggested that concentration and willpower could help fight against its unstable reality. But, we don’t really know if this extends to when it’s weaponized outside of it. Also, no, the guardian of the Nexus would not nuke all of reality to kill one guy, that goes against his entire established purpose as a character.
Swamp Thing’s Win Conditions:
Incapacitation: Sure, it isn’t a “death”, but leaving a character unable to move forever is a genuine way to end the fight. Should Swamp Thing forcibly dehydrate Man-Thing through absorption, siphoning, or his Blue connection in an area devoid of water, sunlight, or nutrients, there’s nothing the creature can do. This wouldn’t activate his revival either, thus leaving some husk either stuck as a statue permanently or leave him open for Swamp Thing to do whatever he wants. This is especially true if Alec takes the fight outside of the Everglades swamp, dries it up, absorbs it for himself, or simply destroys it. Not only that, but it really could be as simple as Swamp Thing deciding to maximize his plant manipulating potency and turn Man-Thing into an art display with his powers to the point that the cells containing Ted can’t escape. Though, of course, this isn’t something he’d normally immediately go for. Plus, considering that he has an army and a bunch of duplicates, he’ll be clued into any proximity-based Nexus warping enough to know he has the ranged options to circumvent that. Examples of this include the aforementioned plant manipulation or diving into the Green and simply reappearing next to Man-Thing to use any close range option he had in mind.
Materialization: One such close range option includes his ability to manifest out of Man-Thing’s body, something he’s been able to do with sentient plant beings. This was done to the point that they were stuck in metaphorical havens while writhing on his body mass. Although, this left him open to getting picked apart by a Green Lantern before, and there’s still the danger of the Nexus or the burning touch affecting him in this state. This wouldn’t really permanently incapacitate him, but he could, in theory, manifest out of the Nexus’s plants to gain a bit of the water’s dimensional energies too. This could, in theory, grant Swamp Thing all of the advantages and none of the disadvantages of Man-Thing’s body aside from a proper connection to the Nexus. But, while neat, these techniques don't really put an end to the fight.
Soul Manipulation: Should Swamp Thing get close enough, he could easily tear Man-Thing’s soul out of his body, which would include Ted somewhere in there. From there, it’s as simple as chomping down on the soul, beating it down, or forcibly dragging it into the Green as all of the powers tied to its body are no longer in play since the swampwater is absent. While Man-Thing has once been flamed with Ghost Rider’s hellfire, that isn’t going to stop him from being helplessly attacked in this state. This one is one of the more solid victory moves.
Reality Warping: Through the Green’s ability to alter reality, it shouldn’t be too hard for Swamp Thing to use it as a get-out-jail-free card should he ever get stuck in the Dreadscape. He’s been able to overpower and wrestle away the will of the Upside Down Man over his own realm, who was a dark mirror to Hecate, who made all magic in DC. This was done before his explicit amp in the run, which allowed him to entirely enforce natural law into the aforementioned realm with a power likely similar to the elemental amps he receives as Swamp God. Even if you were to argue that the other kingdoms helped to some degree when he overwrote the UDM’s control over his own realm, the Dreadscape should be nowhere near that level of power on its own, so Swamp Thing should be able to replicate this with just the Green. Additionally, with elemental amplifications or as Swamp God, Alec might even be able to wrestle away Man-Thing’s control over the Nexus, especially with his experience and statements against the Upside Down Man, Pralaya, and the Phantom Stranger. This is especially true with how the Upside Down Man matches Hecate being the originator of all magic in DC, which matches the heights of the World Tree’s similar statements. And, you could possibly say that all of that feat is magic-based, except that magic in DC shapes reality according to the will and belief of the user.
With the will of the entire Green and how its metaphysical potency defines the boundaries of reality, Swamp Thing has a strong case of being able to not just match, but have a leg up on Man-Thing’s best win condition all on his own. By enforcing his reality over another, this should be able to leave Man-Thing wide open. With how Swamp Thing can cross dimensional apertures to meet someone from where they were controlling another entity, this should similarly apply to, say, Ted piloting Man-Thing too. Thus, this would eliminate the boosted reaction speeds and more tactical approaches. And, while Ted has maintained all of creation collapsing on his own, this doesn’t preclude him from losing control over the Nexus or his pocket dimension as he hasn’t demonstrated this. Which, of course, is further enforced by the Nexus having had its warping resisted by mental fortitude, meaning it would absolutely have a better chance at faltering against an existence-spanning collective plant mind. All of this is also further pushed by Swamp Thing’s options to sever the connection with vibrational manipulation too, giving him multiple options to leave Man-Thing open while having no more revives. Plus, Ted simply doesn’t have much experience with intentional reality warping beyond the Dreadscape.
The Green: And, of course, some of Swamp Thing’s paths to victory naturally are carved out by the Green itself. With the way the Green constantly mentally tempts and subdues characters within it and how its entire plant mind has feelings of its own, Man-Thing could get quickly pacified or paralyzed should he ever step foot inside. Considering his vulnerability to suggestion-based mental attacks, it shouldn’t be too difficult for Swamp Thing to enforce hibernation or leave him there forever in eternal bliss. This is made easier by the realm unraveling characters down to their souls leaving Manny helpless, and it can mystically knock characters out from a partial dip. His extrasensory surveillance through all plants also helps him find wherever Man-Thing could be hiding if there are plants around, which should be true because his body is covered in vegetable matter. Plus, while Man-Thing might not have a mind to assimilate, the Green could easily do this to Ted or entirely distribute his DNA amongst plants. While the creature being neither dead nor alive makes this weird, Swamp Thing could theoretically allow the kingdom to fuse Man-Thing with life itself for another form of assimilation. Plainly speaking, the Green could just as easily absorb Man-Thing too. Additionally, Alec is at his strongest while inside of the Green too, and he’s shaped it in its entirety before, meaning he has a clear home field advantage.
Quantifiably speaking, Swamp Thing just has more win conditions both available without special boosts, and he still has more reliable ones with both their full amplifications in play. Should Man-Thing be fighting in his base form, he simply doesn’t have many solid options compared to the numerous options Swamp Thing does have. Now, while simply reality warping Alec to leave him vulnerable is his best option, the Green acting as a sanctuary and its reality warping being able to wrestle away or suppress similar powers for a time is just the counter and opening that he needs. Simply put, Swamp Thing has more to work with and better ways to end the fight.
Tertiary Factors
And, to put the final nail in the coffin, Swamp Thing has fought off much more intelligent and cunning foes than the normally mindless Man-Thing in numerous wars, some of which he was able to fight off all on his own. Even if Ted is in charge, Swamp Thing has all the memories and experiences of the previous champions of the Green, granting him practical eons of tactical wisdom that last even as far back as prehistory. Meanwhile, Ted’s highest showings as a Man of Lineage have only ever occurred over a handful of issues, meaning he doesn’t have the wide variety of reality warping or even battle experience to contend with Alec. Swamp Thing’s dealt with literal eldritch beings, some of which share his own powers or have been shaping reality to their whims since they started existing, on a staggeringly common basis. What this would mean is that even if Man-Thing was an omniversal warrior of altering reality, he’s still fighting and even working with characters that do the exact same thing that Manny hypothetically does.
However, the Floridian cryptid still has range on his side given that his tools and showings have often threatened all of reality, and Swamp Thing hasn’t really grown himself outwards to that degree regularly. His best showing would be the World Tree growing itself out from the new Swamp Thing against Pralaya, but that same story shows that plants just need to exist a little bit for the Green to remain in play, which it should given what Man-Thing’s body is made of. Even when Wally and Barry’s race was tearing apart extradimensional realms such as the Green, where their speeds would certainly be above anything Ted or Manny can handle on their own, it still wasn’t in immediate danger. This suggests that the kingdom’s state of touching every dimension and plane would give Swamp Thing the briefest window to travel through it and pop in by the Man-Thing to try whatever he needs to try. Basically, the Green can still allow Alec to theoretically close the gap should he feel the need to. With that, we can give our final category to the Avatar of the Green.
Finally, we’re at the end. This was one of the largest, craziest comic fights and matchups I’ve ever had to tackle on my own, but, in the end, only one swamp man could come out the victor. With Swamp Thing’s far superior years of experience and combat prowess against reality warpers, he had every tactical advantage available to not just take on Man-Thing, but the man inside should he ever take the wheel. With the Green’s control over plants, the dangerous plant-mind, and his absurdly varied abilities and support provided just the openings he needed to bypass the reality warping and fearful inferno the deadly, teleporting cryptid would throw at him. With far more definitive options to pacify him forever or even wrestle away his best tools, like the Nexus or his body by removing his soul, there’s just more serious power plays he can make. So, don’t get “bogged down” in the details, it’s only a matter of time before “Alec” plays the right move to bring the curtains down on this Giant-Size Shop of Horrors.
The winner is Swamp Thing.
Blog Written by: SpaceJellO
Several Scaling Scans Sourced from the Following Blogs:
G1 Death Battle Fan Blogs:
Bang’s Blogs: Larfleeze vs Annihilus https://bangsbangingblogs.blogspot.com/2024/04/bangs-blogs-larfleeze-vs-annihilus.html
Ultra Death Battle and Screwattack Blogs - Marvel & DC Character Analysis Blogs:
All of Ultraguy’s character analysis blogs are currently moving here:
The blogs that I referenced from him went down, but they’re likely getting reuploaded.
They were character analysis posts for:
Jean Grey
Scarlet Witch
Ghost Rider
Silver Surfer
Superman Master Notes
Certain Cosmological Scans:
Astral Forms and Magic in Marvel Blogs by Eseseso:
Wikis Used as Occasional Reference:
This was incredible
ReplyDeleteAmazing Work.
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog.
ReplyDeleteThough I would say your placement of DC cosmology scaling seems a tad bit overblown but everyone has their opinion I guess